'use strict'; var d3 = require('@plotly/d3'); var Color = require('../color'); var ARROWPATHS = require('./arrow_paths'); var Lib = require('../../lib'); var strScale = Lib.strScale; var strRotate = Lib.strRotate; var strTranslate = Lib.strTranslate; /** * Add arrowhead(s) to a path or line element * * @param {d3.selection} el3: a d3-selected line or path element * * @param {string} ends: 'none', 'start', 'end', or 'start+end' for which ends get arrowheads * * @param {object} options: style information. Must have all the following: * @param {number} options.arrowhead: end head style - see ./arrow_paths * @param {number} options.startarrowhead: start head style - see ./arrow_paths * @param {number} options.arrowsize: relative size of the end head vs line width * @param {number} options.startarrowsize: relative size of the start head vs line width * @param {number} options.standoff: distance in px to move the end arrow point from its target * @param {number} options.startstandoff: distance in px to move the start arrow point from its target * @param {number} options.arrowwidth: width of the arrow line * @param {string} options.arrowcolor: color of the arrow line, for the head to match * Note that the opacity of this color is ignored, as it's assumed the container * of both the line and head has opacity applied to it so there isn't greater opacity * where they overlap. */ module.exports = function drawArrowHead(el3, ends, options) { var el = el3.node(); var headStyle = ARROWPATHS[options.arrowhead || 0]; var startHeadStyle = ARROWPATHS[options.startarrowhead || 0]; var scale = (options.arrowwidth || 1) * (options.arrowsize || 1); var startScale = (options.arrowwidth || 1) * (options.startarrowsize || 1); var doStart = ends.indexOf('start') >= 0; var doEnd = ends.indexOf('end') >= 0; var backOff = headStyle.backoff * scale + options.standoff; var startBackOff = startHeadStyle.backoff * startScale + options.startstandoff; var start, end, startRot, endRot; if(el.nodeName === 'line') { start = {x: +el3.attr('x1'), y: +el3.attr('y1')}; end = {x: +el3.attr('x2'), y: +el3.attr('y2')}; var dx = start.x - end.x; var dy = start.y - end.y; startRot = Math.atan2(dy, dx); endRot = startRot + Math.PI; if(backOff && startBackOff) { if(backOff + startBackOff > Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)) { hideLine(); return; } } if(backOff) { if(backOff * backOff > dx * dx + dy * dy) { hideLine(); return; } var backOffX = backOff * Math.cos(startRot); var backOffY = backOff * Math.sin(startRot); end.x += backOffX; end.y += backOffY; el3.attr({x2: end.x, y2: end.y}); } if(startBackOff) { if(startBackOff * startBackOff > dx * dx + dy * dy) { hideLine(); return; } var startBackOffX = startBackOff * Math.cos(startRot); var startbackOffY = startBackOff * Math.sin(startRot); start.x -= startBackOffX; start.y -= startbackOffY; el3.attr({x1: start.x, y1: start.y}); } } else if(el.nodeName === 'path') { var pathlen = el.getTotalLength(); // using dash to hide the backOff region of the path. // if we ever allow dash for the arrow we'll have to // do better than this hack... maybe just manually // combine the two var dashArray = ''; if(pathlen < backOff + startBackOff) { hideLine(); return; } var start0 = el.getPointAtLength(0); var dstart = el.getPointAtLength(0.1); startRot = Math.atan2(start0.y - dstart.y, start0.x - dstart.x); start = el.getPointAtLength(Math.min(startBackOff, pathlen)); dashArray = '0px,' + startBackOff + 'px,'; var end0 = el.getPointAtLength(pathlen); var dend = el.getPointAtLength(pathlen - 0.1); endRot = Math.atan2(end0.y - dend.y, end0.x - dend.x); end = el.getPointAtLength(Math.max(0, pathlen - backOff)); var shortening = dashArray ? startBackOff + backOff : backOff; dashArray += (pathlen - shortening) + 'px,' + pathlen + 'px'; el3.style('stroke-dasharray', dashArray); } function hideLine() { el3.style('stroke-dasharray', '0px,100px'); } function drawhead(arrowHeadStyle, p, rot, arrowScale) { if(!arrowHeadStyle.path) return; if(arrowHeadStyle.noRotate) rot = 0; d3.select(el.parentNode).append('path') .attr({ class: el3.attr('class'), d: arrowHeadStyle.path, transform: strTranslate(p.x, p.y) + strRotate(rot * 180 / Math.PI) + strScale(arrowScale) }) .style({ fill: Color.rgb(options.arrowcolor), 'stroke-width': 0 }); } if(doStart) drawhead(startHeadStyle, start, startRot, startScale); if(doEnd) drawhead(headStyle, end, endRot, scale); };