import { openBlock as c, createElementBlock as a, normalizeClass as H, createElementVNode as R } from "vue"; const g = (n, e) => { const t = n.__vccOpts || n; for (const [s, i] of e) t[s] = i; return t; }, Z = { name: "MapSvgIcon", props: { icon: { type: String, required: !0 }, spin: { type: Boolean, default: !1 } } }, I = ["xlink:href"]; function j(n, e, t, s, i, o) { return c(), a("svg", { class: H(["map-icon", { "map-icon-spin": t.spin }]) }, [ R("use", { "xlink:href": `#${t.icon}` }, null, 8, I) ], 2); } const le = /* @__PURE__ */ g(Z, [["render", j], ["__scopeId", "data-v-abd6bd47"]]), p = ` 2horpanel ? `, d = ` 2vertpanel ? `, x = ` 3panel ? `, F = ` 4panel ? `, v = ` 2horpanel ? `, w = ` 2horpanel ? `, h = ` 4panel ? `, y = ` changeBckgd `, k = ` close no bk `, u = ` close `, f = ` closeFullScreen `, m = ` dock `, _ = ` fitWindow `, C = ` fullScreen `, L = 'DataPortal-Icons', b = ` magnifyingGlass `, G = `Created by Wahyu Prihantorofrom the Noun Project`, q = ` openMap `, B = ` Artboard Copy 6 `, S = ` permalink `, T = ` play `, O = ` resetZoom `, A = ` singlepanel ? `, $ = ` tooltips ? `, U = ` undock `, M = ` zoomIn `, z = ` zoomOut `, E = ["title", "desc", "defs", "style"], V = ["width", "height", "fill"], l = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.assign({ "/assets/icons/2horpanel.svg": p, "/assets/icons/2vertpanel.svg": d, "/assets/icons/3panel.svg": x, "/assets/icons/4panel.svg": F, "/assets/icons/5panel.svg": v, "/assets/icons/6panel.svg": w, "/assets/icons/6panelVertical.svg": h, "/assets/icons/changeBckgd.svg": y, "/assets/icons/close-no-bk.svg": k, "/assets/icons/close.svg": u, "/assets/icons/closeFullScreen.svg": f, "/assets/icons/dock.svg": m, "/assets/icons/fitWindow.svg": _, "/assets/icons/fullScreen.svg": C, "/assets/icons/help.svg": L, "/assets/icons/magnifyingGlass.svg": b, "/assets/icons/noun-filter.svg": G, "/assets/icons/openMap.svg": q, "/assets/icons/pause.svg": B, "/assets/icons/permalink.svg": S, "/assets/icons/play.svg": T, "/assets/icons/resetZoom.svg": O, "/assets/icons/singlepanel.svg": A, "/assets/icons/tooltips.svg": $, "/assets/icons/undock.svg": U, "/assets/icons/zoomIn.svg": M, "/assets/icons/zoomOut.svg": z }), W = (n) => { let e = document.createElement("div"); e.innerHTML = n, => { const o = e.querySelector(i); o && o.remove(); }); const t = e.querySelector("svg"); => { t.removeAttribute(i); }); const s = e.innerHTML; return e.remove(), s; }, N = (n) => [ // Remove XML stuffs and comments [/<\?xml[\s\S]*?>/gi, ""], [//gi, ""], [//gi, ""], // SVG XML -> HTML5 [/\<([A-Za-z]+)([^\>]*)\/\>/g, "<$1$2>"], // convert self-closing XML SVG nodes to explicitly closed HTML5 SVG nodes [/\s+/g, " "], // replace whitespace sequences with a single space [/\> \<"] // remove whitespace between tags ].reduce((s, i) => "".replace.apply(s, i), n).trim(), P = Object.keys(l).map((n) => { const e = W(l[n]), t = n.replace(/^.+\/(\w+).svg$/, "$1"); return N(e).replace("", "symbol>"); }), D = { name: "MapSvgSprite", svgContext: l, svgSprite: P.join(` `) // concatenate all symbols into $options.svgSprite }, J = ["innerHTML"]; function K(n, e, t, s, i, o) { return c(), a("svg", { width: "0", height: "0", style: { display: "none" }, innerHTML: n.$options.svgSprite }, null, 8, J); } const re = /* @__PURE__ */ g(D, [["render", K]]), Q = ["title", "desc", "defs", "style"], X = ["width", "height"], r = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.assign({ "/assets/icons/2horpanel.svg": p, "/assets/icons/2vertpanel.svg": d, "/assets/icons/3panel.svg": x, "/assets/icons/4panel.svg": F, "/assets/icons/5panel.svg": v, "/assets/icons/6panel.svg": w, "/assets/icons/6panelVertical.svg": h, "/assets/icons/changeBckgd.svg": y, "/assets/icons/close-no-bk.svg": k, "/assets/icons/close.svg": u, "/assets/icons/closeFullScreen.svg": f, "/assets/icons/dock.svg": m, "/assets/icons/fitWindow.svg": _, "/assets/icons/fullScreen.svg": C, "/assets/icons/help.svg": L, "/assets/icons/magnifyingGlass.svg": b, "/assets/icons/noun-filter.svg": G, "/assets/icons/openMap.svg": q, "/assets/icons/pause.svg": B, "/assets/icons/permalink.svg": S, "/assets/icons/play.svg": T, "/assets/icons/resetZoom.svg": O, "/assets/icons/singlepanel.svg": A, "/assets/icons/tooltips.svg": $, "/assets/icons/undock.svg": U, "/assets/icons/zoomIn.svg": M, "/assets/icons/zoomOut.svg": z }), Y = (n) => { let e = document.createElement("div"); e.innerHTML = n, => { const o = e.querySelector(i); o && o.remove(); }); const t = e.querySelector("svg"); => { t.removeAttribute(i); }); const s = e.innerHTML; return e.remove(), s; }, ee = (n) => [ // Remove XML stuffs and comments [/<\?xml[\s\S]*?>/gi, ""], [//gi, ""], [//gi, ""], // SVG XML -> HTML5 [/\<([A-Za-z]+)([^\>]*)\/\>/g, "<$1$2>"], // convert self-closing XML SVG nodes to explicitly closed HTML5 SVG nodes [/\s+/g, " "], // replace whitespace sequences with a single space [/\> \<"] // remove whitespace between tags ].reduce((s, i) => "".replace.apply(s, i), n).trim(), ne = Object.keys(r).map((n) => { const e = Y(r[n]), t = n.replace(/^.+\/(\w+).svg$/, "$1"); return ee(e).replace("", "symbol>"); }), te = { name: "MapSvgSpriteColor", svgContext: r, svgSprite: ne.join(` `) // concatenate all symbols into $options.svgSprite }, ie = ["innerHTML"]; function se(n, e, t, s, i, o) { return c(), a("svg", { width: "0", height: "0", style: { display: "none" }, innerHTML: n.$options.svgSprite }, null, 8, ie); } const ce = /* @__PURE__ */ g(te, [["render", se]]); export { le as MapSvgIcon, re as MapSvgSprite, ce as MapSvgSpriteColor };