import _classCallCheck from "@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck"; import _createClass from "@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass"; import _defineProperty from "@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty"; /* Serialization of RDF Graphs ** ** Tim Berners-Lee 2006 ** This is was ** This is or was ** Licence: MIT */ import NamedNode from './named-node'; import BlankNode from './blank-node'; import * as Uri from './uri'; import * as Util from './utils-js'; import CanonicalDataFactory from './factories/canonical-data-factory'; import { createXSD } from './xsd'; import solidNs from 'solid-namespace'; import * as ttl2jsonld from '@frogcat/ttl2jsonld'; export default function createSerializer(store) { return new Serializer(store); } ; export var Serializer = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function Serializer(store) { _classCallCheck(this, Serializer); _defineProperty(this, "_notQNameChars", '\t\r\n !"#$%&\'()*.,+/;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~'); _defineProperty(this, "_notNameChars", this._notQNameChars + ':'); // stringToN3: String escaping for N3 _defineProperty(this, "validPrefix", new RegExp(/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$/)); _defineProperty(this, "forbidden1", new RegExp(/[\\"\b\f\r\v\t\n\u0080-\uffff]/gm)); _defineProperty(this, "forbidden3", new RegExp(/[\\"\b\f\r\v\u0080-\uffff]/gm)); this.flags = ''; this.base = null; this.prefixes = []; // suggested prefixes this.namespaces = []; // complementary var nsKeys = Object.keys(solidNs()); for (var i in nsKeys) { var uri = solidNs()[nsKeys[i]](''); var prefix = nsKeys[i]; this.prefixes[uri] = prefix; this.namespaces[prefix] = uri; } this.suggestPrefix('rdf', ''); // XML code assumes this! this.suggestPrefix('xml', 'reserved:reservedForFutureUse'); // XML reserves xml: in the spec. this.namespacesUsed = []; // Count actually used and so needed in @prefixes this.keywords = ['a']; // The only one we generate at the moment this.prefixchars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqustuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; this.incoming = null; // Array not calculated yet this.formulas = []; // remembering original formulae from hashes = store; this.rdfFactory = store.rdfFactory || CanonicalDataFactory; this.xsd = createXSD(this.rdfFactory); } return _createClass(Serializer, [{ key: "setBase", value: function setBase(base) { this.base = base; return this; } }, { key: "setFlags", value: function setFlags(flags) { this.flags = flags || ''; return this; } }, { key: "toStr", value: function toStr(x) { var s = x.toNT(); if (x.termType === 'Graph') { this.formulas[s] = x; // remember as reverse does not work } return s; } }, { key: "fromStr", value: function fromStr(s) { if (s[0] === '{') { var x = this.formulas[s]; if (!x) console.log('No formula object for ' + s); return x; } return; } /** * Defines a set of [prefix, namespace] pairs to be used by this Serializer instance. * Overrides previous prefixes if any * @param namespaces * @return {Serializer} */ }, { key: "setNamespaces", value: function setNamespaces(namespaces) { for (var px in namespaces) { this.setPrefix(px, namespaces[px]); } return this; } /** * Defines a namespace prefix, overriding any existing prefix for that URI * @param prefix * @param uri */ }, { key: "setPrefix", value: function setPrefix(prefix, uri) { if (prefix.slice(0, 7) === 'default') return; // Try to weed these out if (prefix.slice(0, 2) === 'ns') return; // From others inferior algos if (!prefix || !uri) return; // empty strings not suitable // remove any existing prefix targeting this uri // for (let existingPrefix in this.namespaces) { // if (this.namespaces[existingPrefix] == uri) // delete this.namespaces[existingPrefix]; // } // remove any existing mapping for this prefix for (var existingNs in this.prefixes) { if (this.prefixes[existingNs] == prefix) delete this.prefixes[existingNs]; } this.prefixes[uri] = prefix; this.namespaces[prefix] = uri; } /* Accumulate Namespaces ** ** These are only hints. If two overlap, only one gets used ** There is therefore no guarantee in general. */ }, { key: "suggestPrefix", value: function suggestPrefix(prefix, uri) { if (prefix.slice(0, 7) === 'default') return; // Try to weed these out if (prefix.slice(0, 2) === 'ns') return; // From others inferior algos if (!prefix || !uri) return; // empty strings not suitable if (prefix in this.namespaces || uri in this.prefixes) return; // already used this.prefixes[uri] = prefix; this.namespaces[prefix] = uri; } // Takes a namespace -> prefix map }, { key: "suggestNamespaces", value: function suggestNamespaces(namespaces) { for (var px in namespaces) { this.suggestPrefix(px, namespaces[px]); } return this; } }, { key: "checkIntegrity", value: function checkIntegrity() { var p, ns; for (p in this.namespaces) { if (this.prefixes[this.namespaces[p]] !== p) { throw new Error('Serializer integity error 1: ' + p + ', ' + this.namespaces[p] + ', ' + this.prefixes[this.namespaces[p]] + '!'); } } for (ns in this.prefixes) { if (this.namespaces[this.prefixes[ns]] !== ns) { throw new Error('Serializer integity error 2: ' + ns + ', ' + this.prefixs[ns] + ', ' + this.namespaces[this.prefixes[ns]] + '!'); } } } // Make up an unused prefix for a random namespace }, { key: "makeUpPrefix", value: function makeUpPrefix(uri) { var p = uri; function canUseMethod(pp) { if (!this.validPrefix.test(pp)) return false; // bad format if (pp === 'ns') return false; // boring if (pp in this.namespaces) return false; // already used this.prefixes[uri] = pp; this.namespaces[pp] = uri; return pp; } var canUse = canUseMethod.bind(this); if ('#/'.indexOf(p[p.length - 1]) >= 0) p = p.slice(0, -1); var slash = p.lastIndexOf('/'); if (slash >= 0) p = p.slice(slash + 1); var i = 0; while (i < p.length) { if (this.prefixchars.indexOf(p[i])) { i++; } else { break; } } p = p.slice(0, i); if (p.length < 6 && canUse(p)) return p; // exact is best if (canUse(p.slice(0, 3))) return p.slice(0, 3); if (canUse(p.slice(0, 2))) return p.slice(0, 2); if (canUse(p.slice(0, 4))) return p.slice(0, 4); if (canUse(p.slice(0, 1))) return p.slice(0, 1); if (canUse(p.slice(0, 5))) return p.slice(0, 5); if (!this.validPrefix.test(p)) { p = 'n'; // Otherwise the loop below may never termimnate } for (var j = 0;; j++) if (canUse(p.slice(0, 3) + j)) return p.slice(0, 3) + j; } }, { key: "rootSubjects", value: function rootSubjects(sts) { var incoming = {}; var subjects = {}; var allBnodes = {}; /* This scan is to find out which nodes will have to be the roots of trees ** in the serialized form. This will be any symbols, and any bnodes ** which hve more or less than one incoming arc, and any bnodes which have ** one incoming arc but it is an uninterrupted loop of such nodes back to itself. ** This should be kept linear time with repect to the number of statements. ** Note it does not use any indexing of the store. */ for (var i = 0; i < sts.length; i++) { var st = sts[i]; var checkMentions = function checkMentions(x) { if (!incoming.hasOwnProperty(x)) incoming[x] = []; incoming[x].push(st.subject); // List of things which will cause this to be printed }; var st2 = [st.subject, st.predicate, st.object]; (y) { if (y.termType === 'BlankNode') { allBnodes[y.toNT()] = true; } else if (y.termType === 'Collection') { y.elements.forEach(function (z) { checkMentions(z); // bnodes in collections important }); } }); checkMentions(sts[i].object); var ss = subjects[this.toStr(st.subject)]; // Statements with this as subject if (!ss) ss = []; ss.push(st); subjects[this.toStr(st.subject)] = ss; // Make hash. @@ too slow for formula? } var roots = []; for (var xNT in subjects) { if (!subjects.hasOwnProperty(xNT)) continue; var y = this.fromStr(xNT); if (y.termType !== 'BlankNode' || !incoming[y] || incoming[y].length !== 1) { roots.push(y); continue; } } this.incoming = incoming; // Keep for serializing @@ Bug for nested formulas // Now do the scan using existing roots var rootsHash = {}; for (var k = 0; k < roots.length; k++) { rootsHash[roots[k].toNT()] = true; } return { 'roots': roots, 'subjects': subjects, 'rootsHash': rootsHash, 'incoming': incoming }; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }, { key: "toN3", value: function toN3(f) { return this.statementsToN3(f.statements); } }, { key: "explicitURI", value: function explicitURI(uri) { if (this.flags.indexOf('r') < 0 && this.base) { uri = Uri.refTo(this.base, uri); } else if (this.flags.indexOf('u') >= 0) { // Unicode encoding NTriples style uri = backslashUify(uri); } else { uri = hexify(decodeURI(uri)); } return '<' + uri + '>'; } }, { key: "statementsToNTriples", value: function statementsToNTriples(sts) { var sorted = sts.slice(); sorted.sort(); var str = ''; var rdfns = ''; var self = this; var kb =; var factory = this.rdfFactory; var termToNT = function termToNT(x) { if (x.termType !== 'Collection') { return self.atomicTermToN3(x); } var list = x.elements; var rest = kb.sym(rdfns + 'nill'); for (var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var bnode = factory.blankNode(); str += termToNT(bnode) + ' ' + termToNT(kb.sym(rdfns + 'first')) + ' ' + termToNT(list[i]) + '.\n'; str += termToNT(bnode) + ' ' + termToNT(kb.sym(rdfns + 'rest')) + ' ' + termToNT(rest) + '.\n'; rest = bnode; } return self.atomicTermToN3(rest); }; for (var i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++) { var st = sorted[i]; var s = ''; s += termToNT(st.subject) + ' '; s += termToNT(st.predicate) + ' '; s += termToNT(st.object) + ' '; if (this.flags.indexOf('q') >= 0) { // Do quads not nrtiples s += termToNT(st.why) + ' '; } s += '.\n'; str += s; } return str; } }, { key: "statementsToN3", value: function statementsToN3(sts) { var indent = 4; var width = 80; var kb =; // A URI Map alows us to put the type statemnts at the top. var uriMap = { '': 'aaa:00' }; var SPO = function SPO(x, y) { // Do limited canonicalization of bnodes return Util.heavyCompareSPO(x, y, kb, uriMap); }; sts.sort(SPO); if (this.base && !this.defaultNamespace) { this.defaultNamespace = this.base + '#'; } var predMap = {}; if (this.flags.indexOf('s') < 0) { predMap[''] = '='; } if (this.flags.indexOf('t') < 0) { predMap[''] = 'a'; } if (this.flags.indexOf('i') < 0) { predMap[''] = '=>'; } // //////////////////////// Arrange the bits of text var spaces = function spaces(n) { var s = ''; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) s += ' '; return s; }; var treeToLine = function treeToLine(tree) { var str = ''; for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { var branch = tree[i]; var s2 = typeof branch === 'string' ? branch : treeToLine(branch); // Note the space before the dot in case statement ends with 123 or colon. which is in fact allowed but be conservative. if (i !== 0) { var ch = str.slice(-1) || ' '; if (s2 === ',' || s2 === ';') { // no gap } else if (s2 === '.' && !'0123456789.:'.includes(ch)) {// no gap except after number and colon // no gap } else { str += ' '; // separate from previous token } } str += s2; } return str; }; // Convert a nested tree of lists and strings to a string var treeToString = function treeToString(tree, level) { var str = ''; var lastLength = 100000; if (level === undefined) level = -1; for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { var branch = tree[i]; if (typeof branch !== 'string') { var substr = treeToString(branch, level + 1); if (substr.length < 10 * (width - indent * level) && substr.indexOf('"""') < 0) { // Don't mess up multiline strings var line = treeToLine(branch); if (line.length < width - indent * level) { branch = line; // Note! treat as string below substr = ''; } } if (substr) lastLength = 10000; str += substr; } if (typeof branch === 'string') { if (branch.length === 1 && str.slice(-1) === '\n') { if (',.;'.indexOf(branch) >= 0) { str = str.slice(0, -1); // be conservative and ensure a whitespace between some chars and a final dot, as in treeToLine above if (branch == '.' && '0123456789.:'.includes(str.charAt(str.length - 1))) { str += ' '; lastLength += 1; } str += branch + '\n'; // slip punct'n on end lastLength += 1; continue; } } if (lastLength < indent * level + 4 || // if new line not necessary lastLength + branch.length + 1 < width && ';.'.indexOf(str[str.length - 2]) < 0) { // or the string fits on last line str = str.slice(0, -1) + ' ' + branch + '\n'; // then continue on this line lastLength += branch.length + 1; } else { var _line = spaces(indent * level) + branch; str += _line + '\n'; lastLength = _line.length; if (level < 0) { str += '\n'; // extra blank line lastLength = 100000; // don't touch } } } } return str; }; // //////////////////////////////////////////// Structure for N3 // Convert a set of statements into a nested tree of lists and strings function statementListToTreeMethod(statements) { var stats = this.rootSubjects(statements); var roots = stats.roots; var results = []; for (var i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) { var root = roots[i]; results.push(subjectTree(root, stats)); } return results; } var statementListToTree = statementListToTreeMethod.bind(this); // The tree for a subject function subjectTree(subject, stats) { if (subject.termType === 'BlankNode' && !stats.incoming[subject]) { return objectTree(subject, stats, true).concat(['.']); // Anonymous bnode subject } return [termToN3(subject, stats)].concat([propertyTree(subject, stats)]).concat(['.']); } // The property tree for a single subject or anonymous node function propertyTreeMethod(subject, stats) { var results = []; var lastPred = null; var sts = stats.subjects[this.toStr(subject)] || []; // relevant statements if (typeof sts === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Cant find statements for ' + subject); } var objects = []; for (var i = 0; i < sts.length; i++) { var st = sts[i]; if (st.predicate.uri === lastPred) { objects.push(','); } else { if (lastPred) { results = results.concat([objects]).concat([';']); objects = []; } results.push(predMap[st.predicate.uri] ? predMap[st.predicate.uri] : termToN3(st.predicate, stats)); } lastPred = st.predicate.uri; objects.push(objectTree(st.object, stats)); } results = results.concat([objects]); return results; } var propertyTree = propertyTreeMethod.bind(this); function objectTreeMethod(obj, stats, force) { if (obj.termType === 'BlankNode' && (force || stats.rootsHash[obj.toNT()] === undefined)) { // if not a root if (stats.subjects[this.toStr(obj)]) { return ['[', propertyTree(obj, stats), ']']; } else { return '[]'; } } return termToN3(obj, stats); } var objectTree = objectTreeMethod.bind(this); function termToN3Method(expr, stats) { // var i, res; switch (expr.termType) { case 'Graph': res = ['{']; res = res.concat(statementListToTree(expr.statements)); return res.concat(['}']); case 'Collection': res = ['(']; for (i = 0; i < expr.elements.length; i++) { res.push([objectTree(expr.elements[i], stats)]); } res.push(')'); return res; default: return this.atomicTermToN3(expr); } } Serializer.prototype.termToN3 = termToN3; var termToN3 = termToN3Method.bind(this); function prefixDirectivesMethod() { var str = ''; if (this.flags.indexOf('d') < 0 && this.defaultNamespace) { str += '@prefix : ' + this.explicitURI(this.defaultNamespace) + '.\n'; } for (var ns in this.prefixes) { if (!this.prefixes.hasOwnProperty(ns)) continue; if (!this.namespacesUsed[ns]) continue; str += '@prefix ' + this.prefixes[ns] + ': ' + this.explicitURI(ns) + '.\n'; } return str + '\n'; } var prefixDirectives = prefixDirectivesMethod.bind(this); // Body of statementsToN3: var tree = statementListToTree(sts); return prefixDirectives() + treeToString(tree); } // //////////////////////////////////////////// Atomic Terms // Deal with term level things and nesting with no bnode structure }, { key: "atomicTermToN3", value: function atomicTermToN3(expr, stats) { switch (expr.termType) { case 'BlankNode': case 'Variable': return expr.toNT(); case 'Literal': var val = expr.value; if (typeof val !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Value of RDF literal node must be a string'); } // var val = expr.value.toString() // should be a string already if (expr.datatype && this.flags.indexOf('x') < 0) { // Supress native numbers switch (expr.datatype.uri) { case '': return val; case '': // In Turtle, must have dot if (val.indexOf('.') < 0) val += '.0'; return val; case '': { // Must force use of 'e' var eNotation = val.toLowerCase().indexOf('e') > 0; if (val.indexOf('.') < 0 && !eNotation) val += '.0'; if (!eNotation) val += 'e0'; return val; } case '': return expr.value === '1' ? 'true' : 'false'; } } var str = this.stringToN3(expr.value); if (expr.language) { str += '@' + expr.language; } else if (!expr.datatype.equals(this.xsd.string)) { str += '^^' + this.atomicTermToN3(expr.datatype, stats); } return str; case 'NamedNode': return this.symbolToN3(expr); case 'DefaultGraph': return ''; default: throw new Error('Internal: atomicTermToN3 cannot handle ' + expr + ' of termType: ' + expr.termType); } } }, { key: "stringToN3", value: function stringToN3(str, flags) { if (!flags) flags = 'e'; var res = ''; var i, j, k; var delim; var forbidden; if (str.length > 20 && // Long enough to make sense str.slice(-1) !== '"' && // corner case' flags.indexOf('n') < 0 && ( // Force single line str.indexOf('\n') > 0 || str.indexOf('"') > 0)) { delim = '"""'; forbidden = this.forbidden3; } else { delim = '"'; forbidden = this.forbidden1; } for (i = 0; i < str.length;) { forbidden.lastIndex = 0; var m = forbidden.exec(str.slice(i)); if (m == null) break; j = i + forbidden.lastIndex - 1; res += str.slice(i, j); var ch = str[j]; if (ch === '"' && delim === '"""' && str.slice(j, j + 3) !== '"""') { res += ch; } else { k = '\b\f\r\t\v\n\\"'.indexOf(ch); // No escaping of bell (7)? if (k >= 0) { res += '\\' + 'bfrtvn\\"'[k]; } else { if (flags.indexOf('e') >= 0) { // Unicode escaping in strings not unix style res += "\\u" + ('000' + ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toLowerCase()).slice(-4); } else { // no 'e' flag res += ch; } } } i = j + 1; } return delim + res + str.slice(i) + delim; } // A single symbol, either in <> or namespace notation }, { key: "symbolToN3", value: function symbolToN3(x) { // c.f. symbolString() in var uri = x.uri; var j = uri.indexOf('#'); if (j < 0 && this.flags.indexOf('/') < 0) { j = uri.lastIndexOf('/'); } if (j >= 0 && this.flags.indexOf('p') < 0 && ( // Can split at namespace but only if http[s]: URI or file: or ws[s] (why not others?) uri.indexOf('http') === 0 || uri.indexOf('ws') === 0 || uri.indexOf('file') === 0)) { var canSplit = true; for (var k = j + 1; k < uri.length; k++) { if (this._notNameChars.indexOf(uri[k]) >= 0) { canSplit = false; break; } } /* if (uri.slice(0, j + 1) === this.base + '#') { // base-relative if (canSplit) { return ':' + uri.slice(j + 1) // assume deafult ns is local } else { return '<#' + uri.slice(j + 1) + '>' } } */ if (canSplit) { var localid = uri.slice(j + 1); var namesp = uri.slice(0, j + 1); if (this.defaultNamespace && this.defaultNamespace === namesp && this.flags.indexOf('d') < 0) { // d -> suppress default if (this.flags.indexOf('k') >= 0 && this.keyords.indexOf(localid) < 0) { return localid; } return ':' + localid; } // this.checkIntegrity() // @@@ Remove when not testing var prefix = this.prefixes[namesp]; if (!prefix) prefix = this.makeUpPrefix(namesp); if (prefix) { this.namespacesUsed[namesp] = true; return prefix + ':' + localid; } // Fall though if can't do qname } } return this.explicitURI(uri); } // /////////////////////////// Quad store serialization // @para. write - a function taking a single string to be output // }, { key: "writeStore", value: function writeStore(write) { var kb =; var fetcher = kb.fetcher; var session = fetcher && fetcher.appNode; // The core data var sources =[3]; for (var s in sources) { // -> assume we can use -> as short for log:semantics var source = kb.fromNT(s); if (session && source.equals(session)) continue; write('\n' + this.atomicTermToN3(source) + ' ' + this.atomicTermToN3(kb.sym('')) + ' { ' + this.statementsToN3(kb.statementsMatching(undefined, undefined, undefined, source)) + ' }.\n'); } // The metadata from HTTP interactions: kb.statementsMatching(undefined, kb.sym('')).map(function (st) { write('\n<' + st.object.value + '> log:metadata {\n'); var sts = kb.statementsMatching(undefined, undefined, undefined, st.subject); write(this.statementsToN3(this.statementsToN3(sts))); write('}.\n'); }); // Inferences we have made ourselves not attributable to anyone else var metaSources = []; if (session) metaSources.push(session); var metadata = []; (source) { metadata = metadata.concat(kb.statementsMatching(undefined, undefined, undefined, source)); }); write(this.statementsToN3(metadata)); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////// XML serialization }, { key: "statementsToXML", value: function statementsToXML(sts) { var indent = 4; var width = 80; var namespaceCounts = []; // which have been used namespaceCounts[''] = true; var liPrefix = ''; // prefix for ordered list items // //////////////////////// Arrange the bits of XML text var spaces = function spaces(n) { var s = ''; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) s += ' '; return s; }; var XMLtreeToLine = function XMLtreeToLine(tree) { var str = ''; for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { var branch = tree[i]; var s2 = typeof branch === 'string' ? branch : XMLtreeToLine(branch); str += s2; } return str; }; // Convert a nested tree of lists and strings to a string var XMLtreeToString = function XMLtreeToString(tree, level) { var str = ''; var line; var lastLength = 100000; if (!level) level = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { var branch = tree[i]; if (typeof branch !== 'string') { var substr = XMLtreeToString(branch, level + 1); if (substr.length < 10 * (width - indent * level) && substr.indexOf('"""') < 0) { // Don't mess up multiline strings line = XMLtreeToLine(branch); if (line.length < width - indent * level) { branch = ' ' + line; // @@ Hack: treat as string below substr = ''; } } if (substr) lastLength = 10000; str += substr; } if (typeof branch === 'string') { if (lastLength < indent * level + 4) { // continue str = str.slice(0, -1) + ' ' + branch + '\n'; lastLength += branch.length + 1; } else { line = spaces(indent * level) + branch; str += line + '\n'; lastLength = line.length; } } else {// not string } } return str; }; function statementListToXMLTreeMethod(statements) { this.suggestPrefix('rdf', ''); var stats = this.rootSubjects(statements); var roots = stats.roots; var results = []; for (var i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) { var root = roots[i]; results.push(subjectXMLTree(root, stats)); } return results; } var statementListToXMLTree = statementListToXMLTreeMethod.bind(this); function escapeForXML(str) { if (typeof str === 'undefined') return '@@@undefined@@@@'; return str.replace(/[&<"]/g, function (m) { switch (m[0]) { case '&': return '&'; case '<': return '<'; case '"': return '"'; // ' } }); } function relURIMethod(term) { return escapeForXML(this.base ? Util.uri.refTo(this.base, term.uri) : term.uri); } var relURI = relURIMethod.bind(this); // The tree for a subject function subjectXMLTreeMethod(subject, stats) { var results = []; var type, t, st, pred; var sts = stats.subjects[this.toStr(subject)]; // relevant statements if (typeof sts === 'undefined') { // empty bnode return propertyXMLTree(subject, stats); } // Sort only on the predicate, leave the order at object // level undisturbed. This leaves multilingual content in // the order of entry (for partner literals), which helps // readability. // // For the predicate sort, we attempt to split the uri // as a hint to the sequence sts.sort(function (a, b) { var ap = a.predicate.uri; var bp = b.predicate.uri; if (ap.substring(0, liPrefix.length) === liPrefix || bp.substring(0, liPrefix.length) === liPrefix) { // we're only interested in sorting list items return ap.localeCompare(bp); } var as = ap.substring(liPrefix.length); var bs = bp.substring(liPrefix.length); var an = parseInt(as, 10); var bn = parseInt(bs, 10); if (isNaN(an) || isNaN(bn) || an !== as || bn !== bs) { // we only care about integers return ap.localeCompare(bp); } return an - bn; }); for (var i = 0; i < sts.length; i++) { st = sts[i]; // look for a type if (st.predicate.uri === '' && !type && st.object.termType === 'NamedNode') { type = st.object; continue; // don't include it as a child element } // see whether predicate can be replaced with "li" pred = st.predicate; if (pred.uri.substr(0, liPrefix.length) === liPrefix) { var number = pred.uri.substr(liPrefix.length); // make sure these are actually numeric list items var intNumber = parseInt(number, 10); if (number === intNumber.toString()) { // was numeric; don't need to worry about ordering since we've already // sorted the statements pred = this.rdfFactory.namedNode(''); } } t = qname(pred); switch (st.object.termType) { case 'BlankNode': if (stats.incoming[st.object].length === 1) { // there should always be something in the incoming array for a bnode results = results.concat(['<' + t + ' rdf:parseType="Resource">', subjectXMLTree(st.object, stats), '']); } else { results = results.concat(['<' + t + ' rdf:nodeID="' + st.object.toNT().slice(2) + '"/>']); } break; case 'NamedNode': results = results.concat(['<' + t + ' rdf:resource="' + relURI(st.object) + '"/>']); break; case 'Literal': results = results.concat(['<' + t + (st.object.datatype.equals(this.xsd.string) ? '' : ' rdf:datatype="' + escapeForXML(st.object.datatype.uri) + '"') + (st.object.language ? ' xml:lang="' + st.object.language + '"' : '') + '>' + escapeForXML(st.object.value) + '']); break; case 'Collection': results = results.concat(['<' + t + ' rdf:parseType="Collection">', collectionXMLTree(st.object, stats), '']); break; default: throw new Error("Can't serialize object of type " + st.object.termType + ' into XML'); } // switch } var tag = type ? qname(type) : 'rdf:Description'; var attrs = ''; if (subject.termType === 'BlankNode') { if (!stats.incoming[subject] || stats.incoming[subject].length !== 1) { // not an anonymous bnode attrs = ' rdf:nodeID="' + subject.toNT().slice(2) + '"'; } } else { attrs = ' rdf:about="' + relURI(subject) + '"'; } return ['<' + tag + attrs + '>'].concat([results]).concat(['']); } var subjectXMLTree = subjectXMLTreeMethod.bind(this); function collectionXMLTree(subject, stats) { var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < subject.elements.length; i++) { res.push(subjectXMLTree(subject.elements[i], stats)); } return res; } // The property tree for a single subject or anonymos node function propertyXMLTreeMethod(subject, stats) { var results = []; var sts = stats.subjects[this.toStr(subject)]; // relevant statements if (!sts) return results; // No relevant statements sts.sort(); for (var i = 0; i < sts.length; i++) { var st = sts[i]; switch (st.object.termType) { case 'BlankNode': if (stats.rootsHash[st.object.toNT()]) { // This bnode has been done as a root -- no content here @@ what bout first time results = results.concat(['<' + qname(st.predicate) + ' rdf:nodeID="' + st.object.toNT().slice(2) + '">', '']); } else { results = results.concat(['<' + qname(st.predicate) + ' rdf:parseType="Resource">', propertyXMLTree(st.object, stats), '']); } break; case 'NamedNode': results = results.concat(['<' + qname(st.predicate) + ' rdf:resource="' + relURI(st.object) + '"/>']); break; case 'Literal': results = results.concat(['<' + qname(st.predicate) + (st.object.datatype.equals(this.xsd.string) ? '' : ' rdf:datatype="' + escapeForXML(st.object.datatype.value) + '"') + (st.object.language ? ' xml:lang="' + st.object.language + '"' : '') + '>' + escapeForXML(st.object.value) + '']); break; case 'Collection': results = results.concat(['<' + qname(st.predicate) + ' rdf:parseType="Collection">', collectionXMLTree(st.object, stats), '']); break; default: throw new Error("Can't serialize object of type " + st.object.termType + ' into XML'); } // switch } return results; } var propertyXMLTree = propertyXMLTreeMethod.bind(this); function qnameMethod(term) { var uri = term.uri; var j = uri.indexOf('#'); if (j < 0 && this.flags.indexOf('/') < 0) { j = uri.lastIndexOf('/'); } if (j < 0) throw new Error('Cannot make qname out of <' + uri + '>'); for (var k = j + 1; k < uri.length; k++) { if (this._notNameChars.indexOf(uri[k]) >= 0) { throw new Error('Invalid character "' + uri[k] + '" cannot be in XML qname for URI: ' + uri); } } var localid = uri.slice(j + 1); var namesp = uri.slice(0, j + 1); if (this.defaultNamespace && this.defaultNamespace === namesp && this.flags.indexOf('d') < 0) { // d -> suppress default return localid; } var prefix = this.prefixes[namesp]; if (!prefix) prefix = this.makeUpPrefix(namesp); namespaceCounts[namesp] = true; return prefix + ':' + localid; } var qname = qnameMethod.bind(this); // Body of toXML: var tree = statementListToXMLTree(sts); var str = '']; // @@ namespace declrations return XMLtreeToString(tree2, -1); } // End @@ body }, { key: "statementsToJsonld", value: function statementsToJsonld(sts) { // ttl2jsonld creates context keys for all ttl prefix // context keys must be absolute IRI ttl2jsonld@0.0.8 /* function findId (itemObj) { if (itemObj['@id']) { const item = itemObj['@id'].split(':') if (keys[item[0]]) itemObj['@id'] = jsonldObj['@context'][item[0]] + item[1] } const itemValues = Object.values(itemObj) for (const i in itemValues) { if (typeof itemValues[i] !== 'string') { // @list contains array findId(itemValues[i]) } } } */ var turtleDoc = this.statementsToN3(sts); var jsonldObj = ttl2jsonld.parse(turtleDoc); return JSON.stringify(jsonldObj, null, 2); } }]); }(); // String escaping utilities function hexify(str) { // also used in parser return encodeURI(str); } function backslashUify(str) { var res = ''; var k; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { k = str.charCodeAt(i); if (k > 65535) { res += "\\U" + ('00000000' + k.toString(16)).slice(-8); // convert to upper? } else if (k > 126) { res += "\\u" + ('0000' + k.toString(16)).slice(-4); } else { res += str[i]; } } return res; }