'use strict'; var d3 = require('@plotly/d3'); var isNumeric = require('fast-isnumeric'); var Drawing = require('../drawing'); var subTypes = require('../../traces/scatter/subtypes'); module.exports = function plot(gd, traces, plotinfo, transitionOpts) { var isNew; var xa = plotinfo.xaxis; var ya = plotinfo.yaxis; var hasAnimation = transitionOpts && transitionOpts.duration > 0; var isStatic = gd._context.staticPlot; traces.each(function(d) { var trace = d[0].trace; // || {} is in case the trace (specifically scatterternary) // doesn't support error bars at all, but does go through // the scatter.plot mechanics, which calls ErrorBars.plot // internally var xObj = trace.error_x || {}; var yObj = trace.error_y || {}; var keyFunc; if(trace.ids) { keyFunc = function(d) {return d.id;}; } var sparse = ( subTypes.hasMarkers(trace) && trace.marker.maxdisplayed > 0 ); if(!yObj.visible && !xObj.visible) d = []; var errorbars = d3.select(this).selectAll('g.errorbar') .data(d, keyFunc); errorbars.exit().remove(); if(!d.length) return; if(!xObj.visible) errorbars.selectAll('path.xerror').remove(); if(!yObj.visible) errorbars.selectAll('path.yerror').remove(); errorbars.style('opacity', 1); var enter = errorbars.enter().append('g') .classed('errorbar', true); if(hasAnimation) { enter.style('opacity', 0).transition() .duration(transitionOpts.duration) .style('opacity', 1); } Drawing.setClipUrl(errorbars, plotinfo.layerClipId, gd); errorbars.each(function(d) { var errorbar = d3.select(this); var coords = errorCoords(d, xa, ya); if(sparse && !d.vis) return; var path; var yerror = errorbar.select('path.yerror'); if(yObj.visible && isNumeric(coords.x) && isNumeric(coords.yh) && isNumeric(coords.ys)) { var yw = yObj.width; path = 'M' + (coords.x - yw) + ',' + coords.yh + 'h' + (2 * yw) + // hat 'm-' + yw + ',0V' + coords.ys; // bar if(!coords.noYS) path += 'm-' + yw + ',0h' + (2 * yw); // shoe isNew = !yerror.size(); if(isNew) { yerror = errorbar.append('path') .style('vector-effect', isStatic ? 'none' : 'non-scaling-stroke') .classed('yerror', true); } else if(hasAnimation) { yerror = yerror .transition() .duration(transitionOpts.duration) .ease(transitionOpts.easing); } yerror.attr('d', path); } else yerror.remove(); var xerror = errorbar.select('path.xerror'); if(xObj.visible && isNumeric(coords.y) && isNumeric(coords.xh) && isNumeric(coords.xs)) { var xw = (xObj.copy_ystyle ? yObj : xObj).width; path = 'M' + coords.xh + ',' + (coords.y - xw) + 'v' + (2 * xw) + // hat 'm0,-' + xw + 'H' + coords.xs; // bar if(!coords.noXS) path += 'm0,-' + xw + 'v' + (2 * xw); // shoe isNew = !xerror.size(); if(isNew) { xerror = errorbar.append('path') .style('vector-effect', isStatic ? 'none' : 'non-scaling-stroke') .classed('xerror', true); } else if(hasAnimation) { xerror = xerror .transition() .duration(transitionOpts.duration) .ease(transitionOpts.easing); } xerror.attr('d', path); } else xerror.remove(); }); }); }; // compute the coordinates of the error-bar objects function errorCoords(d, xa, ya) { var out = { x: xa.c2p(d.x), y: ya.c2p(d.y) }; // calculate the error bar size and hat and shoe locations if(d.yh !== undefined) { out.yh = ya.c2p(d.yh); out.ys = ya.c2p(d.ys); // if the shoes go off-scale (ie log scale, error bars past zero) // clip the bar and hide the shoes if(!isNumeric(out.ys)) { out.noYS = true; out.ys = ya.c2p(d.ys, true); } } if(d.xh !== undefined) { out.xh = xa.c2p(d.xh); out.xs = xa.c2p(d.xs); if(!isNumeric(out.xs)) { out.noXS = true; out.xs = xa.c2p(d.xs, true); } } return out; }