import type { LoaderOptions } from ''; import type { Geometry } from "./lib/parsers/gml/parse-gml.js"; export type GMLLoaderOptions = LoaderOptions & { gml?: {}; }; /** * Loader for the response to the GML GetCapability request */ export declare const GMLLoader: { readonly dataType: Geometry | null; readonly batchType: never; readonly name: "GML"; readonly id: "gml"; readonly module: "wms"; readonly version: any; readonly worker: false; readonly extensions: ["xml"]; readonly mimeTypes: ["application/vnd.ogc.gml", "application/xml", "text/xml"]; readonly testText: typeof testXMLFile; readonly options: { readonly gml: {}; }; readonly parse: (arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer, options?: GMLLoaderOptions) => Promise; readonly parseTextSync: (text: string, options?: GMLLoaderOptions) => Geometry | null; }; declare function testXMLFile(text: string): boolean; export {}; //#