var z = Object.defineProperty; var P = (s, r, t) => r in s ? z(s, r, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : s[r] = t; var i = (s, r, t) => (P(s, typeof r != "symbol" ? r + "" : r, t), t); // src/event.ts function a(s, r = null) { let t = new Event(s); return Object.defineProperty(t, "task", { value: r, enumerable: !0, writable: !1, configurable: !1 }), t; } // src/constants.ts var q = { 1: 12.71, 2: 4.303, 3: 3.182, 4: 2.776, 5: 2.571, 6: 2.447, 7: 2.365, 8: 2.306, 9: 2.262, 10: 2.228, 11: 2.201, 12: 2.179, 13: 2.16, 14: 2.145, 15: 2.131, 16: 2.12, 17: 2.11, 18: 2.101, 19: 2.093, 20: 2.086, 21: 2.08, 22: 2.074, 23: 2.069, 24: 2.064, 25: 2.06, 26: 2.056, 27: 2.052, 28: 2.048, 29: 2.045, 30: 2.042, 31: 2.0399, 32: 2.0378, 33: 2.0357, 34: 2.0336, 35: 2.0315, 36: 2.0294, 37: 2.0273, 38: 2.0252, 39: 2.0231, 40: 2.021, 41: 2.0198, 42: 2.0186, 43: 2.0174, 44: 2.0162, 45: 2.015, 46: 2.0138, 47: 2.0126, 48: 2.0114, 49: 2.0102, 50: 2.009, 51: 2.0081, 52: 2.0072, 53: 2.0063, 54: 2.0054, 55: 2.0045, 56: 2.0036, 57: 2.0027, 58: 2.0018, 59: 2.0009, 60: 2, 61: 1.9995, 62: 1.999, 63: 1.9985, 64: 1.998, 65: 1.9975, 66: 1.997, 67: 1.9965, 68: 1.996, 69: 1.9955, 70: 1.995, 71: 1.9945, 72: 1.994, 73: 1.9935, 74: 1.993, 75: 1.9925, 76: 1.992, 77: 1.9915, 78: 1.991, 79: 1.9905, 80: 1.99, 81: 1.9897, 82: 1.9894, 83: 1.9891, 84: 1.9888, 85: 1.9885, 86: 1.9882, 87: 1.9879, 88: 1.9876, 89: 1.9873, 90: 1.987, 91: 1.9867, 92: 1.9864, 93: 1.9861, 94: 1.9858, 95: 1.9855, 96: 1.9852, 97: 1.9849, 98: 1.9846, 99: 1.9843, 100: 1.984, 101: 1.9838, 102: 1.9836, 103: 1.9834, 104: 1.9832, 105: 1.983, 106: 1.9828, 107: 1.9826, 108: 1.9824, 109: 1.9822, 110: 1.982, 111: 1.9818, 112: 1.9816, 113: 1.9814, 114: 1.9812, 115: 1.9819, 116: 1.9808, 117: 1.9806, 118: 1.9804, 119: 1.9802, 120: 1.98, infinity: 1.96 }, T = q; // src/utils.ts var V = (s) => s / 1e6, C = () => V(Number(process.hrtime.bigint())), g = () =>; function $(s) { return s !== null && typeof s == "object" && typeof s.then == "function"; } var R = (s) => s.reduce((r, t) => r + t, 0) / s.length || 0, O = (s, r) => s.reduce((e, n) => e + (n - r) ** 2, 0) / (s.length - 1) || 0, D = (async () => { }).constructor, G = (s) => s.constructor === D, k = async (s) => { if (G(s.fn)) return !0; try { if (s.opts.beforeEach != null) try { await; } catch (e) { } let r = s.fn(), t = $(r); if (t) try { await r; } catch (e) { } if (s.opts.afterEach != null) try { await; } catch (e) { } return t; } catch (r) { return !1; } }; // src/task.ts var p = class extends EventTarget { constructor(t, e, n, h = {}) { super(); i(this, "bench"); i(this, "name"); i(this, "fn"); i(this, "runs", 0); i(this, "result"); i(this, "opts"); this.bench = t, = e, this.fn = n, this.opts = h; } async run() { var h, c, m, f; this.dispatchEvent(a("start", this)); let t = 0, e = []; if (await this.bench.setup(this, "run"), this.opts.beforeAll != null) try { await; } catch (o) { this.setResult({ error: o }); } let n = await k(this); try { for (; (t < this.bench.time || this.runs < this.bench.iterations) && !((h = this.bench.signal) != null && h.aborted); ) { this.opts.beforeEach != null && await; let o = 0; if (n) { let l =; await, o = - l; } else { let l =;, o = - l; } e.push(o), this.runs += 1, t += o, this.opts.afterEach != null && await; } } catch (o) { if (this.setResult({ error: o }), this.bench.throws) throw o; } if (this.opts.afterAll != null) try { await; } catch (o) { this.setResult({ error: o }); } if (await this.bench.teardown(this, "run"), !((c = this.result) != null && c.error)) { e.sort((H, j) => H - j); let o = t / this.runs, l = 1e3 / o, u = e.length, E = u - 1, F = e[0], B = e[E], b = R(e), y = O(e, b), A = Math.sqrt(y), x = A / Math.sqrt(u), L = T[String(Math.round(E) || 1)] || T.infinity, M = x * L, K = M / b * 100, N = e[Math.ceil(u * 0.75) - 1], _ = e[Math.ceil(u * 0.99) - 1], S = e[Math.ceil(u * 0.995) - 1], I = e[Math.ceil(u * 0.999) - 1]; if ((m = this.bench.signal) != null && m.aborted) return this; this.setResult({ totalTime: t, min: F, max: B, hz: l, period: o, samples: e, mean: b, variance: y, sd: A, sem: x, df: E, critical: L, moe: M, rme: K, p75: N, p99: _, p995: S, p999: I }); } return (f = this.result) != null && f.error && (this.dispatchEvent(a("error", this)), this.bench.dispatchEvent(a("error", this))), this.dispatchEvent(a("cycle", this)), this.bench.dispatchEvent(a("cycle", this)), this.dispatchEvent(a("complete", this)), this; } async warmup() { var h; this.dispatchEvent(a("warmup", this)); let t =, e = 0; if (await this.bench.setup(this, "warmup"), this.opts.beforeAll != null) try { await; } catch (c) { this.setResult({ error: c }); } let n = await k(this); for (; (e < this.bench.warmupTime || this.runs < this.bench.warmupIterations) && !((h = this.bench.signal) != null && h.aborted); ) { if (this.opts.beforeEach != null) try { await; } catch (c) { this.setResult({ error: c }); } try { n ? await :; } catch (c) { if (this.bench.throws) throw c; } if (this.runs += 1, e = - t, this.opts.afterEach != null) try { await; } catch (c) { this.setResult({ error: c }); } } if (this.opts.afterAll != null) try { await; } catch (c) { this.setResult({ error: c }); } this.bench.teardown(this, "warmup"), this.runs = 0; } addEventListener(t, e, n) { super.addEventListener(t, e, n); } removeEventListener(t, e, n) { super.removeEventListener(t, e, n); } setResult(t) { this.result = { ...this.result, ...t }, Object.freeze(this.reset); } reset() { this.dispatchEvent(a("reset", this)), this.runs = 0, this.result = void 0; } }; // src/bench.ts var w = class extends EventTarget { constructor(t = {}) { var e, n, h, c, m, f, o, l; super(); i(this, "_tasks", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); i(this, "_todos", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); i(this, "signal"); i(this, "throws"); i(this, "warmupTime", 100); i(this, "warmupIterations", 5); i(this, "time", 500); i(this, "iterations", 10); i(this, "now", g); i(this, "setup"); i(this, "teardown"); = (e = != null ? e :, this.warmupTime = (n = t.warmupTime) != null ? n : this.warmupTime, this.warmupIterations = (h = t.warmupIterations) != null ? h : this.warmupIterations, this.time = (c = t.time) != null ? c : this.time, this.iterations = (m = t.iterations) != null ? m : this.iterations, this.signal = t.signal, this.throws = (f = t.throws) != null ? f : !1, this.setup = (o = t.setup) != null ? o : () => { }, this.teardown = (l = t.teardown) != null ? l : () => { }, this.signal && this.signal.addEventListener( "abort", () => { this.dispatchEvent(a("abort")); }, { once: !0 } ); } async run() { var e; this.dispatchEvent(a("start")); let t = []; for (let n of [...this._tasks.values()]) (e = this.signal) != null && e.aborted ? t.push(n) : t.push(await; return this.dispatchEvent(a("complete")), t; } async warmup() { this.dispatchEvent(a("warmup")); for (let [, t] of this._tasks) await t.warmup(); } reset() { this.dispatchEvent(a("reset")), this._tasks.forEach((t) => { t.reset(); }); } add(t, e, n = {}) { let h = new p(this, t, e, n); return this._tasks.set(t, h), this.dispatchEvent(a("add", h)), this; } todo(t, e = () => { }, n = {}) { let h = new p(this, t, e, n); return this._todos.set(t, h), this.dispatchEvent(a("todo", h)), this; } remove(t) { let e = this.getTask(t); return e && (this.dispatchEvent(a("remove", e)), this._tasks.delete(t)), this; } addEventListener(t, e, n) { super.addEventListener(t, e, n); } removeEventListener(t, e, n) { super.removeEventListener(t, e, n); } table() { return{ name: t, result: e }) => e ? { "Task Name": t, "ops/sec": e.error ? "NaN" : parseInt(e.hz.toString(), 10).toLocaleString(), "Average Time (ns)": e.error ? "NaN" : e.mean * 1e3 * 1e3, Margin: e.error ? "NaN" : `\xB1${e.rme.toFixed(2)}%`, Samples: e.error ? "NaN" : e.samples.length } : null); } get results() { return [...this._tasks.values()].map((t) => t.result); } get tasks() { return [...this._tasks.values()]; } get todos() { return [...this._todos.values()]; } getTask(t) { return this._tasks.get(t); } }; // src/index.ts var ot = w; export { w as Bench, p as Task, ot as default, C as hrtimeNow, g as now };