function getWorkerState() { const workerState = globalThis.__vitest_worker__; if (!workerState) { const errorMsg = 'Vitest failed to access its internal state.\n\nOne of the following is possible:\n- "vitest" is imported directly without running "vitest" command\n- "vitest" is imported inside "globalSetup" (to fix this, use "setupFiles" instead, because "globalSetup" runs in a different context)\n- Otherwise, it might be a Vitest bug. Please report it to\n'; throw new Error(errorMsg); } return workerState; } function provideWorkerState(context, state) { Object.defineProperty(context, "__vitest_worker__", { value: state, configurable: true, writable: true, enumerable: false }); return state; } function getCurrentEnvironment() { const state = getWorkerState(); return state == null ? void 0 :; } export { getCurrentEnvironment as a, getWorkerState as g, provideWorkerState as p };