'use strict'; var deprecationWarning = [ '*heatmapgl* trace is deprecated!', 'Please consider switching to the *heatmap* or *image* trace types.', 'Alternatively you could contribute/sponsor rewriting this trace type', 'based on cartesian features and using regl framework.' ].join(' '); module.exports = { attributes: require('./attributes'), supplyDefaults: require('./defaults'), colorbar: require('../heatmap/colorbar'), calc: require('../heatmap/calc'), plot: require('./convert'), moduleType: 'trace', name: 'heatmapgl', basePlotModule: require('../../plots/gl2d'), categories: ['gl', 'gl2d', '2dMap'], meta: { description: [ deprecationWarning, 'WebGL version of the heatmap trace type.' ].join(' ') } };