import { Layer } from ''; import type { Device } from ''; import { GroupNode, Model } from ''; import { GLTFAnimator, PBREnvironment } from ''; import { UpdateParameters, LayerContext, LayerProps, LayerDataSource, Position, Color, Accessor, DefaultProps } from ''; export type ScenegraphLayerProps = _ScenegraphLayerProps & LayerProps; type _ScenegraphLayerProps = { data: LayerDataSource; /** * A url for a glTF model or scenegraph loaded via a [scenegraph loader]( */ scenegraph: any; /** * Create a GroupNode from the resolved scenegraph prop */ getScene?: (scenegraph: any, context: { device?: Device; layer: ScenegraphLayer; }) => GroupNode; /** * Create a GLTFAnimator from the resolved scenegraph prop */ getAnimator?: (scenegraph: any, context: { device?: Device; layer: ScenegraphLayer; }) => GLTFAnimator; /** * (Experimental) animation configurations. Requires `_animate` on deck object. */ _animations?: { [name: number | string | '*']: { /** If the animation is playing */ playing?: boolean; /** Start time of the animation, default `0` */ startTime?: number; /** Speed multiplier of the animation, default `1` */ speed?: number; }; } | null; /** * (Experimental) lighting mode * @default 'flat' */ _lighting?: 'flat' | 'pbr'; /** * (Experimental) lighting environment. Requires `_lighting` to be `'pbr'`. */ _imageBasedLightingEnvironment?: PBREnvironment | ((context: { gl: WebGL2RenderingContext; layer: ScenegraphLayer; }) => PBREnvironment); /** Anchor position accessor. */ getPosition?: Accessor; /** Color value or accessor. * @default [255, 255, 255, 255] */ getColor?: Accessor; /** * Orientation in [pitch, yaw, roll] in degrees. * @see * @default [0, 0, 0] */ getOrientation?: Accessor; /** * Scaling factor of the model along each axis. * @default [1, 1, 1] */ getScale?: Accessor; /** * Translation from the anchor point, [x, y, z] in meters. * @default [0, 0, 0] */ getTranslation?: Accessor; /** * TransformMatrix. If specified, `getOrientation`, `getScale` and `getTranslation` are ignored. */ getTransformMatrix?: Accessor; /** * Multiplier to scale each geometry by. * @default 1 */ sizeScale?: number; /** * The minimum size in pixels for one unit of the scene. * @default 0 */ sizeMinPixels?: number; /** * The maximum size in pixels for one unit of the scene. * @default Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER */ sizeMaxPixels?: number; }; /** Render a number of instances of a complete glTF scenegraph. */ export default class ScenegraphLayer extends Layer>> { static defaultProps: DefaultProps>; static layerName: string; state: { scenegraph: GroupNode; animator: GLTFAnimator; models: Model[]; }; getShaders(): any; initializeState(): void; updateState(params: UpdateParameters): void; finalizeState(context: LayerContext): void; get isLoaded(): boolean; private _updateScenegraph; private _applyAnimationsProp; private _getModelOptions; draw({ context }: { context: any; }): void; } export {}; //#