import defaults from 'mocha/lib/mocharc.json' import createInvalidArgumentValueError from 'mocha/lib/errors' import { list } from 'mocha/lib/cli/run-helpers' import { ONE_AND_DONE_ARGS } from 'mocha/lib/cli/one-and-dones' import { merge as _merge, omit as _omit } from 'lodash' import { Options } from 'yargs' /** * Eventually GROUPS and mochaOptions can be done away with when options can be * directly imported from Mocha * * That can be done once this PR is merged: * */ const GROUPS = { FILES: 'File Handling', FILTERS: 'Test Filters', NODEJS: 'Node.js & V8', OUTPUT: 'Reporting & Output', RULES: 'Rules & Behavior', CONFIG: 'Configuration' } const mochaOptions: { [key: string]: Options } = { 'allow-uncaught': { description: 'Allow uncaught errors to propagate', group: GROUPS.RULES }, 'async-only': { description: 'Require all tests to use a callback (async) or return a Promise', group: GROUPS.RULES }, bail: { description: 'Abort ("bail") after first test failure', group: GROUPS.RULES }, 'check-leaks': { description: 'Check for global variable leaks', group: GROUPS.RULES }, color: { description: 'Force-enable color output', group: GROUPS.OUTPUT }, config: { config: true, defaultDescription: '(nearest rc file)', description: 'Path to config file', group: GROUPS.CONFIG }, delay: { description: 'Delay initial execution of root suite', group: GROUPS.RULES }, diff: { default: true, description: 'Show diff on failure', group: GROUPS.OUTPUT }, exit: { description: 'Force Mocha to quit after tests complete', group: GROUPS.RULES }, extension: { default: defaults.extension, description: 'File extension(s) to load', group: GROUPS.FILES, requiresArg: true, coerce: list }, fgrep: { conflicts: 'grep', description: 'Only run tests containing this string', group: GROUPS.FILTERS, requiresArg: true }, file: { defaultDescription: '(none)', description: 'Specify file(s) to be loaded prior to root suite execution', group: GROUPS.FILES, normalize: true, requiresArg: true }, 'forbid-only': { description: 'Fail if exclusive test(s) encountered', group: GROUPS.RULES }, 'forbid-pending': { description: 'Fail if pending test(s) encountered', group: GROUPS.RULES }, 'full-trace': { description: 'Display full stack traces', group: GROUPS.OUTPUT }, global: { coerce: list, description: 'List of allowed global variables', group: GROUPS.RULES, requiresArg: true }, grep: { coerce: value => (!value ? null : value), conflicts: 'fgrep', description: 'Only run tests matching this string or regexp', group: GROUPS.FILTERS, requiresArg: true }, growl: { description: 'Enable Growl notifications', group: GROUPS.OUTPUT }, ignore: { defaultDescription: '(none)', description: 'Ignore file(s) or glob pattern(s)', group: GROUPS.FILES, requiresArg: true }, 'inline-diffs': { description: 'Display actual/expected differences inline within each string', group: GROUPS.OUTPUT }, invert: { description: 'Inverts --grep and --fgrep matches', group: GROUPS.FILTERS }, 'list-interfaces': { conflicts: Array.from(ONE_AND_DONE_ARGS) as string[], description: 'List built-in user interfaces & exit' }, 'list-reporters': { conflicts: Array.from(ONE_AND_DONE_ARGS) as string[], description: 'List built-in reporters & exit' }, 'no-colors': { description: 'Force-disable color output', group: GROUPS.OUTPUT, hidden: true }, package: { description: 'Path to package.json for config', group: GROUPS.CONFIG, normalize: true, requiresArg: true }, recursive: { description: 'Look for tests in subdirectories', group: GROUPS.FILES }, reporter: { default: defaults.reporter, description: 'Specify reporter to use', group: GROUPS.OUTPUT, requiresArg: true }, 'reporter-option': { coerce: opts => list(opts).reduce((acc, opt) => { const pair = opt.split('=') if (pair.length > 2 || !pair.length) { throw createInvalidArgumentValueError( `invalid reporter option '${opt}'`, '--reporter-option', opt, 'expected "key=value" format' ) } acc[pair[0]] = pair.length === 2 ? pair[1] : true return acc }, {}), description: 'Reporter-specific options ()', group: GROUPS.OUTPUT, requiresArg: true }, require: { defaultDescription: '(none)', description: 'Require module', group: GROUPS.FILES, requiresArg: true }, retries: { description: 'Retry failed tests this many times', group: GROUPS.RULES }, slow: { default: defaults.slow, description: 'Specify "slow" test threshold (in milliseconds)', group: GROUPS.RULES }, sort: { description: 'Sort test files', group: GROUPS.FILES }, timeout: { default: defaults.timeout, description: 'Specify test timeout threshold (in milliseconds)', group: GROUPS.RULES }, ui: { default: defaults.ui, description: 'Specify user interface', group: GROUPS.RULES, requiresArg: true }, watch: { description: 'Watch files in the current working directory for changes', group: GROUPS.FILES }, 'watch-files': { description: 'List of paths or globs to watch', group: GROUPS.FILES, requiresArg: true, coerce: list }, 'watch-ignore': { description: 'List of paths or globs to exclude from watching', group: GROUPS.FILES, requiresArg: true, coerce: list, default: defaults['watch-ignore'] } } /** * Cleans up Mocha's Yargs options to provide only those that are relevant to * running Mochapack */ const mochaOptionsForMochapack = _merge( {}, // Some options are irrelevant to actually running tests and should be run // using Mocha from the command line directly _omit(mochaOptions, 'list-interfaces', 'list-reporters'), { opts: { type: 'string', describe: 'Path to Mocha options file (no longer supported by Mocha)', group: GROUPS.CONFIG, requiresArg: true } as Options }, // Some options need to be adjusted to provide support for different Mocha // versions { // Until Mocha 7.0.1, only js was included in extension extension: { default: ['js', 'cjs', 'mjs'] }, // Not present until Mocha 6.2.0 'watch-ignore': { default: ['node_modules', '.git'] } } ) export default mochaOptionsForMochapack