import { uid } from ''; import { Geometry } from "../geometry/geometry.js"; import { unpackIndexedGeometry } from "../geometry/geometry-utils.js"; // Primitives inspired by TDL, // copyright 2011 Google Inc. new BSD License // ( export class PlaneGeometry extends Geometry { constructor(props = {}) { const { id = uid('plane-geometry') } = props; const { indices, attributes } = tesselatePlane(props); super({ ...props, id, topology: 'triangle-list', indices, attributes: { ...attributes, ...props.attributes } }); } } /* eslint-disable complexity, max-statements */ function tesselatePlane(props) { const { type = 'x,y', offset = 0, flipCull = false, unpack = false } = props; const coords = type.split(','); // width, height let c1len = props[`${coords[0]}len`] || 1; const c2len = props[`${coords[1]}len`] || 1; // subdivisionsWidth, subdivisionsDepth const subdivisions1 = props[`n${coords[0]}`] || 1; const subdivisions2 = props[`n${coords[1]}`] || 1; const numVertices = (subdivisions1 + 1) * (subdivisions2 + 1); const positions = new Float32Array(numVertices * 3); const normals = new Float32Array(numVertices * 3); const texCoords = new Float32Array(numVertices * 2); if (flipCull) { c1len = -c1len; } let i2 = 0; let i3 = 0; for (let z = 0; z <= subdivisions2; z++) { for (let x = 0; x <= subdivisions1; x++) { const u = x / subdivisions1; const v = z / subdivisions2; texCoords[i2 + 0] = flipCull ? 1 - u : u; texCoords[i2 + 1] = v; switch (type) { case 'x,y': positions[i3 + 0] = c1len * u - c1len * 0.5; positions[i3 + 1] = c2len * v - c2len * 0.5; positions[i3 + 2] = offset; normals[i3 + 0] = 0; normals[i3 + 1] = 0; normals[i3 + 2] = flipCull ? 1 : -1; break; case 'x,z': positions[i3 + 0] = c1len * u - c1len * 0.5; positions[i3 + 1] = offset; positions[i3 + 2] = c2len * v - c2len * 0.5; normals[i3 + 0] = 0; normals[i3 + 1] = flipCull ? 1 : -1; normals[i3 + 2] = 0; break; case 'y,z': positions[i3 + 0] = offset; positions[i3 + 1] = c1len * u - c1len * 0.5; positions[i3 + 2] = c2len * v - c2len * 0.5; normals[i3 + 0] = flipCull ? 1 : -1; normals[i3 + 1] = 0; normals[i3 + 2] = 0; break; default: throw new Error('PlaneGeometry: unknown type'); } i2 += 2; i3 += 3; } } const numVertsAcross = subdivisions1 + 1; const indices = new Uint16Array(subdivisions1 * subdivisions2 * 6); for (let z = 0; z < subdivisions2; z++) { for (let x = 0; x < subdivisions1; x++) { const index = (z * subdivisions1 + x) * 6; // Make triangle 1 of quad. indices[index + 0] = (z + 0) * numVertsAcross + x; indices[index + 1] = (z + 1) * numVertsAcross + x; indices[index + 2] = (z + 0) * numVertsAcross + x + 1; // Make triangle 2 of quad. indices[index + 3] = (z + 1) * numVertsAcross + x; indices[index + 4] = (z + 1) * numVertsAcross + x + 1; indices[index + 5] = (z + 0) * numVertsAcross + x + 1; } } const geometry = { indices: { size: 1, value: indices }, attributes: { POSITION: { size: 3, value: positions }, NORMAL: { size: 3, value: normals }, TEXCOORD_0: { size: 2, value: texCoords } } }; // Optionally, unpack indexed geometry return unpack ? unpackIndexedGeometry(geometry) : geometry; }