/* eslint-disable camelcase */ import { project } from '@deck.gl/core'; import { glsl } from "../utils/syntax-tags.js"; /** A model can have one of the following modes */ export const TERRAIN_MODE = { NONE: 0, /** A terrain layer rendering encoded ground elevation into the height map */ WRITE_HEIGHT_MAP: 1, /** An offset layer reading encoded ground elevation from the height map */ USE_HEIGHT_MAP: 2, /** A terrain layer rendering to screen, using the cover fbo overlaid with its own texture */ USE_COVER: 3, /** A terrain layer rendering to screen, using the cover fbo as texture */ USE_COVER_ONLY: 4, /** Draped layer is rendered into a texture, and never to screen */ SKIP: 5 }; const TERRAIN_MODE_CONSTANTS = Object.keys(TERRAIN_MODE) .map(key => `const float TERRAIN_MODE_${key} = ${TERRAIN_MODE[key]}.0;`) .join('\n'); export const terrainModule = { name: 'terrain', dependencies: [project], inject: { 'vs:#decl': ` uniform float terrain_mode; uniform sampler2D terrain_map; uniform vec4 terrain_bounds; out vec3 commonPos; ` + TERRAIN_MODE_CONSTANTS, 'vs:#main-start': ` if (terrain_mode == TERRAIN_MODE_SKIP) { gl_Position = vec4(0.0); return; } `, 'vs:DECKGL_FILTER_GL_POSITION': ` commonPos = geometry.position.xyz; if (terrain_mode == TERRAIN_MODE_WRITE_HEIGHT_MAP) { vec2 texCoords = (commonPos.xy - terrain_bounds.xy) / terrain_bounds.zw; position = vec4(texCoords * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); commonPos.z += project_uCommonOrigin.z; } if (terrain_mode == TERRAIN_MODE_USE_HEIGHT_MAP) { vec3 anchor = geometry.worldPosition; anchor.z = 0.0; vec3 anchorCommon = project_position(anchor); vec2 texCoords = (anchorCommon.xy - terrain_bounds.xy) / terrain_bounds.zw; if (texCoords.x >= 0.0 && texCoords.y >= 0.0 && texCoords.x <= 1.0 && texCoords.y <= 1.0) { float terrainZ = texture(terrain_map, texCoords).r; geometry.position.z += terrainZ; position = project_common_position_to_clipspace(geometry.position); } } `, 'fs:#decl': ` uniform float terrain_mode; uniform sampler2D terrain_map; uniform vec4 terrain_bounds; in vec3 commonPos; ` + TERRAIN_MODE_CONSTANTS, 'fs:#main-start': ` if (terrain_mode == TERRAIN_MODE_WRITE_HEIGHT_MAP) { fragColor = vec4(commonPos.z, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); return; } `, 'fs:DECKGL_FILTER_COLOR': ` if ((terrain_mode == TERRAIN_MODE_USE_COVER) || (terrain_mode == TERRAIN_MODE_USE_COVER_ONLY)) { vec2 texCoords = (commonPos.xy - terrain_bounds.xy) / terrain_bounds.zw; vec4 pixel = texture(terrain_map, texCoords); if (terrain_mode == TERRAIN_MODE_USE_COVER_ONLY) { color = pixel; } else { color = pixel + color * (1.0 - pixel.a); } return; } ` }, // eslint-disable-next-line complexity getUniforms: (opts = {}, uniforms) => { if ('dummyHeightMap' in opts) { const { drawToTerrainHeightMap, heightMap, heightMapBounds, dummyHeightMap, terrainCover, useTerrainHeightMap, terrainSkipRender } = opts; // @ts-expect-error stricter luma gl types const { project_uCommonOrigin } = uniforms; let mode = terrainSkipRender ? TERRAIN_MODE.SKIP : TERRAIN_MODE.NONE; // height map if case USE_HEIGHT_MAP, terrain cover if USE_COVER, otherwise empty let sampler = dummyHeightMap; // height map bounds if case USE_HEIGHT_MAP, terrain cover bounds if USE_COVER, otherwise null let bounds = null; if (drawToTerrainHeightMap) { mode = TERRAIN_MODE.WRITE_HEIGHT_MAP; bounds = heightMapBounds; } else if (useTerrainHeightMap && heightMap) { mode = TERRAIN_MODE.USE_HEIGHT_MAP; sampler = heightMap; bounds = heightMapBounds; } else if (terrainCover) { // This is a terrain layer const isPicking = opts.picking?.isActive; const fbo = isPicking ? terrainCover.getPickingFramebuffer() : terrainCover.getRenderFramebuffer(); sampler = fbo?.colorAttachments[0].texture; if (isPicking) { // Never render the layer itself in picking pass mode = TERRAIN_MODE.SKIP; } if (sampler) { mode = mode === TERRAIN_MODE.SKIP ? TERRAIN_MODE.USE_COVER_ONLY : TERRAIN_MODE.USE_COVER; bounds = terrainCover.bounds; } else { sampler = dummyHeightMap; } } /* eslint-disable camelcase */ return { terrain_mode: mode, terrain_map: sampler, // Convert bounds to the common space, as [minX, minY, width, height] terrain_bounds: bounds ? [ bounds[0] - project_uCommonOrigin[0], bounds[1] - project_uCommonOrigin[1], bounds[2] - bounds[0], bounds[3] - bounds[1] ] : [0, 0, 0, 0] }; } return null; } };