import { h as c, openBlock as m, createElementBlock as p, normalizeStyle as z, renderSlot as f } from "vue"; const M = { name: "splitpanes", emits: ["ready", "resize", "resized", "pane-click", "pane-maximize", "pane-add", "pane-remove", "splitter-click"], props: { horizontal: { type: Boolean }, pushOtherPanes: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, dblClickSplitter: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, rtl: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, firstSplitter: { type: Boolean } }, provide() { return { requestUpdate: this.requestUpdate, onPaneAdd: this.onPaneAdd, onPaneRemove: this.onPaneRemove, onPaneClick: this.onPaneClick }; }, data: () => ({ container: null, ready: !1, panes: [], touch: { mouseDown: !1, dragging: !1, activeSplitter: null }, splitterTaps: { splitter: null, timeoutId: null } }), computed: { panesCount() { return this.panes.length; }, indexedPanes() { return this.panes.reduce((e, i) => (e[] = i) && e, {}); } }, methods: { updatePaneComponents() { this.panes.forEach((e) => { e.update && e.update({ [this.horizontal ? "height" : "width"]: `${this.indexedPanes[].size}%` }); }); }, bindEvents() { document.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove, { passive: !1 }), document.addEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp), "ontouchstart" in window && (document.addEventListener("touchmove", this.onMouseMove, { passive: !1 }), document.addEventListener("touchend", this.onMouseUp)); }, unbindEvents() { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove, { passive: !1 }), document.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp), "ontouchstart" in window && (document.removeEventListener("touchmove", this.onMouseMove, { passive: !1 }), document.removeEventListener("touchend", this.onMouseUp)); }, onMouseDown(e, i) { this.bindEvents(), this.touch.mouseDown = !0, this.touch.activeSplitter = i; }, onMouseMove(e) { this.touch.mouseDown && (e.preventDefault(), this.touch.dragging = !0, this.calculatePanesSize(this.getCurrentMouseDrag(e)), this.$emit("resize", => ({ min: i.min, max: i.max, size: i.size })))); }, onMouseUp() { this.touch.dragging && this.$emit("resized", => ({ min: e.min, max: e.max, size: e.size }))), this.touch.mouseDown = !1, setTimeout(() => { this.touch.dragging = !1, this.unbindEvents(); }, 100); }, onSplitterClick(e, i) { "ontouchstart" in window && (e.preventDefault(), this.dblClickSplitter && (this.splitterTaps.splitter === i ? (clearTimeout(this.splitterTaps.timeoutId), this.splitterTaps.timeoutId = null, this.onSplitterDblClick(e, i), this.splitterTaps.splitter = null) : (this.splitterTaps.splitter = i, this.splitterTaps.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { this.splitterTaps.splitter = null; }, 500)))), this.touch.dragging || this.$emit("splitter-click", this.panes[i]); }, onSplitterDblClick(e, i) { let s = 0; this.panes =, t) => (n.size = t === i ? n.max : n.min, t !== i && (s += n.min), n)), this.panes[i].size -= s, this.$emit("pane-maximize", this.panes[i]), this.$emit("resized", => ({ min: n.min, max: n.max, size: n.size }))); }, onPaneClick(e, i) { this.$emit("pane-click", this.indexedPanes[i]); }, getCurrentMouseDrag(e) { const i = this.container.getBoundingClientRect(), { clientX: s, clientY: n } = "ontouchstart" in window && e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e; return { x: s - i.left, y: n - }; }, getCurrentDragPercentage(e) { e = e[this.horizontal ? "y" : "x"]; const i = this.container[this.horizontal ? "clientHeight" : "clientWidth"]; return this.rtl && !this.horizontal && (e = i - e), e * 100 / i; }, calculatePanesSize(e) { const i = this.touch.activeSplitter; let s = { prevPanesSize: this.sumPrevPanesSize(i), nextPanesSize: this.sumNextPanesSize(i), prevReachedMinPanes: 0, nextReachedMinPanes: 0 }; const n = 0 + (this.pushOtherPanes ? 0 : s.prevPanesSize), t = 100 - (this.pushOtherPanes ? 0 : s.nextPanesSize), a = Math.max(Math.min(this.getCurrentDragPercentage(e), t), n); let r = [i, i + 1], o = this.panes[r[0]] || null, h = this.panes[r[1]] || null; const l = o.max < 100 && a >= o.max + s.prevPanesSize, u = h.max < 100 && a <= 100 - (h.max + this.sumNextPanesSize(i + 1)); if (l || u) { l ? (o.size = o.max, h.size = Math.max(100 - o.max - s.prevPanesSize - s.nextPanesSize, 0)) : (o.size = Math.max(100 - h.max - s.prevPanesSize - this.sumNextPanesSize(i + 1), 0), h.size = h.max); return; } if (this.pushOtherPanes) { const d = this.doPushOtherPanes(s, a); if (!d) return; ({ sums: s, panesToResize: r } = d), o = this.panes[r[0]] || null, h = this.panes[r[1]] || null; } o !== null && (o.size = Math.min(Math.max(a - s.prevPanesSize - s.prevReachedMinPanes, o.min), o.max)), h !== null && (h.size = Math.min(Math.max(100 - a - s.nextPanesSize - s.nextReachedMinPanes, h.min), h.max)); }, doPushOtherPanes(e, i) { const s = this.touch.activeSplitter, n = [s, s + 1]; return i < e.prevPanesSize + this.panes[n[0]].min && (n[0] = this.findPrevExpandedPane(s).index, e.prevReachedMinPanes = 0, n[0] < s && this.panes.forEach((t, a) => { a > n[0] && a <= s && (t.size = t.min, e.prevReachedMinPanes += t.min); }), e.prevPanesSize = this.sumPrevPanesSize(n[0]), n[0] === void 0) ? (e.prevReachedMinPanes = 0, this.panes[0].size = this.panes[0].min, this.panes.forEach((t, a) => { a > 0 && a <= s && (t.size = t.min, e.prevReachedMinPanes += t.min); }), this.panes[n[1]].size = 100 - e.prevReachedMinPanes - this.panes[0].min - e.prevPanesSize - e.nextPanesSize, null) : i > 100 - e.nextPanesSize - this.panes[n[1]].min && (n[1] = this.findNextExpandedPane(s).index, e.nextReachedMinPanes = 0, n[1] > s + 1 && this.panes.forEach((t, a) => { a > s && a < n[1] && (t.size = t.min, e.nextReachedMinPanes += t.min); }), e.nextPanesSize = this.sumNextPanesSize(n[1] - 1), n[1] === void 0) ? (e.nextReachedMinPanes = 0, this.panes[this.panesCount - 1].size = this.panes[this.panesCount - 1].min, this.panes.forEach((t, a) => { a < this.panesCount - 1 && a >= s + 1 && (t.size = t.min, e.nextReachedMinPanes += t.min); }), this.panes[n[0]].size = 100 - e.prevPanesSize - e.nextReachedMinPanes - this.panes[this.panesCount - 1].min - e.nextPanesSize, null) : { sums: e, panesToResize: n }; }, sumPrevPanesSize(e) { return this.panes.reduce((i, s, n) => i + (n < e ? s.size : 0), 0); }, sumNextPanesSize(e) { return this.panes.reduce((i, s, n) => i + (n > e + 1 ? s.size : 0), 0); }, findPrevExpandedPane(e) { return [...this.panes].reverse().find((s) => s.index < e && s.size > s.min) || {}; }, findNextExpandedPane(e) { return this.panes.find((s) => s.index > e + 1 && s.size > s.min) || {}; }, checkSplitpanesNodes() { Array.from(this.container.children).forEach((i) => { const s = i.classList.contains("splitpanes__pane"), n = i.classList.contains("splitpanes__splitter"); !s && !n && (i.parentNode.removeChild(i), console.warn("Splitpanes: Only elements are allowed at the root of . One of your DOM nodes was removed.")); }); }, addSplitter(e, i, s = !1) { const n = e - 1, t = document.createElement("div"); t.classList.add("splitpanes__splitter"), s || (t.onmousedown = (a) => this.onMouseDown(a, n), typeof window < "u" && "ontouchstart" in window && (t.ontouchstart = (a) => this.onMouseDown(a, n)), t.onclick = (a) => this.onSplitterClick(a, n + 1)), this.dblClickSplitter && (t.ondblclick = (a) => this.onSplitterDblClick(a, n + 1)), i.parentNode.insertBefore(t, i); }, removeSplitter(e) { e.onmousedown = void 0, e.onclick = void 0, e.ondblclick = void 0, e.parentNode.removeChild(e); }, redoSplitters() { const e = Array.from(this.container.children); e.forEach((s) => { s.className.includes("splitpanes__splitter") && this.removeSplitter(s); }); let i = 0; e.forEach((s) => { s.className.includes("splitpanes__pane") && (!i && this.firstSplitter ? this.addSplitter(i, s, !0) : i && this.addSplitter(i, s), i++); }); }, requestUpdate({ target: e, ...i }) { const s = this.indexedPanes[e._.uid]; Object.entries(i).forEach(([n, t]) => s[n] = t); }, onPaneAdd(e) { let i = -1; Array.from(e.$el.parentNode.children).some((t) => (t.className.includes("splitpanes__pane") && i++, t === e.$el)); const s = parseFloat(e.minSize), n = parseFloat(e.maxSize); this.panes.splice(i, 0, { id: e._.uid, index: i, min: isNaN(s) ? 0 : s, max: isNaN(n) ? 100 : n, size: e.size === null ? null : parseFloat(e.size), givenSize: e.size, update: e.update }), this.panes.forEach((t, a) => t.index = a), this.ready && this.$nextTick(() => { this.redoSplitters(), this.resetPaneSizes({ addedPane: this.panes[i] }), this.$emit("pane-add", { index: i, panes: => ({ min: t.min, max: t.max, size: t.size })) }); }); }, onPaneRemove(e) { const i = this.panes.findIndex((n) => === e._.uid), s = this.panes.splice(i, 1)[0]; this.panes.forEach((n, t) => n.index = t), this.$nextTick(() => { this.redoSplitters(), this.resetPaneSizes({ removedPane: { ...s, index: i } }), this.$emit("pane-remove", { removed: s, panes: => ({ min: n.min, max: n.max, size: n.size })) }); }); }, resetPaneSizes(e = {}) { !e.addedPane && !e.removedPane ? this.initialPanesSizing() : this.panes.some((i) => i.givenSize !== null || i.min || i.max < 100) ? this.equalizeAfterAddOrRemove(e) : this.equalize(), this.ready && this.$emit("resized", => ({ min: i.min, max: i.max, size: i.size }))); }, equalize() { const e = 100 / this.panesCount; let i = 0; const s = [], n = []; this.panes.forEach((t) => { t.size = Math.max(Math.min(e, t.max), t.min), i -= t.size, t.size >= t.max && s.push(, t.size <= t.min && n.push(; }), i > 0.1 && this.readjustSizes(i, s, n); }, initialPanesSizing() { let e = 100; const i = [], s = []; let n = 0; this.panes.forEach((a) => { e -= a.size, a.size !== null && n++, a.size >= a.max && i.push(, a.size <= a.min && s.push(; }); let t = 100; e > 0.1 && (this.panes.forEach((a) => { a.size === null && (a.size = Math.max(Math.min(e / (this.panesCount - n), a.max), a.min)), t -= a.size; }), t > 0.1 && this.readjustSizes(e, i, s)); }, equalizeAfterAddOrRemove({ addedPane: e, removedPane: i } = {}) { let s = 100 / this.panesCount, n = 0; const t = [], a = []; e && e.givenSize !== null && (s = (100 - e.givenSize) / (this.panesCount - 1)), this.panes.forEach((r) => { n -= r.size, r.size >= r.max && t.push(, r.size <= r.min && a.push(; }), !(Math.abs(n) < 0.1) && (this.panes.forEach((r) => { e && e.givenSize !== null && === || (r.size = Math.max(Math.min(s, r.max), r.min)), n -= r.size, r.size >= r.max && t.push(, r.size <= r.min && a.push(; }), n > 0.1 && this.readjustSizes(n, t, a)); }, readjustSizes(e, i, s) { let n; e > 0 ? n = e / (this.panesCount - i.length) : n = e / (this.panesCount - s.length), this.panes.forEach((t, a) => { if (e > 0 && !i.includes( { const r = Math.max(Math.min(t.size + n, t.max), t.min), o = r - t.size; e -= o, t.size = r; } else if (!s.includes( { const r = Math.max(Math.min(t.size + n, t.max), t.min), o = r - t.size; e -= o, t.size = r; } t.update({ [this.horizontal ? "height" : "width"]: `${this.indexedPanes[].size}%` }); }), Math.abs(e) > 0.1 && this.$nextTick(() => { this.ready && console.warn("Splitpanes: Could not resize panes correctly due to their constraints."); }); } }, watch: { panes: { deep: !0, immediate: !1, handler() { this.updatePaneComponents(); } }, horizontal() { this.updatePaneComponents(); }, firstSplitter() { this.redoSplitters(); }, dblClickSplitter(e) { [...this.container.querySelectorAll(".splitpanes__splitter")].forEach((s, n) => { s.ondblclick = e ? (t) => this.onSplitterDblClick(t, n) : void 0; }); } }, beforeUnmount() { this.ready = !1; }, mounted() { this.container = this.$refs.container, this.checkSplitpanesNodes(), this.redoSplitters(), this.resetPaneSizes(), this.$emit("ready"), this.ready = !0; }, render() { return c( "div", { ref: "container", class: [ "splitpanes", `splitpanes--${this.horizontal ? "horizontal" : "vertical"}`, { "splitpanes--dragging": this.touch.dragging } ] }, this.$slots.default() ); } }, S = (e, i) => { const s = e.__vccOpts || e; for (const [n, t] of i) s[n] = t; return s; }, x = { name: "pane", inject: ["requestUpdate", "onPaneAdd", "onPaneRemove", "onPaneClick"], props: { size: { type: [Number, String], default: null }, minSize: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, maxSize: { type: [Number, String], default: 100 } }, data: () => ({ style: {} }), mounted() { this.onPaneAdd(this); }, beforeUnmount() { this.onPaneRemove(this); }, methods: { update(e) { = e; } }, computed: { sizeNumber() { return this.size || this.size === 0 ? parseFloat(this.size) : null; }, minSizeNumber() { return parseFloat(this.minSize); }, maxSizeNumber() { return parseFloat(this.maxSize); } }, watch: { sizeNumber(e) { this.requestUpdate({ target: this, size: e }); }, minSizeNumber(e) { this.requestUpdate({ target: this, min: e }); }, maxSizeNumber(e) { this.requestUpdate({ target: this, max: e }); } } }; function P(e, i, s, n, t, a) { return m(), p("div", { class: "splitpanes__pane", onClick: i[0] || (i[0] = (r) => a.onPaneClick(r, e._.uid)), style: z( }, [ f(e.$slots, "default") ], 4); } const g = /* @__PURE__ */ S(x, [["render", P]]); export { g as Pane, M as Splitpanes };