'use strict'; var colorAttributes = require('../color/attributes'); module.exports = { bgcolor: { valType: 'color', dflt: colorAttributes.background, editType: 'plot', description: 'Sets the background color of the range slider.' }, bordercolor: { valType: 'color', dflt: colorAttributes.defaultLine, editType: 'plot', description: 'Sets the border color of the range slider.' }, borderwidth: { valType: 'integer', dflt: 0, min: 0, editType: 'plot', description: 'Sets the border width of the range slider.' }, autorange: { valType: 'boolean', dflt: true, editType: 'calc', impliedEdits: {'range[0]': undefined, 'range[1]': undefined}, description: [ 'Determines whether or not the range slider range is', 'computed in relation to the input data.', 'If `range` is provided, then `autorange` is set to *false*.' ].join(' ') }, range: { valType: 'info_array', items: [ {valType: 'any', editType: 'calc', impliedEdits: {'^autorange': false}}, {valType: 'any', editType: 'calc', impliedEdits: {'^autorange': false}} ], editType: 'calc', impliedEdits: {autorange: false}, description: [ 'Sets the range of the range slider.', 'If not set, defaults to the full xaxis range.', 'If the axis `type` is *log*, then you must take the', 'log of your desired range.', 'If the axis `type` is *date*, it should be date strings,', 'like date data, though Date objects and unix milliseconds', 'will be accepted and converted to strings.', 'If the axis `type` is *category*, it should be numbers,', 'using the scale where each category is assigned a serial', 'number from zero in the order it appears.' ].join(' ') }, thickness: { valType: 'number', dflt: 0.15, min: 0, max: 1, editType: 'plot', description: [ 'The height of the range slider as a fraction of the', 'total plot area height.' ].join(' ') }, visible: { valType: 'boolean', dflt: true, editType: 'calc', description: [ 'Determines whether or not the range slider will be visible.', 'If visible, perpendicular axes will be set to `fixedrange`' ].join(' ') }, editType: 'calc' };