import {createMap, beforeMapTest} from '../../util/test/util'; import {LngLat} from '../../geo/lng_lat'; import {fakeServer, FakeServer} from 'nise'; import {Terrain} from '../../render/terrain'; import {Transform} from '../../geo/transform'; let server: FakeServer; beforeEach(() => { beforeMapTest(); global.fetch = null; server = fakeServer.create(); }); afterEach(() => { server.restore(); }); describe('#setTerrain', () => { test('warn when terrain and hillshade source identical', done => { server.respondWith('/source.json', JSON.stringify({ minzoom: 5, maxzoom: 12, attribution: 'Terrain', tiles: ['{z}/{x}/{y}.pngraw'], bounds: [-47, -7, -45, -5] })); const map = createMap(); map.on('load', () => { map.addSource('terrainrgb', {type: 'raster-dem', url: '/source.json'}); server.respond(); map.addLayer({id: 'hillshade', type: 'hillshade', source: 'terrainrgb'}); const stub = jest.spyOn(console, 'warn').mockImplementation(() => { }); stub.mockReset(); map.setTerrain({ source: 'terrainrgb' }); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); done(); }); }); }); describe('#getTerrain', () => { test('returns null when not set', () => { const map = createMap(); expect(map.getTerrain()).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('getCameraTargetElevation', () => { test('Elevation is zero without terrain, and matches any given terrain', () => { const map = createMap(); expect(map.getCameraTargetElevation()).toBe(0); const terrainStub = {} as Terrain; map.terrain = terrainStub; const transform = new Transform(0, 22, 0, 60, true); transform.elevation = 200; = new LngLat(10.0, 50.0); transform.zoom = 14; transform.resize(512, 512); transform.elevation = 2000; map.transform = transform; expect(map.getCameraTargetElevation()).toBe(2000); }); }); describe('Keep camera outside terrain', () => { test('Try to move camera into terrain', () => { const map = createMap(); let terrainElevation = 10; const terrainStub = {} as Terrain; terrainStub.getElevationForLngLatZoom = jest.fn( (_lngLat: LngLat, _zoom: number) => terrainElevation ); map.terrain = terrainStub; // Terrain elevation is 10 everywhere, we are above it at zoom level 15 // with pitch 45 deg. map.jumpTo({center: [0.0, 0.0], bearing: 0, pitch: 45, zoom: 15}); const initialCamPosition = map.transform.getCameraPosition(); expect(initialCamPosition.altitude).toBeCloseTo(506, 0); // Now we set the elevation to 5000 everywhere and try to jump to the // same position. This would lead to a jump into the terrain, which // must not be possible. // Camera should be above the terrain, but at the same location as // before and with decreased pitch. terrainElevation = 5000; map.jumpTo({center: [0.0, 0.0], pitch: 45, zoom: 15}); expect(map.transform.getCameraPosition().lngLat.lng).toBeCloseTo(initialCamPosition.lngLat.lng); expect(map.transform.getCameraPosition(); expect(map.transform.pitch).toBeLessThan(45); expect(map.transform.getCameraPosition().altitude).toBeGreaterThan(initialCamPosition.altitude); expect(map.transform.getCameraPosition().altitude).toBeGreaterThan(terrainElevation); }); });