'use strict'; // projection names to d3 function name exports.projNames = { airy: 'airy', aitoff: 'aitoff', 'albers usa': 'albersUsa', albers: 'albers', // 'armadillo': 'armadillo', august: 'august', 'azimuthal equal area': 'azimuthalEqualArea', 'azimuthal equidistant': 'azimuthalEquidistant', baker: 'baker', // 'berghaus': 'berghaus', bertin1953: 'bertin1953', boggs: 'boggs', bonne: 'bonne', bottomley: 'bottomley', bromley: 'bromley', // 'chamberlin africa': 'chamberlinAfrica', // 'chamberlin': 'chamberlin', collignon: 'collignon', 'conic conformal': 'conicConformal', 'conic equal area': 'conicEqualArea', 'conic equidistant': 'conicEquidistant', craig: 'craig', craster: 'craster', 'cylindrical equal area': 'cylindricalEqualArea', 'cylindrical stereographic': 'cylindricalStereographic', eckert1: 'eckert1', eckert2: 'eckert2', eckert3: 'eckert3', eckert4: 'eckert4', eckert5: 'eckert5', eckert6: 'eckert6', eisenlohr: 'eisenlohr', 'equal earth': 'equalEarth', equirectangular: 'equirectangular', fahey: 'fahey', 'foucaut sinusoidal': 'foucautSinusoidal', foucaut: 'foucaut', // 'gilbert': 'gilbert', // 'gingery': 'gingery', ginzburg4: 'ginzburg4', ginzburg5: 'ginzburg5', ginzburg6: 'ginzburg6', ginzburg8: 'ginzburg8', ginzburg9: 'ginzburg9', gnomonic: 'gnomonic', 'gringorten quincuncial': 'gringortenQuincuncial', gringorten: 'gringorten', guyou: 'guyou', // 'hammer retroazimuthal': 'hammerRetroazimuthal', hammer: 'hammer', // 'healpix': 'healpix', hill: 'hill', homolosine: 'homolosine', hufnagel: 'hufnagel', hyperelliptical: 'hyperelliptical', // 'interrupted boggs': 'interruptedBoggs', // 'interrupted homolosine': 'interruptedHomolosine', // 'interrupted mollweide hemispheres': 'interruptedMollweideHemispheres', // 'interrupted mollweide': 'interruptedMollweide', // 'interrupted quartic authalic': 'interruptedQuarticAuthalic', // 'interrupted sinu mollweide': 'interruptedSinuMollweide', // 'interrupted sinusoidal': 'interruptedSinusoidal', kavrayskiy7: 'kavrayskiy7', lagrange: 'lagrange', larrivee: 'larrivee', laskowski: 'laskowski', // 'littrow': 'littrow', loximuthal: 'loximuthal', mercator: 'mercator', miller: 'miller', // 'modified stereographic alaska': 'modifiedStereographicAlaska', // 'modified stereographic gs48': 'modifiedStereographicGs48', // 'modified stereographic gs50': 'modifiedStereographicGs50', // 'modified stereographic lee': 'modifiedStereographicLee', // 'modified stereographic miller': 'modifiedStereographicMiller', // 'modified stereographic': 'modifiedStereographic', mollweide: 'mollweide', 'mt flat polar parabolic': 'mtFlatPolarParabolic', 'mt flat polar quartic': 'mtFlatPolarQuartic', 'mt flat polar sinusoidal': 'mtFlatPolarSinusoidal', 'natural earth': 'naturalEarth', 'natural earth1': 'naturalEarth1', 'natural earth2': 'naturalEarth2', 'nell hammer': 'nellHammer', nicolosi: 'nicolosi', orthographic: 'orthographic', patterson: 'patterson', 'peirce quincuncial': 'peirceQuincuncial', polyconic: 'polyconic', // 'polyhedral butterfly': 'polyhedralButterfly', // 'polyhedral collignon': 'polyhedralCollignon', // 'polyhedral waterman': 'polyhedralWaterman', 'rectangular polyconic': 'rectangularPolyconic', robinson: 'robinson', satellite: 'satellite', 'sinu mollweide': 'sinuMollweide', sinusoidal: 'sinusoidal', stereographic: 'stereographic', times: 'times', 'transverse mercator': 'transverseMercator', // 'two point azimuthalUsa': 'twoPointAzimuthalUsa', // 'two point azimuthal': 'twoPointAzimuthal', // 'two point equidistantUsa': 'twoPointEquidistantUsa', // 'two point equidistant': 'twoPointEquidistant', 'van der grinten': 'vanDerGrinten', 'van der grinten2': 'vanDerGrinten2', 'van der grinten3': 'vanDerGrinten3', 'van der grinten4': 'vanDerGrinten4', wagner4: 'wagner4', wagner6: 'wagner6', // 'wagner7': 'wagner7', // 'wagner': 'wagner', wiechel: 'wiechel', 'winkel tripel': 'winkel3', winkel3: 'winkel3', }; // name of the axes exports.axesNames = ['lonaxis', 'lataxis']; // max longitudinal angular span (EXPERIMENTAL) exports.lonaxisSpan = { orthographic: 180, 'azimuthal equal area': 360, 'azimuthal equidistant': 360, 'conic conformal': 180, gnomonic: 160, stereographic: 180, 'transverse mercator': 180, '*': 360 }; // max latitudinal angular span (EXPERIMENTAL) exports.lataxisSpan = { 'conic conformal': 150, stereographic: 179.5, '*': 180 }; // defaults for each scope exports.scopeDefaults = { world: { lonaxisRange: [-180, 180], lataxisRange: [-90, 90], projType: 'equirectangular', projRotate: [0, 0, 0] }, usa: { lonaxisRange: [-180, -50], lataxisRange: [15, 80], projType: 'albers usa' }, europe: { lonaxisRange: [-30, 60], lataxisRange: [30, 85], projType: 'conic conformal', projRotate: [15, 0, 0], projParallels: [0, 60] }, asia: { lonaxisRange: [22, 160], lataxisRange: [-15, 55], projType: 'mercator', projRotate: [0, 0, 0] }, africa: { lonaxisRange: [-30, 60], lataxisRange: [-40, 40], projType: 'mercator', projRotate: [0, 0, 0] }, 'north america': { lonaxisRange: [-180, -45], lataxisRange: [5, 85], projType: 'conic conformal', projRotate: [-100, 0, 0], projParallels: [29.5, 45.5] }, 'south america': { lonaxisRange: [-100, -30], lataxisRange: [-60, 15], projType: 'mercator', projRotate: [0, 0, 0] } }; // angular pad to avoid rounding error around clip angles exports.clipPad = 1e-3; // map projection precision exports.precision = 0.1; // default land and water fill colors exports.landColor = '#F0DC82'; exports.waterColor = '#3399FF'; // locationmode to layer name exports.locationmodeToLayer = { 'ISO-3': 'countries', 'USA-states': 'subunits', 'country names': 'countries' }; // SVG element for a sphere (use to frame maps) exports.sphereSVG = {type: 'Sphere'}; // N.B. base layer names must be the same as in the topojson files // base layer with a fill color exports.fillLayers = { ocean: 1, land: 1, lakes: 1 }; // base layer with a only a line color exports.lineLayers = { subunits: 1, countries: 1, coastlines: 1, rivers: 1, frame: 1 }; exports.layers = [ 'bg', 'ocean', 'land', 'lakes', 'subunits', 'countries', 'coastlines', 'rivers', 'lataxis', 'lonaxis', 'frame', 'backplot', 'frontplot' ]; exports.layersForChoropleth = [ 'bg', 'ocean', 'land', 'subunits', 'countries', 'coastlines', 'lataxis', 'lonaxis', 'frame', 'backplot', 'rivers', 'lakes', 'frontplot' ]; exports.layerNameToAdjective = { ocean: 'ocean', land: 'land', lakes: 'lake', subunits: 'subunit', countries: 'country', coastlines: 'coastline', rivers: 'river', frame: 'frame' };