import type { TypedArray } from ''; import type { RenderPipelineProps, RenderPipelineParameters, BufferLayout, VertexArray, TransformFeedback, AttributeInfo, Binding, UniformValue, PrimitiveTopology } from ''; import { Device, Buffer, RenderPipeline, RenderPass, UniformStore } from ''; import type { ShaderModule, PlatformInfo } from ''; import { ShaderAssembler } from ''; import type { Geometry } from "../geometry/geometry.js"; import { GPUGeometry } from "../geometry/gpu-geometry.js"; import { PipelineFactory } from "../factories/pipeline-factory.js"; import { ShaderFactory } from "../factories/shader-factory.js"; import { ShaderInputs } from "../shader-inputs.js"; import { AsyncTexture } from "../async-texture/async-texture.js"; export type ModelProps = Omit & { source?: string; vs: string | null; fs: string | null; /** shadertool shader modules (added to shader code) */ modules?: ShaderModule[]; /** Shadertool module defines (configures shader code)*/ defines?: Record; /** Shader inputs, used to generated uniform buffers and bindings */ shaderInputs?: ShaderInputs; /** Bindings */ bindings?: Record; /** Parameters that are built into the pipeline */ parameters?: RenderPipelineParameters; /** Geometry */ geometry?: GPUGeometry | Geometry | null; /** @deprecated Use instanced rendering? Will be auto-detected in 9.1 */ isInstanced?: boolean; /** instance count */ instanceCount?: number; /** Vertex count */ vertexCount?: number; indexBuffer?: Buffer | null; /** @note this is really a map of buffers, not a map of attributes */ attributes?: Record; /** */ constantAttributes?: Record; /** Some applications intentionally supply unused attributes and bindings, and want to disable warnings */ disableWarnings?: boolean; /** @internal For use with {@link TransformFeedback}, WebGL only. */ varyings?: string[]; transformFeedback?: TransformFeedback; /** Mapped uniforms for shadertool modules */ moduleSettings?: Record>; /** Show shader source in browser? */ debugShaders?: 'never' | 'errors' | 'warnings' | 'always'; /** Factory used to create a {@link RenderPipeline}. Defaults to {@link Device} default factory. */ pipelineFactory?: PipelineFactory; /** Factory used to create a {@link Shader}. Defaults to {@link Device} default factory. */ shaderFactory?: ShaderFactory; /** Shader assembler. Defaults to the ShaderAssembler.getShaderAssembler() */ shaderAssembler?: ShaderAssembler; }; /** * v9 Model API * A model * - automatically reuses pipelines (programs) when possible * - automatically rebuilds pipelines if necessary to accommodate changed settings * shadertools integration * - accepts modules and performs shader transpilation */ export declare class Model { static defaultProps: Required; readonly device: Device; readonly id: string; readonly source: string; readonly vs: string; readonly fs: string; readonly pipelineFactory: PipelineFactory; readonly shaderFactory: ShaderFactory; userData: { [key: string]: any; }; /** The render pipeline GPU parameters, depth testing etc */ parameters: RenderPipelineParameters; /** The primitive topology */ topology: PrimitiveTopology; /** Buffer layout */ bufferLayout: BufferLayout[]; /** Use instanced rendering */ isInstanced: boolean | undefined; /** instance count. `undefined` means not instanced */ instanceCount: number; /** Vertex count */ vertexCount: number; /** Index buffer */ indexBuffer: Buffer | null; /** Buffer-valued attributes */ bufferAttributes: Record; /** Constant-valued attributes */ constantAttributes: Record; /** Bindings (textures, samplers, uniform buffers) */ bindings: Record; /** Sets uniforms @deprecated Use uniform buffers and setBindings() for portability*/ uniforms: Record; /** * VertexArray * @note not implemented: if bufferLayout is updated, vertex array has to be rebuilt! * @todo - allow application to define multiple vertex arrays? * */ vertexArray: VertexArray; /** TransformFeedback, WebGL 2 only. */ transformFeedback: TransformFeedback | null; /** The underlying GPU "program". @note May be recreated if parameters change */ pipeline: RenderPipeline; /** ShaderInputs instance */ shaderInputs: ShaderInputs; _uniformStore: UniformStore; _attributeInfos: Record; _gpuGeometry: GPUGeometry | null; private _getModuleUniforms; private props; _pipelineNeedsUpdate: string | false; private _needsRedraw; private _destroyed; /** "Time" of last draw. Monotonically increasing timestamp */ _lastDrawTimestamp: number; get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string; toString(): string; constructor(device: Device, props: ModelProps); destroy(): void; /** Query redraw status. Clears the status. */ needsRedraw(): false | string; /** Mark the model as needing a redraw */ setNeedsRedraw(reason: string): void; predraw(): void; draw(renderPass: RenderPass): boolean; /** * Updates the optional geometry * Geometry, set topology and bufferLayout * @note Can trigger a pipeline rebuild / pipeline cache fetch on WebGPU */ setGeometry(geometry: GPUGeometry | Geometry | null): void; /** * Updates the primitive topology ('triangle-list', 'triangle-strip' etc). * @note Triggers a pipeline rebuild / pipeline cache fetch on WebGPU */ setTopology(topology: PrimitiveTopology): void; /** * Updates the buffer layout. * @note Triggers a pipeline rebuild / pipeline cache fetch */ setBufferLayout(bufferLayout: BufferLayout[]): void; /** * Set GPU parameters. * @note Can trigger a pipeline rebuild / pipeline cache fetch. * @param parameters */ setParameters(parameters: RenderPipelineParameters): void; /** * Updates the instance count (used in draw calls) * @note Any attributes with stepMode=instance need to be at least this big */ setInstanceCount(instanceCount: number): void; /** * Updates the vertex count (used in draw calls) * @note Any attributes with stepMode=vertex need to be at least this big */ setVertexCount(vertexCount: number): void; /** Set the shader inputs */ setShaderInputs(shaderInputs: ShaderInputs): void; /** Update uniform buffers from the model's shader inputs */ updateShaderInputs(): void; /** * Sets bindings (textures, samplers, uniform buffers) */ setBindings(bindings: Record): void; /** * Updates optional transform feedback. WebGL only. */ setTransformFeedback(transformFeedback: TransformFeedback | null): void; /** * Sets the index buffer * @todo - how to unset it if we change geometry? */ setIndexBuffer(indexBuffer: Buffer | null): void; /** * Sets attributes (buffers) * @note Overrides any attributes previously set with the same name */ setAttributes(buffers: Record, options?: { disableWarnings?: boolean; }): void; /** * Sets constant attributes * @note Overrides any attributes previously set with the same name * Constant attributes are only supported in WebGL, not in WebGPU * Any attribute that is disabled in the current vertex array object * is read from the context's global constant value for that attribute location. * @param constantAttributes */ setConstantAttributes(attributes: Record, options?: { disableWarnings?: boolean; }): void; /** * Sets individual uniforms * @deprecated WebGL only, use uniform buffers for portability * @param uniforms */ setUniforms(uniforms: Record): void; /** * Sets individual uniforms * @deprecated WebGL only, use uniform buffers for portability * @param uniforms */ setUniformsWebGL(uniforms: Record): void; /** * @deprecated Updates shader module settings (which results in uniforms being set) */ updateModuleSettingsWebGL(props: Record): void; /** Check that bindings are loaded. Returns id of first binding that is still loading. */ _areBindingsLoading(): string | false; /** Extracts texture view from loaded async textures. Returns null if any textures have not yet been loaded. */ _getBindings(): Record; /** Get the timestamp of the latest updated bound GPU memory resource (buffer/texture). */ _getBindingsUpdateTimestamp(): number; /** * Updates the optional geometry attributes * Geometry, sets several attributes, indexBuffer, and also vertex count * @note Can trigger a pipeline rebuild / pipeline cache fetch on WebGPU */ _setGeometryAttributes(gpuGeometry: GPUGeometry): void; /** Mark pipeline as needing update */ _setPipelineNeedsUpdate(reason: string): void; /** Update pipeline if needed */ _updatePipeline(): RenderPipeline; /** Throttle draw call logging */ _lastLogTime: number; _logOpen: boolean; _logDrawCallStart(): void; _logDrawCallEnd(): void; protected _drawCount: number; _logFramebuffer(renderPass: RenderPass): void; _getAttributeDebugTable(): Record>; _getBufferOrConstantValues(attribute: Buffer | TypedArray, dataType: any): string; } /** Create a shadertools platform info from the Device */ export declare function getPlatformInfo(device: Device): PlatformInfo; //#