'use strict'; var Lib = require('../../lib'); var sanitizeHTML = require('../../lib/svg_text_utils').sanitizeHTML; var convertTextOpts = require('./convert_text_opts'); var constants = require('./constants'); function MapLayer(subplot, index) { this.subplot = subplot; this.uid = subplot.uid + '-' + index; this.index = index; this.idSource = 'source-' + this.uid; this.idLayer = constants.layoutLayerPrefix + this.uid; // some state variable to check if a remove/add step is needed this.sourceType = null; this.source = null; this.layerType = null; this.below = null; // is layer currently visible this.visible = false; } var proto = MapLayer.prototype; proto.update = function update(opts) { if(!this.visible) { // IMPORTANT: must create source before layer to not cause errors this.updateSource(opts); this.updateLayer(opts); } else if(this.needsNewImage(opts)) { this.updateImage(opts); } else if(this.needsNewSource(opts)) { // IMPORTANT: must delete layer before source to not cause errors this.removeLayer(); this.updateSource(opts); this.updateLayer(opts); } else if(this.needsNewLayer(opts)) { this.updateLayer(opts); } else { this.updateStyle(opts); } this.visible = isVisible(opts); }; proto.needsNewImage = function(opts) { var map = this.subplot.map; return ( map.getSource(this.idSource) && this.sourceType === 'image' && opts.sourcetype === 'image' && (this.source !== opts.source || JSON.stringify(this.coordinates) !== JSON.stringify(opts.coordinates)) ); }; proto.needsNewSource = function(opts) { // for some reason changing layer to 'fill' or 'symbol' // w/o changing the source throws an exception in map-gl 0.18 ; // stay safe and make new source on type changes return ( this.sourceType !== opts.sourcetype || JSON.stringify(this.source) !== JSON.stringify(opts.source) || this.layerType !== opts.type ); }; proto.needsNewLayer = function(opts) { return ( this.layerType !== opts.type || this.below !== this.subplot.belowLookup['layout-' + this.index] ); }; proto.lookupBelow = function() { return this.subplot.belowLookup['layout-' + this.index]; }; proto.updateImage = function(opts) { var map = this.subplot.map; map.getSource(this.idSource).updateImage({ url: opts.source, coordinates: opts.coordinates }); // Since the `updateImage` control flow doesn't call updateLayer, // We need to take care of moving the image layer to match the location // where updateLayer would have placed it. var _below = this.findFollowingMapLayerId(this.lookupBelow()); if(_below !== null) { this.subplot.map.moveLayer(this.idLayer, _below); } }; proto.updateSource = function(opts) { var map = this.subplot.map; if(map.getSource(this.idSource)) map.removeSource(this.idSource); this.sourceType = opts.sourcetype; this.source = opts.source; if(!isVisible(opts)) return; var sourceOpts = convertSourceOpts(opts); map.addSource(this.idSource, sourceOpts); }; proto.findFollowingMapLayerId = function(below) { if(below === 'traces') { var mapLayers = this.subplot.getMapLayers(); // find id of first plotly trace layer for(var i = 0; i < mapLayers.length; i++) { var layerId = mapLayers[i].id; if(typeof layerId === 'string' && layerId.indexOf(constants.traceLayerPrefix) === 0 ) { below = layerId; break; } } } return below; }; proto.updateLayer = function(opts) { var subplot = this.subplot; var convertedOpts = convertOpts(opts); var below = this.lookupBelow(); var _below = this.findFollowingMapLayerId(below); this.removeLayer(); if(isVisible(opts)) { subplot.addLayer({ id: this.idLayer, source: this.idSource, 'source-layer': opts.sourcelayer || '', type: opts.type, minzoom: opts.minzoom, maxzoom: opts.maxzoom, layout: convertedOpts.layout, paint: convertedOpts.paint }, _below); } this.layerType = opts.type; this.below = below; }; proto.updateStyle = function(opts) { if(isVisible(opts)) { var convertedOpts = convertOpts(opts); this.subplot.setOptions(this.idLayer, 'setLayoutProperty', convertedOpts.layout); this.subplot.setOptions(this.idLayer, 'setPaintProperty', convertedOpts.paint); } }; proto.removeLayer = function() { var map = this.subplot.map; if(map.getLayer(this.idLayer)) { map.removeLayer(this.idLayer); } }; proto.dispose = function() { var map = this.subplot.map; if(map.getLayer(this.idLayer)) map.removeLayer(this.idLayer); if(map.getSource(this.idSource)) map.removeSource(this.idSource); }; function isVisible(opts) { if(!opts.visible) return false; var source = opts.source; if(Array.isArray(source) && source.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < source.length; i++) { if(typeof source[i] !== 'string' || source[i].length === 0) { return false; } } return true; } return Lib.isPlainObject(source) || (typeof source === 'string' && source.length > 0); } function convertOpts(opts) { var layout = {}; var paint = {}; switch(opts.type) { case 'circle': Lib.extendFlat(paint, { 'circle-radius': opts.circle.radius, 'circle-color': opts.color, 'circle-opacity': opts.opacity }); break; case 'line': Lib.extendFlat(paint, { 'line-width': opts.line.width, 'line-color': opts.color, 'line-opacity': opts.opacity, 'line-dasharray': opts.line.dash }); break; case 'fill': Lib.extendFlat(paint, { 'fill-color': opts.color, 'fill-outline-color': opts.fill.outlinecolor, 'fill-opacity': opts.opacity // no way to pass specify outline width at the moment }); break; case 'symbol': var symbol = opts.symbol; var textOpts = convertTextOpts(symbol.textposition, symbol.iconsize); Lib.extendFlat(layout, { 'icon-image': symbol.icon + '-15', 'icon-size': symbol.iconsize / 10, 'text-field': symbol.text, 'text-size': symbol.textfont.size, 'text-anchor': textOpts.anchor, 'text-offset': textOpts.offset, 'symbol-placement': symbol.placement, // TODO font family // 'text-font': symbol.textfont.family.split(', '), }); Lib.extendFlat(paint, { 'icon-color': opts.color, 'text-color': symbol.textfont.color, 'text-opacity': opts.opacity }); break; case 'raster': Lib.extendFlat(paint, { 'raster-fade-duration': 0, 'raster-opacity': opts.opacity }); break; } return { layout: layout, paint: paint }; } function convertSourceOpts(opts) { var sourceType = opts.sourcetype; var source = opts.source; var sourceOpts = {type: sourceType}; var field; if(sourceType === 'geojson') { field = 'data'; } else if(sourceType === 'vector') { field = typeof source === 'string' ? 'url' : 'tiles'; } else if(sourceType === 'raster') { field = 'tiles'; sourceOpts.tileSize = 256; } else if(sourceType === 'image') { field = 'url'; sourceOpts.coordinates = opts.coordinates; } sourceOpts[field] = source; if(opts.sourceattribution) { sourceOpts.attribution = sanitizeHTML(opts.sourceattribution); } return sourceOpts; } module.exports = function createMapLayer(subplot, index, opts) { var mapLayer = new MapLayer(subplot, index); mapLayer.update(opts); return mapLayer; };