'use strict'; module.exports = { attributes: require('./attributes'), supplyDefaults: require('./defaults'), plot: require('./plot'), calc: require('./calc'), animatable: true, isContainer: true, // so carpet traces get `calc` before other traces moduleType: 'trace', name: 'carpet', basePlotModule: require('../../plots/cartesian'), categories: ['cartesian', 'svg', 'carpet', 'carpetAxis', 'notLegendIsolatable', 'noMultiCategory', 'noHover', 'noSortingByValue'], meta: { description: [ 'The data describing carpet axis layout is set in `y` and (optionally)', 'also `x`. If only `y` is present, `x` the plot is interpreted as a', 'cheater plot and is filled in using the `y` values.', '`x` and `y` may either be 2D arrays matching with each dimension matching', 'that of `a` and `b`, or they may be 1D arrays with total length equal to', 'that of `a` and `b`.' ].join(' ') } };