// loaders.gl // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT AND ISC // Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors // Based on https://github.com/mapbox/geojson-vt under compatible ISC license import { log } from '@loaders.gl/loader-utils'; import { deduceTableSchema } from '@loaders.gl/schema'; import { Stats, Stat } from '@probe.gl/stats'; import { createProtoTile } from "./lib/vector-tiler/proto-tile.js"; import { transformTile } from "./lib/vector-tiler/transform-tile.js"; // coordinate transformation import { convertTileToGeoJSON } from "./lib/vector-tiler/tile-to-geojson.js"; // tile clipping and wrapping import { convertFeaturesToProtoFeature } from "./lib/vector-tiler/features/convert-feature.js"; import { clipFeatures } from "./lib/vector-tiler/features/clip-features.js"; // stripe clipping algorithm import { wrapFeatures } from "./lib/vector-tiler/features/wrap-features.js"; // date line processing /** Options to configure tiling */ export const TableTileSource = { name: 'TableTiler', id: 'table-tiler', version: '0.0.0', extensions: ['mvt'], mimeTypes: ['application/octet-stream'], options: { table: { coordinates: 'local', promoteId: undefined, maxZoom: 14, indexMaxZoom: 5, maxPointsPerTile: 10000, tolerance: 3, extent: 4096, buffer: 64, generateId: undefined } }, type: 'table', testURL: (url) => url.endsWith('.geojson'), createDataSource(url, options) { const needsLoading = typeof url === 'string' || url instanceof Blob; const loader = options?.table?.loaders?.[0]; const tablePromise = needsLoading ? loadTable(url, loader) : url; return new DynamicVectorTileSource(tablePromise, options); } // @ts-expect-error }; async function loadTable(url, loader) { if (typeof url === 'string') { const response = await fetch(url); const data = await response.arrayBuffer(); return (await loader.parse(data)); } const data = await url.arrayBuffer(); return (await loader.parse(data)); // options.loaders, options.loadOptions) } /** * Dynamically vector tiles a table (the table needs a geometry column) * - Tiles are generated when requested. * - Each tile contains a tables of clipped features. * * @note - Currently only accepts `GeoJSONTable` tables * @note - Currently only outputs `GeoJSONTable` * @note - (can be initialized with a promise that resolves to GeoJSONTable). * * @todo - metadata should scan all rows to determine schema * @todo - metadata scan all rows to determine tilestats (field values[] etc). * @todo - handle binary input tables * @todo - generate binary output tables * @todo - how does TileSourceLayer specify coordinates / decided which layer to render with */ export class DynamicVectorTileSource { /** Global stats for all DynamicVectorTileSources */ static stats = new Stats({ id: 'table-tile-source-all', stats: [new Stat('count', 'tiles'), new Stat('count', 'features')] }); /** Stats for this DynamicVectorTileSource */ stats = new Stats({ id: 'table-tile-source', stats: [new Stat('tiles', 'count'), new Stat('features', 'count')] }); /** MIME type of the tiles emitted by this tile source */ mimeType = 'application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile'; localCoordinates = true; /** The props that this tile source was created with */ // @ts-expect-error props; /* Schema of the data */ schema = null; /** Map of generated tiles, indexed by stringified tile coordinates */ tiles = {}; /** Array of tile coordinates */ tileCoords = []; /** Input data has loaded, initial top-level tiling is done, sync methods can now be called */ ready; /** Metadata for the tile source (generated TileJSON/tilestats */ metadata; constructor(table, props) { // @ts-expect-error this.props = { ...TableTileSource.options.table, ...props?.table }; this.getTileData = this.getTileData.bind(this); this.ready = this.initializeTilesAsync(table); this.metadata = this.getMetadata(); } async initializeTilesAsync(tablePromise) { const table = await tablePromise; this.schema = deduceTableSchema(table); this.createRootTiles(table); } async getMetadata() { await this.ready; return { schema: this.schema, minZoom: 0, maxZoom: this.props.maxZoom }; } async getSchema() { await this.ready; return this.schema; } /** * Get a tile at the specified index * @param tileIndex z, x, y of tile * @returns */ async getVectorTile(tileIndex) { await this.ready; const table = this.getTileSync(tileIndex); log.info(2, 'getVectorTile', tileIndex, table)(); return table; } async getTile(tileIndex) { await this.ready; return this.getTileSync(tileIndex); } async getTileData(tileParams) { const { x, y, z } = tileParams.index; const tile = await this.getVectorTile({ x, y, z }); return tile?.features || []; } // Implementation /** * Synchronously request a tile * @note Application must await `source.ready` before calling sync methods. */ getTileSync(tileIndex) { const protoTile = this.getProtoTile(tileIndex); if (!protoTile) { return null; } return convertTileToGeoJSON(protoTile, { coordinates: this.props.coordinates, tileIndex, extent: this.props.extent }); } /** * Create the initial tiles * @note the tiles stores all the features together with additional data */ createRootTiles(table) { if (this.props.maxZoom < 0 || this.props.maxZoom > 24) { throw new Error('maxZoom should be in the 0-24 range'); } if (this.props.promoteId && this.props.generateId) { throw new Error('promoteId and generateId cannot be used together.'); } log.log(1, 'DynamicVectorTileSource creating root tiles', this.props)(); // projects and adds simplification info log.time(1, 'preprocess table')(); let features = convertFeaturesToProtoFeature(table, this.props); log.timeEnd(1, 'preprocess table')(); // wraps features (ie extreme west and extreme east) log.time(1, 'generate tiles')(); features = wrapFeatures(features, this.props); // start slicing from the top tile down if (features.length === 0) { log.log(1, 'DynamicVectorTileSource: no features generated')(); return; } this.splitTile(features, 0, 0, 0); const rootTile = this.tiles[0]; log.log(1, `root tile features: ${rootTile.numFeatures}, points: ${rootTile.numPoints}`)(); log.timeEnd(1, 'generate tiles')(); log.log(1, `DynamicVectorTileSource: tiles generated: ${this.stats.get('total').count}`, this.stats)(); } /** * Return geojsonvt-style "half formed" vector tile * @note Application must await `source.ready` before calling sync methods. */ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity, max-statements getProtoTile(tileIndex) { const { z, y } = tileIndex; let { x } = tileIndex; // z = +z; // x = +x; // y = +y; const { extent } = this.props; if (z < 0 || z > 24) { return null; } const z2 = 1 << z; x = (x + z2) & (z2 - 1); // wrapFeatures tile x coordinate const id = toID(z, x, y); if (this.tiles[id]) { return transformTile(this.tiles[id], extent); } log.log(log, 'drilling down to z%d-%d-%d', z, x, y)(); let z0 = z; let x0 = x; let y0 = y; let parent; while (!parent && z0 > 0) { z0--; x0 = x0 >> 1; y0 = y0 >> 1; parent = this.tiles[toID(z0, x0, y0)]; } if (!parent || !parent.sourceFeatures) { return null; } // if we found a parent tile containing the original geometry, we can drill down from it log.log(1, 'found parent tile z%d-%d-%d', z0, x0, y0)(); log.time(1, 'drilling down')(); this.splitTile(parent.sourceFeatures, z0, x0, y0, z, x, y); log.timeEnd(1, 'drilling down')(); return this.tiles[id] ? transformTile(this.tiles[id], extent) : null; } /** * splits features from a parent tile to sub-tiles. * @param z, x, and y are the coordinates of the parent tile * @param cz, cx, and cy are the coordinates of the target tile * * If no target tile is specified, splitting stops when we reach the maximum * zoom or the number of points is low as specified in the props. */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-params, max-statements, complexity splitTile(features, z, x, y, cz, cx, cy) { const stack = [features, z, x, y]; // avoid recursion by using a processing queue while (stack.length) { y = stack.pop(); x = stack.pop(); z = stack.pop(); features = stack.pop(); const z2 = 1 << z; const id = toID(z, x, y); let tile = this.tiles[id]; if (!tile) { log.time(2, 'tile creation')(); tile = this.tiles[id] = createProtoTile(features, z, x, y, this.props); this.tileCoords.push({ z, x, y }); const key = `z${z}`; let stat = this.stats.get(key, 'count'); stat.incrementCount(); stat = this.stats.get('total'); stat.incrementCount(); stat = DynamicVectorTileSource.stats.get(key, 'count'); stat.incrementCount(); stat = DynamicVectorTileSource.stats.get('total'); stat.incrementCount(); log.log(2, 'tile z%d-%d-%d (features: %d, points: %d, simplified: %d)', z, x, y, tile.numFeatures, tile.numPoints, tile.numSimplified)(); log.timeEnd(2, 'tile creation')(); } // save reference to original geometry in tile so that we can drill down later if we stop now tile.sourceFeatures = features; /* eslint-disable no-continue */ // if it's the first-pass tiling if (cz === undefined) { // stop tiling if we reached max zoom, or if the tile is too simple if (z === this.props.indexMaxZoom || tile.numPoints <= this.props.maxPointsPerTile) { continue; } // if a drilldown to a specific tile } else if (z === this.props.maxZoom || z === cz) { // stop tiling if we reached base zoom or our target tile zoom continue; } else if (cz !== undefined) { // stop tiling if it's not an ancestor of the target tile const zoomSteps = cz - z; // @ts-expect-error TODO fix the types of cx cy if (x !== cx >> zoomSteps || y !== cy >> zoomSteps) { continue; } } // if we slice further down, no need to keep source geometry tile.sourceFeatures = null; if (features.length === 0) continue; log.time(2, 'clipping tile')(); // values we'll use for clipping const k1 = (0.5 * this.props.buffer) / this.props.extent; const k2 = 0.5 - k1; const k3 = 0.5 + k1; const k4 = 1 + k1; let tl = null; let bl = null; let tr = null; let br = null; let left = clipFeatures(features, z2, x - k1, x + k3, 0, tile.minX, tile.maxX, this.props); let right = clipFeatures(features, z2, x + k2, x + k4, 0, tile.minX, tile.maxX, this.props); // @ts-expect-error - unclear why this is needed? features = null; if (left) { tl = clipFeatures(left, z2, y - k1, y + k3, 1, tile.minY, tile.maxY, this.props); bl = clipFeatures(left, z2, y + k2, y + k4, 1, tile.minY, tile.maxY, this.props); left = null; } if (right) { tr = clipFeatures(right, z2, y - k1, y + k3, 1, tile.minY, tile.maxY, this.props); br = clipFeatures(right, z2, y + k2, y + k4, 1, tile.minY, tile.maxY, this.props); right = null; } log.timeEnd(2, 'clipping tile')(); stack.push(tl || [], z + 1, x * 2, y * 2); stack.push(bl || [], z + 1, x * 2, y * 2 + 1); stack.push(tr || [], z + 1, x * 2 + 1, y * 2); stack.push(br || [], z + 1, x * 2 + 1, y * 2 + 1); } } } function toID(z, x, y) { return ((1 << z) * y + x) * 32 + z; } /* // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements, complexity function convertToGeoJSONTable( vtTile: ProtoTile, props: { coordinates: 'local' | 'wgs84' | 'EPSG:4326'; tileIndex: {x: number; y: number; z: number}; extent: number; } ): GeoJSONTable | null { const features: Feature[] = []; for (const rawFeature of vtTile.features) { if (!rawFeature || !rawFeature.geometry) { continue; } let type: | 'Point' | 'MultiPoint' | 'LineString' | 'MultiLineString' | 'Polygon' | 'MultiPolygon'; let coordinates: any; // raw geometry switch (rawFeature.type) { case 1: if (rawFeature.geometry.length === 1) { type = 'Point'; coordinates = rawFeature.geometry[0]; } else { type = 'MultiPoint'; coordinates = rawFeature.geometry; } break; case 2: if (rawFeature.geometry.length === 1) { type = 'LineString'; coordinates = rawFeature.geometry[0]; } else { type = 'MultiLineString'; coordinates = rawFeature.geometry; } break; case 3: if (rawFeature.geometry.length > 1) { type = 'MultiPolygon'; coordinates = [rawFeature.geometry]; } else { type = 'Polygon'; coordinates = rawFeature.geometry; } break; default: continue; } switch (props.coordinates) { case 'EPSG:4326': case 'wgs84': projectToLngLat(coordinates, props.tileIndex, props.extent); break; case 'local': convertToLocalCoordinates(coordinates, props.extent); break; default: throw new Error(`Unsupported CRS ${props.coordinates}`); } const feature: Feature = { type: 'Feature', geometry: { type, coordinates }, properties: rawFeature.tags || {}, id: rawFeature.id }; features.push(feature); } if (features.length === 0) { return null; } const table: GeoJSONTable = { shape: 'geojson-table', type: 'FeatureCollection', features }; return table; } */