'use strict'; module.exports = { xaxis: { valType: 'subplotid', dflt: 'x', editType: 'calc+clearAxisTypes', description: [ 'Sets a reference between this trace\'s x coordinates and', 'a 2D cartesian x axis.', 'If *x* (the default value), the x coordinates refer to', '`layout.xaxis`.', 'If *x2*, the x coordinates refer to `layout.xaxis2`, and so on.' ].join(' ') }, yaxis: { valType: 'subplotid', dflt: 'y', editType: 'calc+clearAxisTypes', description: [ 'Sets a reference between this trace\'s y coordinates and', 'a 2D cartesian y axis.', 'If *y* (the default value), the y coordinates refer to', '`layout.yaxis`.', 'If *y2*, the y coordinates refer to `layout.yaxis2`, and so on.' ].join(' ') } };