'use strict'; var scatterHover = require('../scatter/hover'); module.exports = function hoverPoints(pointData, xval, yval, hovermode) { var scatterPointData = scatterHover(pointData, xval, yval, hovermode); if(!scatterPointData || scatterPointData[0].index === false) return; var newPointData = scatterPointData[0]; // if hovering on a fill, we don't show any point data so the label is // unchanged from what scatter gives us - except that it needs to // be constrained to the trianglular plot area, not just the rectangular // area defined by the synthetic x and y axes // TODO: in some cases the vertical middle of the shape is not within // the triangular viewport at all, so the label can become disconnected // from the shape entirely. But calculating what portion of the shape // is actually visible, as constrained by the diagonal axis lines, is not // so easy and anyway we lost the information we would have needed to do // this inside scatterHover. if(newPointData.index === undefined) { var yFracUp = 1 - (newPointData.y0 / pointData.ya._length); var xLen = pointData.xa._length; var xMin = xLen * yFracUp / 2; var xMax = xLen - xMin; newPointData.x0 = Math.max(Math.min(newPointData.x0, xMax), xMin); newPointData.x1 = Math.max(Math.min(newPointData.x1, xMax), xMin); return scatterPointData; } var cdi = newPointData.cd[newPointData.index]; var trace = newPointData.trace; var subplot = newPointData.subplot; newPointData.a = cdi.a; newPointData.b = cdi.b; newPointData.c = cdi.c; newPointData.xLabelVal = undefined; newPointData.yLabelVal = undefined; var fullLayout = {}; fullLayout[trace.subplot] = {_subplot: subplot}; var labels = trace._module.formatLabels(cdi, trace, fullLayout); newPointData.aLabel = labels.aLabel; newPointData.bLabel = labels.bLabel; newPointData.cLabel = labels.cLabel; var hoverinfo = cdi.hi || trace.hoverinfo; var text = []; function textPart(ax, val) { text.push(ax._hovertitle + ': ' + val); } if(!trace.hovertemplate) { var parts = hoverinfo.split('+'); if(parts.indexOf('all') !== -1) parts = ['a', 'b', 'c']; if(parts.indexOf('a') !== -1) textPart(subplot.aaxis, newPointData.aLabel); if(parts.indexOf('b') !== -1) textPart(subplot.baxis, newPointData.bLabel); if(parts.indexOf('c') !== -1) textPart(subplot.caxis, newPointData.cLabel); } newPointData.extraText = text.join('
'); newPointData.hovertemplate = trace.hovertemplate; return scatterPointData; };