'use strict'; /** * Definition for Mocha's default ("run tests") command * * @module * @private */ const symbols = require('log-symbols'); const ansi = require('ansi-colors'); const Mocha = require('../mocha'); const { createUnsupportedError, createInvalidArgumentValueError, createMissingArgumentError } = require('../errors'); const { list, handleRequires, validateLegacyPlugin, runMocha } = require('./run-helpers'); const {ONE_AND_DONES, ONE_AND_DONE_ARGS} = require('./one-and-dones'); const debug = require('debug')('mocha:cli:run'); const defaults = require('../mocharc'); const {types, aliases} = require('./run-option-metadata'); /** * Logical option groups * @constant */ const GROUPS = { FILES: 'File Handling', FILTERS: 'Test Filters', NODEJS: 'Node.js & V8', OUTPUT: 'Reporting & Output', RULES: 'Rules & Behavior', CONFIG: 'Configuration' }; exports.command = ['$0 [spec..]', 'inspect']; exports.describe = 'Run tests with Mocha'; exports.builder = yargs => yargs .options({ 'allow-uncaught': { description: 'Allow uncaught errors to propagate', group: GROUPS.RULES }, 'async-only': { description: 'Require all tests to use a callback (async) or return a Promise', group: GROUPS.RULES }, bail: { description: 'Abort ("bail") after first test failure', group: GROUPS.RULES }, 'check-leaks': { description: 'Check for global variable leaks', group: GROUPS.RULES }, color: { description: 'Force-enable color output', group: GROUPS.OUTPUT }, config: { config: true, defaultDescription: '(nearest rc file)', description: 'Path to config file', group: GROUPS.CONFIG }, delay: { description: 'Delay initial execution of root suite', group: GROUPS.RULES }, diff: { default: true, description: 'Show diff on failure', group: GROUPS.OUTPUT }, 'dry-run': { description: 'Report tests without executing them', group: GROUPS.RULES }, exit: { description: 'Force Mocha to quit after tests complete', group: GROUPS.RULES }, extension: { default: defaults.extension, description: 'File extension(s) to load', group: GROUPS.FILES, requiresArg: true, coerce: list }, 'fail-zero': { description: 'Fail test run if no test(s) encountered', group: GROUPS.RULES }, fgrep: { conflicts: 'grep', description: 'Only run tests containing this string', group: GROUPS.FILTERS, requiresArg: true }, file: { defaultDescription: '(none)', description: 'Specify file(s) to be loaded prior to root suite execution', group: GROUPS.FILES, normalize: true, requiresArg: true }, 'forbid-only': { description: 'Fail if exclusive test(s) encountered', group: GROUPS.RULES }, 'forbid-pending': { description: 'Fail if pending test(s) encountered', group: GROUPS.RULES }, 'full-trace': { description: 'Display full stack traces', group: GROUPS.OUTPUT }, global: { coerce: list, description: 'List of allowed global variables', group: GROUPS.RULES, requiresArg: true }, grep: { coerce: value => (!value ? null : value), conflicts: 'fgrep', description: 'Only run tests matching this string or regexp', group: GROUPS.FILTERS, requiresArg: true }, ignore: { defaultDescription: '(none)', description: 'Ignore file(s) or glob pattern(s)', group: GROUPS.FILES, requiresArg: true }, 'inline-diffs': { description: 'Display actual/expected differences inline within each string', group: GROUPS.OUTPUT }, invert: { description: 'Inverts --grep and --fgrep matches', group: GROUPS.FILTERS }, jobs: { description: 'Number of concurrent jobs for --parallel; use 1 to run in serial', defaultDescription: '(number of CPU cores - 1)', requiresArg: true, group: GROUPS.RULES }, 'list-interfaces': { conflicts: Array.from(ONE_AND_DONE_ARGS), description: 'List built-in user interfaces & exit' }, 'list-reporters': { conflicts: Array.from(ONE_AND_DONE_ARGS), description: 'List built-in reporters & exit' }, 'no-colors': { description: 'Force-disable color output', group: GROUPS.OUTPUT, hidden: true }, 'node-option': { description: 'Node or V8 option (no leading "--")', group: GROUPS.CONFIG }, package: { description: 'Path to package.json for config', group: GROUPS.CONFIG, normalize: true, requiresArg: true }, parallel: { description: 'Run tests in parallel', group: GROUPS.RULES }, recursive: { description: 'Look for tests in subdirectories', group: GROUPS.FILES }, reporter: { default: defaults.reporter, description: 'Specify reporter to use', group: GROUPS.OUTPUT, requiresArg: true }, 'reporter-option': { coerce: opts => list(opts).reduce((acc, opt) => { const pair = opt.split('='); if (pair.length > 2 || !pair.length) { throw createInvalidArgumentValueError( `invalid reporter option '${opt}'`, '--reporter-option', opt, 'expected "key=value" format' ); } acc[pair[0]] = pair.length === 2 ? pair[1] : true; return acc; }, {}), description: 'Reporter-specific options ()', group: GROUPS.OUTPUT, requiresArg: true }, require: { defaultDescription: '(none)', description: 'Require module', group: GROUPS.FILES, requiresArg: true }, retries: { description: 'Retry failed tests this many times', group: GROUPS.RULES }, slow: { default: defaults.slow, description: 'Specify "slow" test threshold (in milliseconds)', group: GROUPS.RULES }, sort: { description: 'Sort test files', group: GROUPS.FILES }, timeout: { default: defaults.timeout, description: 'Specify test timeout threshold (in milliseconds)', group: GROUPS.RULES }, ui: { default: defaults.ui, description: 'Specify user interface', group: GROUPS.RULES, requiresArg: true }, watch: { description: 'Watch files in the current working directory for changes', group: GROUPS.FILES }, 'watch-files': { description: 'List of paths or globs to watch', group: GROUPS.FILES, requiresArg: true, coerce: list }, 'watch-ignore': { description: 'List of paths or globs to exclude from watching', group: GROUPS.FILES, requiresArg: true, coerce: list, default: defaults['watch-ignore'] } }) .positional('spec', { default: ['test'], description: 'One or more files, directories, or globs to test', type: 'array' }) .check(argv => { // "one-and-dones"; let yargs handle help and version Object.keys(ONE_AND_DONES).forEach(opt => { if (argv[opt]) { ONE_AND_DONES[opt].call(null, yargs); process.exit(); } }); // yargs.implies() isn't flexible enough to handle this if (argv.invert && !('fgrep' in argv || 'grep' in argv)) { throw createMissingArgumentError( '"--invert" requires one of "--fgrep " or "--grep "', '--fgrep|--grep', 'string|regexp' ); } if (argv.parallel) { // yargs.conflicts() can't deal with `--file foo.js --no-parallel`, either if (argv.file) { throw createUnsupportedError( '--parallel runs test files in a non-deterministic order, and is mutually exclusive with --file' ); } // or this if (argv.sort) { throw createUnsupportedError( '--parallel runs test files in a non-deterministic order, and is mutually exclusive with --sort' ); } if (argv.reporter === 'progress') { throw createUnsupportedError( '--reporter=progress is mutually exclusive with --parallel' ); } if (argv.reporter === 'markdown') { throw createUnsupportedError( '--reporter=markdown is mutually exclusive with --parallel' ); } if (argv.reporter === 'json-stream') { throw createUnsupportedError( '--reporter=json-stream is mutually exclusive with --parallel' ); } } if (argv.compilers) { throw createUnsupportedError( `--compilers is DEPRECATED and no longer supported. See https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/wiki/compilers-deprecation for migration information.` ); } if (argv.opts) { throw createUnsupportedError( `--opts: configuring Mocha via 'mocha.opts' is DEPRECATED and no longer supported. Please use a configuration file instead.` ); } return true; }) .middleware(async (argv, yargs) => { // currently a failing middleware does not work nicely with yargs' `fail()`. try { // load requires first, because it can impact "plugin" validation const plugins = await handleRequires(argv.require); validateLegacyPlugin(argv, 'reporter', Mocha.reporters); validateLegacyPlugin(argv, 'ui', Mocha.interfaces); Object.assign(argv, plugins); } catch (err) { // this could be a bad --require, bad reporter, ui, etc. console.error(`\n${symbols.error} ${ansi.red('ERROR:')}`, err); yargs.exit(1); } }) .array(types.array) .boolean(types.boolean) .string(types.string) .number(types.number) .alias(aliases); exports.handler = async function (argv) { debug('post-yargs config', argv); const mocha = new Mocha(argv); try { await runMocha(mocha, argv); } catch (err) { console.error('\n Exception during run:', err); process.exit(1); } };