'use strict'; module.exports = { axisRefDescription: function(axisname, lower, upper) { return [ 'If set to a', axisname, 'axis id (e.g. *' + axisname + '* or', '*' + axisname + '2*), the `' + axisname + '` position refers to a', axisname, 'coordinate. If set to *paper*, the `' + axisname + '`', 'position refers to the distance from the', lower, 'of the plotting', 'area in normalized coordinates where *0* (*1*) corresponds to the', lower, '(' + upper + '). If set to a', axisname, 'axis ID followed by', '*domain* (separated by a space), the position behaves like for', '*paper*, but refers to the distance in fractions of the domain', 'length from the', lower, 'of the domain of that axis: e.g.,', '*' + axisname + '2 domain* refers to the domain of the second', axisname, ' axis and a', axisname, 'position of 0.5 refers to the', 'point between the', lower, 'and the', upper, 'of the domain of the', 'second', axisname, 'axis.', ].join(' '); } };