import { getJSModule, registerJSModules } from ''; import { Hash } from "./hash.js"; /** * A transform that calculates Cryptographic Hash using Crypto JS library * @deprecated Warning, experimental class */ export class CryptoHash extends Hash { name; options; /** Name of digest algorithm */ _algorithm; /** CryptoJS algorithm */ _algo; constructor(options) { super(); this.options = options; registerJSModules(options?.modules); this._algorithm = this.options?.crypto?.algorithm; if (!this._algorithm) { throw new Error(; } = this._algorithm.toLowerCase(); } async preload() { const CryptoJS = getJSModule('CryptoJS',; this._algo = CryptoJS.algo[this._algorithm]; } /** * Atomic hash calculation * @returns base64 encoded hash */ async hash(input, encoding) { await this.preload(); const hash = this._algo.create(); if (!hash) { throw new Error(; } const CryptoJS = getJSModule('CryptoJS',; // arrayBuffer is accepted, even though types and docs say no // const typedWordArray = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(input); // Map our encoding constant to Crypto library const enc = encoding === 'base64' ? CryptoJS.enc.Base64 : CryptoJS.enc.Hex; return hash.update(typedWordArray).finalize().toString(enc); } async *hashBatches(asyncIterator, encoding = 'base64') { await this.preload(); const CryptoJS = getJSModule('CryptoJS',; const hash = this._algo.create(); if (!hash) { throw new Error(; } for await (const chunk of asyncIterator) { // arrayBuffer is accepted, even though types and docs say no // const typedWordArray = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(chunk); hash.update(typedWordArray); yield chunk; } // Map our encoding constant to Crypto library const enc = encoding === 'base64' ? CryptoJS.enc.Base64 : CryptoJS.enc.Hex; const digest = hash.finalize().toString(enc); this.options?.crypto?.onEnd?.({ hash: digest }); } }