'use strict'; var d3 = require('@plotly/d3'); var Lib = require('../lib'); var Drawing = require('../components/drawing'); var Color = require('../components/color'); var xmlnsNamespaces = require('../constants/xmlns_namespaces'); var DOUBLEQUOTE_REGEX = /"/g; var DUMMY_SUB = 'TOBESTRIPPED'; var DUMMY_REGEX = new RegExp('("' + DUMMY_SUB + ')|(' + DUMMY_SUB + '")', 'g'); function htmlEntityDecode(s) { var hiddenDiv = d3.select('body').append('div').style({display: 'none'}).html(''); var replaced = s.replace(/(&[^;]*;)/gi, function(d) { if(d === '<') { return '<'; } // special handling for brackets if(d === '&rt;') { return '>'; } if(d.indexOf('<') !== -1 || d.indexOf('>') !== -1) { return ''; } return hiddenDiv.html(d).text(); // everything else, let the browser decode it to unicode }); hiddenDiv.remove(); return replaced; } function xmlEntityEncode(str) { return str.replace(/&(?!\w+;|\#[0-9]+;| \#x[0-9A-F]+;)/g, '&'); } module.exports = function toSVG(gd, format, scale) { var fullLayout = gd._fullLayout; var svg = fullLayout._paper; var toppaper = fullLayout._toppaper; var width = fullLayout.width; var height = fullLayout.height; var i; // make background color a rect in the svg, then revert after scraping // all other alterations have been dealt with by properly preparing the svg // in the first place... like setting cursors with css classes so we don't // have to remove them, and providing the right namespaces in the svg to // begin with svg.insert('rect', ':first-child') .call(Drawing.setRect, 0, 0, width, height) .call(Color.fill, fullLayout.paper_bgcolor); // subplot-specific to-SVG methods // which notably add the contents of the gl-container // into the main svg node var basePlotModules = fullLayout._basePlotModules || []; for(i = 0; i < basePlotModules.length; i++) { var _module = basePlotModules[i]; if(_module.toSVG) _module.toSVG(gd); } // add top items above them assumes everything in toppaper is either // a group or a defs, and if it's empty (like hoverlayer) we can ignore it. if(toppaper) { var nodes = toppaper.node().childNodes; // make copy of nodes as childNodes prop gets mutated in loop below var topGroups = Array.prototype.slice.call(nodes); for(i = 0; i < topGroups.length; i++) { var topGroup = topGroups[i]; if(topGroup.childNodes.length) svg.node().appendChild(topGroup); } } // remove draglayer for Adobe Illustrator compatibility if(fullLayout._draggers) { fullLayout._draggers.remove(); } // in case the svg element had an explicit background color, remove this // we want the rect to get the color so it's the right size; svg bg will // fill whatever container it's displayed in regardless of plot size. svg.node().style.background = ''; svg.selectAll('text') .attr({'data-unformatted': null, 'data-math': null}) .each(function() { var txt = d3.select(this); // hidden text is pre-formatting mathjax, the browser ignores it // but in a static plot it's useless and it can confuse batik // we've tried to standardize on display:none but make sure we still // catch visibility:hidden if it ever arises if(this.style.visibility === 'hidden' || this.style.display === 'none') { txt.remove(); return; } else { // clear other visibility/display values to default // to not potentially confuse non-browser SVG implementations txt.style({visibility: null, display: null}); } // Font family styles break things because of quotation marks, // so we must remove them *after* the SVG DOM has been serialized // to a string (browsers convert singles back) var ff = this.style.fontFamily; if(ff && ff.indexOf('"') !== -1) { txt.style('font-family', ff.replace(DOUBLEQUOTE_REGEX, DUMMY_SUB)); } // Drop normal font-weight, font-style and font-variant to reduce the size var fw = this.style.fontWeight; if(fw && (fw === 'normal' || fw === '400')) { // font-weight 400 is similar to normal txt.style('font-weight', undefined); } var fs = this.style.fontStyle; if(fs && fs === 'normal') { txt.style('font-style', undefined); } var fv = this.style.fontVariant; if(fv && fv === 'normal') { txt.style('font-variant', undefined); } }); svg.selectAll('.gradient_filled,.pattern_filled').each(function() { var pt = d3.select(this); // similar to font family styles above, // we must remove " after the SVG DOM has been serialized var fill = this.style.fill; if(fill && fill.indexOf('url(') !== -1) { pt.style('fill', fill.replace(DOUBLEQUOTE_REGEX, DUMMY_SUB)); } var stroke = this.style.stroke; if(stroke && stroke.indexOf('url(') !== -1) { pt.style('stroke', stroke.replace(DOUBLEQUOTE_REGEX, DUMMY_SUB)); } }); if(format === 'pdf' || format === 'eps') { // these formats make the extra line MathJax adds around symbols look super thick in some cases // it looks better if this is removed entirely. svg.selectAll('#MathJax_SVG_glyphs path') .attr('stroke-width', 0); } // fix for IE namespacing quirk? // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19610089/unwanted-namespaces-on-svg-markup-when-using-xmlserializer-in-javascript-with-ie svg.node().setAttributeNS(xmlnsNamespaces.xmlns, 'xmlns', xmlnsNamespaces.svg); svg.node().setAttributeNS(xmlnsNamespaces.xmlns, 'xmlns:xlink', xmlnsNamespaces.xlink); if(format === 'svg' && scale) { svg.attr('width', scale * width); svg.attr('height', scale * height); svg.attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + width + ' ' + height); } var s = new window.XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svg.node()); s = htmlEntityDecode(s); s = xmlEntityEncode(s); // Fix quotations around font strings and gradient URLs s = s.replace(DUMMY_REGEX, '\''); // Do we need this process now that IE9 and IE10 are not supported? // IE is very strict, so we will need to clean // svg with the following regex // yes this is messy, but do not know a better way // Even with this IE will not work due to tainted canvas // see https://github.com/kangax/fabric.js/issues/1957 // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18112047/canvas-todataurl-working-in-all-browsers-except-ie10 // Leave here just in case the CORS/tainted IE issue gets resolved if(Lib.isIE()) { // replace double quote with single quote s = s.replace(/"/gi, '\''); // url in svg are single quoted // since we changed double to single // we'll need to change these to double-quoted s = s.replace(/(\('#)([^']*)('\))/gi, '(\"#$2\")'); // font names with spaces will be escaped single-quoted // we'll need to change these to double-quoted s = s.replace(/(\\')/gi, '\"'); } return s; };