'use strict'; describe('basic mark with ignorePunctuation and accuracy', function() { function getPunctuation() { return ':;.,-–—‒_(){}[]!\'"+=' .replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, '\\$&') .split(''); } var $ctx1, $ctx2, punctuation = getPunctuation(), regexp = new RegExp('[' + punctuation.join('') + ']', 'g'); beforeEach(function(done) { loadFixtures('basic/ignore-punctuation-accuracy.html'); $ctx1 = $('.basic-ignore-punctuation-accuracy > div:nth-child(1)'); $ctx2 = $('.basic-ignore-punctuation-accuracy > div:nth-child(2)'); new Mark($ctx1[0]).mark('rem ips', { 'separateWordSearch': false, 'diacritics': false, 'accuracy': { 'value': 'complementary', // remove certain limiters for the given HTML 'limiters': '!#$%&*+,-./:;<=>?@^_`{|}~¡¿'.split('') }, 'ignorePunctuation': punctuation, 'done': function() { new Mark($ctx2[0]).mark(['ipsum'], { 'separateWordSearch': false, 'diacritics': false, 'accuracy': 'exact', 'ignorePunctuation': punctuation, 'done': done }); } }); }); it( 'should find matches with spaces and complementary accuracy', function() { expect($ctx1.find('mark')).toHaveLength(5); var count = 0, regex = /lorem\s+ipsum/i; $ctx1.find('mark').each(function() { if (regex.test($(this).text().replace(regexp, ''))) { count++; } }); expect(count).toBe(5); } ); it('should find matches with exact accuracy', function() { expect($ctx2.find('mark')).toHaveLength(5); var count = 0; $ctx2.find('mark').each(function() { if ($(this).text().replace(regexp, '') === 'ipsum') { count++; } }); expect(count).toBe(5); }); });