//@see https://github.com/chinchang/hint.css $fontSize: 12px; $verticalPadding: 8px; $horizontalPadding: 10px; // default tooltip height $tooltipHeight: $fontSize + 2 * $verticalPadding !default; // border-width for tooltip arrow $arrowBorderWidth: 6px !default; // horizontal arrow offset $arrowOffsetX: 3 * $arrowBorderWidth !default; // text-shadow darken percentage $textShadowDarkenAmount: 25% !default; // transition distance $transitionDistance: 8px !default; // z-index for tooltips $zIndex: 1000000 !default; // Various colors // Default color is blackish $defaultColor: #69738a !default; // Error color $errorColor: hsl(1, 40%, 50%) !default; // Warning color $warningColor: hsl(38, 46%, 54%) !default; // Info Color $infoColor: hsl(200, 50%, 45%) !default; // Success Color $successColor: hsl(121, 32%, 40%) !default; [data-title] { &:before, &:after { position: absolute; @include vendor('transform', translate3d(0, 0, 0)); display: none; opacity: 0; z-index: $zIndex; pointer-events: none; // @include vendor('transition', opacity 0.3s ease 0); // @include vendor('transition-delay', 0); top: 110%; right: 50%; } &:hover:before, &:hover:after { display: block; opacity: 1; } // Top arrow &:before { content: ''; position: absolute; background: transparent; border: $arrowBorderWidth solid transparent; z-index: $zIndex + 1; margin-top: -2 * $arrowBorderWidth; border-bottom-color: $defaultColor; margin-right: -1 * $arrowBorderWidth; } /** * tooltip body */ &:after { content: attr(data-title); // The magic! background: $defaultColor; color: white; padding: $verticalPadding $horizontalPadding; font-size: $fontSize; line-height: $fontSize; // Vertical centering. white-space: nowrap; // Prevent breaking to new line. margin-right: -1 * $arrowOffsetX; border-radius: 2px; } } .vertical [data-title] { &:before, &:after { top: 0%; right: 200%; } // Right arrow &:before { border: $arrowBorderWidth solid transparent; border-left-color: $defaultColor; margin-top: $verticalPadding; margin-right: -1 * ($arrowOffsetX + 2 * $arrowBorderWidth); } }