import unittest import requests import botocore import boto3 import json import urllib.parse import os import re from urllib.parse import urljoin from tests.config import Config doc_link = '' s3 = boto3.client( "s3", aws_access_key_id=Config.AWS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=Config.AWS_SECRET, region_name="us-east-1", ) S3_BUCKET_NAME = "prd-sparc-discover50-use1" NOT_SPECIFIED = 'not-specified' PLOT_FILE = [ 'text/vnd.abi.plot+tab-separated-values', 'text/vnd.abi.plot+csv' ] # mimetype: additional_mimetype COMMON_TO_THUMBNAIL = { 'image/jpeg': 'image/x.vnd.abi.thumbnail+jpeg', 'image/png': 'image/x.vnd.abi.thumbnail+png' } def get_datasets(start, size): headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} params = {'api_key': Config.SCICRUNCH_API_KEY} scicrunch_host = Config.SCICRUNCH_API_HOST + '/' scicrunch_request = { "from": start, "size": size, "_source": [ "item.curie", "", "item.types", "", "objects.datacite", "objects.additional_mimetype", "objects.mimetype", "objects.dataset", "pennsieve.version", "pennsieve.identifier", "pennsieve.uri" ] } return, '_search?preference=abiknowledgetesting'), json=scicrunch_request, params=params, headers=headers) def extract_bucket_name(original_name): return original_name.split('/')[2] def test_plot_thumbnail_s3file(dataset_id, thumbnail_object, s3_bucket): scicrunch_path = thumbnail_object['dataset']['path'] if "files/" not in scicrunch_path: scicrunch_path = "files/" + scicrunch_path scicrunch_path = f'{dataset_id}/' + scicrunch_path try: head_response = s3.head_object( Bucket=s3_bucket, Key=scicrunch_path, RequestPayer="requester" ) if head_response and 'ResponseMetadata' in head_response and 200 == head_response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode']: pass else: return { 'S3Path': scicrunch_path, 'Reason': 'Invalid response', } except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: return { 'S3Path': scicrunch_path, 'Reason': f"{error}", } return None def test_plot_thumbnail(dataset_id, plot_object, object_list, s3_bucket): responses = [] thumbnail_name = None thumbnail_scicrunch_path = None plot_scicrunch_path = plot_object['dataset']['path'] is_source_of = plot_object['datacite']['isSourceOf'].get('path', NOT_SPECIFIED) if "files/" not in plot_scicrunch_path: plot_scicrunch_path = "files/" + plot_scicrunch_path if is_source_of != NOT_SPECIFIED: thumbnail_name = is_source_of[0].split('/')[-1] for thumbnail_object in object_list: # Plot file should be the source of the thumbnail if thumbnail_name and thumbnail_name == thumbnail_object.get('name'): thumbnail_scicrunch_path = thumbnail_object['dataset']['path'] if "files/" not in thumbnail_scicrunch_path: thumbnail_scicrunch_path = "files/" + thumbnail_scicrunch_path # Plot thumbnail should be derived from the plot file plot_path = thumbnail_object['datacite']['isDerivedFrom'].get('path', NOT_SPECIFIED) if plot_path == NOT_SPECIFIED or plot_object['name'] not in plot_path[0]: return [{ 'PlotPath': plot_scicrunch_path, 'ThumbnailPath': thumbnail_scicrunch_path, 'Reason': 'Thumbnail isDerivedFrom does not contain correct plot name.', }] # Check if additional mimetype is valid in sparc api mime_type = thumbnail_object.get('additional_mimetype', NOT_SPECIFIED) if mime_type != NOT_SPECIFIED: mime_type = mime_type.get('name') if not mime_type or mime_type not in COMMON_TO_THUMBNAIL.values(): error_response = { 'PlotPath': plot_scicrunch_path, 'ThumbnailPath': thumbnail_scicrunch_path, 'Reason': f'Thumbnail additional mimetype *** {mime_type} *** is no longer processed in sparc api.', 'UpdateRequired': 'Check following detail for more information.' } # Figure out the correct additional mimetype by using mimetype mime_type = thumbnail_object['mimetype'].get('name', NOT_SPECIFIED) if mime_type in COMMON_TO_THUMBNAIL.keys(): error_response['UpdateDetail'] = f'Correct additional mimetype should be *** {COMMON_TO_THUMBNAIL[mime_type]} ***.' responses.append(error_response) # Check if the file exists in s3 error = test_plot_thumbnail_s3file(dataset_id, thumbnail_object, s3_bucket) if error: responses.append(error) return responses def test_plot_list(dataset_id, object_list, s3_bucket): objectErrors = [] datasetErrors = [] PlotFound = False for plot_object in object_list: # Check if the object is a segmentation file mime_type = plot_object.get('additional_mimetype', NOT_SPECIFIED) if mime_type != NOT_SPECIFIED: mime_type = mime_type.get('name') if not mime_type: mime_type = plot_object['mimetype'].get('name', NOT_SPECIFIED) if mime_type in PLOT_FILE: PlotFound = True error = test_plot_thumbnail(dataset_id, plot_object, object_list, s3_bucket) if error: objectErrors.extend(error) numberOfErrors = len(objectErrors) fileReports = { 'Total': numberOfErrors, 'Objects': objectErrors, } return {"FileReports": fileReports, "DatasetErrors": datasetErrors, "PlotFound": PlotFound} #Test the dataset def test_datasets_information(dataset): report = { 'Id': 'none', 'DOI': 'none', '_id': dataset['_id'], 'Errors': [], 'ObjectErrors': {'Total': 0, 'Objects':[]} } if '_source' in dataset: source = dataset['_source'] if 'item' in source: report['Name'] = source['item'].get('name', 'none') report['DOI'] = source['item'].get('curie', 'none') if 'pennsieve' in source and 'version' in source['pennsieve'] and 'identifier' in source['pennsieve']: dataset_id = source['pennsieve']['identifier'] version = source['pennsieve']['version']['identifier'] report['Id'] = dataset_id report['Version'] = version s3_bucket = S3_BUCKET_NAME if 'uri' in source['pennsieve']: s3_bucket = extract_bucket_name(source['pennsieve']['uri']) if version: object_list = source['objects'] if 'objects' in source else [] object_reports = test_plot_list(dataset_id, object_list, s3_bucket) report['ObjectErrors'] = object_reports['FileReports'] report['Errors'].extend(object_reports["DatasetErrors"]) report['Plot'] = object_reports['PlotFound'] else: report['Errors'].append('Missing version') return report class PlotDatasetFilesTest(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super().__init__(*args, **kwds) def test_files_information(self): global path_mapping start = 0 size = 20 keepGoing = True totalSize = 0 reportOutput = 'reports/plot_reports.json' pathMappingOutput = 'reports/plot_path_mapping.json' reports = {'Tested': 0, 'Failed': 0, 'FailedIds':[], 'Datasets':[]} testSize = 2000 totalPlot = 0 # ''' # Test selected datasets # ''' # scicrunch_datasets = open('reports/scicrunch_datasets.json') # datasets = json.load(scicrunch_datasets) # scicrunch_datasets.close() # # dataset_list = list(datasets.keys()) # dataset_list = [ # '212', # '26', # '148', # '114', # '126', # '139', # '142', # '46', # '117', # '29', # '132', # '118', # '119' # ] # ''' # Add datasets to the queue # ''' # data = {'hits': {'hits': []}} # for dataset_id in dataset_list: # data['hits']['hits'].append(datasets[dataset_id]) # for dataset in data['hits']['hits']: # report = test_datasets_information(dataset) # if 'Plot' in report and report['Plot']: # totalPlot = totalPlot + 1 # print(f"Reports generated for {report['Id']}") # if len(report['Errors']) > 0 or report['ObjectErrors']['Total'] > 0: # reports['FailedIds'].append(report['Id']) # reports['Datasets'].append(report) # totalSize = totalSize + len(data['hits']['hits']) ''' Test all the datasets ''' while keepGoing : scicrunch_response = get_datasets(start, size) self.assertEqual(200, scicrunch_response.status_code) data = scicrunch_response.json() #No more result, stop if size > len(data['hits']['hits']): keepGoing = False #keepGoing= False start = start + size for dataset in data['hits']['hits']: report = test_datasets_information(dataset) if 'Plot' in report and report['Plot']: totalPlot = totalPlot + 1 print(f"Reports generated for {report['Id']}") if len(report['Errors']) > 0 or report['ObjectErrors']['Total'] > 0: reports['FailedIds'].append(report['Id']) reports['Datasets'].append(report) totalSize = totalSize + len(data['hits']['hits']) if totalSize >= testSize: keepGoing = False # Generate the report reports['Tested'] = totalSize reports['Tested Datasets with Plot'] = totalPlot print(f"Number of datasets tested: {reports['Tested']}") reports['Failed'] = len(reports['FailedIds']) print(f"Number of dataset with erros: {reports['Failed']}") if reports['Failed'] > 0: print(f"Failed Datasets: {reports['FailedIds']}") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(reportOutput), exist_ok=True) with open(reportOutput, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(reports, outfile, indent=4) print(f"Full report has been generated at {reportOutput}") self.assertEqual(0, len(reports['FailedIds'])) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()