import geolocation from 'mock-geolocation'; import {LngLatBounds} from '../../geo/lng_lat_bounds'; import {createMap, beforeMapTest, sleep} from '../../util/test/util'; import {GeolocateControl} from './geolocate_control'; jest.mock('../../util/geolocation_support', () => ( { checkGeolocationSupport: jest.fn() } )); import {checkGeolocationSupport} from '../../util/geolocation_support'; import type {LngLat} from '../../geo/lng_lat'; /** * Convert the coordinates of a LngLat object to a fixed number of digits * @param lngLat - the location * @param digits - digits the number of digits to set * @returns a string representation of the object with the required number of digits */ function lngLatAsFixed(lngLat: LngLat, digits: number): {lat: string; lng: string} { return { lng: lngLat.lng.toFixed(digits), lat: }; } describe('GeolocateControl with no options', () => { geolocation.use(); let map; beforeEach(() => { beforeMapTest(); map = createMap(undefined, undefined); (checkGeolocationSupport as any as jest.SpyInstance).mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve(true)); }); afterEach(() => { map.remove(); }); test('is disabled when there is no support', async () => { (checkGeolocationSupport as any as jest.SpyInstance).mockReset().mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve(false)); const geolocate = new GeolocateControl(undefined); const spy = jest.spyOn(console, 'warn').mockImplementation(() => {}); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); expect(geolocate._geolocateButton.disabled).toBeTruthy(); spy.mockRestore(); }); test('is enabled when there is support', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl(undefined); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); expect(geolocate._geolocateButton.disabled).toBeFalsy(); }); test('has permissions', async () => { (window.navigator as any).permissions = { query: () => Promise.resolve({state: 'granted'}) }; const geolocate = new GeolocateControl(undefined); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); expect(geolocate._geolocateButton.disabled).toBeFalsy(); }); test('error event', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl(undefined); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const errorPromise = geolocate.once('error'); geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); geolocation.sendError({code: 2, message: 'error message'}); const error = await errorPromise; expect(error.code).toBe(2); expect(error.message).toBe('error message'); }); test('does not throw if removed quickly', () => { (checkGeolocationSupport as any as jest.SpyInstance).mockReset() .mockImplementationOnce(() => { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(true); }, 10); }); }); const geolocate = new GeolocateControl(undefined); map.addControl(geolocate); map.removeControl(geolocate); }); test('outofmaxbounds event in active lock state', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl(undefined); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); map.setMaxBounds([[0, 0], [10, 10]]); geolocate._watchState = 'ACTIVE_LOCK'; const click = new window.Event('click'); const outofmaxboundsPromise = geolocate.once('outofmaxbounds'); geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 3, timestamp: 4}); const position = await outofmaxboundsPromise; expect(geolocate._watchState).toBe('ACTIVE_ERROR'); expect(position.coords.latitude).toBe(10); expect(position.coords.longitude).toBe(20); expect(position.coords.accuracy).toBe(3); expect(position.timestamp).toBe(4); }); test('outofmaxbounds event in background state', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl(undefined); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); map.setMaxBounds([[0, 0], [10, 10]]); geolocate._watchState = 'BACKGROUND'; const click = new window.Event('click'); const promise = geolocate.once('outofmaxbounds'); geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 3, timestamp: 4}); const position = await promise; expect(geolocate._watchState).toBe('BACKGROUND_ERROR'); expect(position.coords.latitude).toBe(10); expect(position.coords.longitude).toBe(20); expect(position.coords.accuracy).toBe(3); expect(position.timestamp).toBe(4); }); test('geolocate event', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl(undefined); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const promise = geolocate.once('geolocate'); geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 30, timestamp: 40}); const position = await promise; expect(position.coords.latitude).toBe(10); expect(position.coords.longitude).toBe(20); expect(position.coords.accuracy).toBe(30); expect(position.timestamp).toBe(40); }); test('trigger', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl(undefined); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); expect(geolocate.trigger()).toBeTruthy(); }); test('trigger and then error when tracking user location should get to active error state', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({trackUserLocation: true}); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); geolocate.trigger(); geolocation.sendError({code: 2, message: 'error message'}); expect(geolocate._watchState).toBe('ACTIVE_ERROR'); expect(geolocate._geolocateButton.classList.contains('maplibregl-ctrl-geolocate-active-error')).toBeTruthy(); }); test('trigger before added to map', () => { jest.spyOn(console, 'warn').mockImplementation(() => { }); const geolocate = new GeolocateControl(undefined); expect(geolocate.trigger()).toBeFalsy(); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Geolocate control triggered before added to a map'); }); test('geolocate fitBoundsOptions', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ fitBoundsOptions: { duration: 0, maxZoom: 10 } }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const moveEndPromise = map.once('moveend'); geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 1}); await moveEndPromise; expect(map.getZoom()).toBe(10); }); test('was removed before Geolocation support was checked', () => { expect(() => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl(undefined); map.addControl(geolocate); geolocate.trigger(); map.removeControl(geolocate); }).not.toThrow(); }); test('non-zero bearing', async () => { map.setBearing(45); const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ fitBoundsOptions: { duration: 0, maxZoom: 10 } }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const moveEndPromise = map.once('moveend'); geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 1}); await moveEndPromise; expect(lngLatAsFixed(map.getCenter(), 4)).toEqual({lat: '10.0000', lng: '20.0000'}); expect(map.getBearing()).toBe(45); expect(map.getZoom()).toBe(10); }); test('no watching map camera on geolocation', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ fitBoundsOptions: { maxZoom: 20, duration: 0 } }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const moveEndPromise = map.once('moveend'); geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 1000}); await moveEndPromise; const mapCenter = map.getCenter(); expect(lngLatAsFixed(mapCenter, 4)).toEqual({lat: '10.0000', lng: '20.0000'}); const mapBounds = map.getBounds(); // map bounds should contain or equal accuracy bounds, that is the ensure accuracy bounds doesn't fall outside the map bounds const accuracyBounds = LngLatBounds.fromLngLat(mapCenter, 1000); expect(accuracyBounds.getNorth().toFixed(4) <= mapBounds.getNorth().toFixed(4)).toBeTruthy(); expect(accuracyBounds.getSouth().toFixed(4) >= mapBounds.getSouth().toFixed(4)).toBeTruthy(); expect(accuracyBounds.getEast().toFixed(4) <= mapBounds.getEast().toFixed(4)).toBeTruthy(); expect(accuracyBounds.getWest().toFixed(4) >= mapBounds.getWest().toFixed(4)).toBeTruthy(); // map bounds should not be too much bigger on all edges of the accuracy bounds (this test will only work for an orthogonal bearing), // ensures map bounds does not contain buffered accuracy bounds, as if it does there is too much gap around the accuracy bounds const bufferedAccuracyBounds = LngLatBounds.fromLngLat(mapCenter, 1100); expect( (bufferedAccuracyBounds.getNorth().toFixed(4) < mapBounds.getNorth().toFixed(4)) && (bufferedAccuracyBounds.getSouth().toFixed(4) > mapBounds.getSouth().toFixed(4)) && (bufferedAccuracyBounds.getEast().toFixed(4) < mapBounds.getEast().toFixed(4)) && (bufferedAccuracyBounds.getWest().toFixed(4) > mapBounds.getWest().toFixed(4)) ).toBeFalsy(); }); test('watching map updates recenter on location with dot', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ trackUserLocation: true, showUserLocation: true, fitBoundsOptions: { duration: 0 } }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const firstMoveEnd = map.once('moveend'); geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 30}); await firstMoveEnd; expect(lngLatAsFixed(map.getCenter(), 4)).toEqual({lat: '10.0000', lng: '20.0000'}); expect(geolocate._userLocationDotMarker._map).toBeTruthy(); expect( geolocate._userLocationDotMarker._element.classList.contains('maplibregl-user-location-dot-stale') ).toBeFalsy(); const secontMoveEnd = map.once('moveend'); geolocation.change({latitude: 40, longitude: 50, accuracy: 60}); await secontMoveEnd; expect(lngLatAsFixed(map.getCenter(), 4)).toEqual({lat: '40.0000', lng: '50.0000'}); const errorPromise = geolocate.once('error'); geolocation.changeError({code: 2, message: 'position unavailable'}); await errorPromise; expect(geolocate._userLocationDotMarker._map).toBeTruthy(); expect(geolocate._userLocationDotMarker._element.classList.contains('maplibregl-user-location-dot-stale')).toBeTruthy(); }); /** * @deprecated 'trackuserlocationend' event will not be thrown in this situation later, * 'userlocationlostfocus event' test added instead. */ test('watching map background event', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ trackUserLocation: true, fitBoundsOptions: { duration: 0 } }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const moveEndPromise = map.once('moveend'); // click the button to activate it into the enabled watch state geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); // send through a location update which should reposition the map and trigger the 'moveend' event above geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 30}); await moveEndPromise; const trackPromise = geolocate.once('trackuserlocationend'); // manually pan the map away from the geolocation position which should trigger the 'trackuserlocationend' event above map.jumpTo({ center: [10, 5] }); await trackPromise; expect(map.getCenter()).toEqual({lng: 10, lat: 5}); }); test('userlocationlostfocus event', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ trackUserLocation: true, fitBoundsOptions: { duration: 0 } }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const moveEndPromise = map.once('moveend'); // click the button to activate it into the enabled watch state geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); // send through a location update which should reposition the map and trigger the 'moveend' event above geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 30}); await moveEndPromise; const trackPromise = geolocate.once('userlocationlostfocus'); // manually pan the map away from the geolocation position which should trigger the 'userlocationlostfocus' event above map.jumpTo({ center: [10, 5] }); await trackPromise; expect(map.getCenter()).toEqual({lng: 10, lat: 5}); }); test('watching geolocate turns off', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ trackUserLocation: true, fitBoundsOptions: { duration: 0 } }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const moveEndPromise = map.once('moveend'); // click the button to activate it into the enabled watch state geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); // send through a location update which should reposition the map and trigger the 'moveend' event above geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 30}); await moveEndPromise; const turnOffPromise = geolocate.once('trackuserlocationend'); // click the button to deactivate geolocate and trigger 'trackuserlocationend' event geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); await turnOffPromise; expect(geolocate._watchState).toBe('OFF'); }); test('watching map background state', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ trackUserLocation: true, fitBoundsOptions: { duration: 0 } }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const moveEndPromise = map.once('moveend'); // click the button to activate it into the enabled watch state geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); // send through a location update which should reposition the map and trigger the 'moveend' event above geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 30}); await moveEndPromise; const secondMoveEnd = map.once('moveend'); // manually pan the map away from the geolocation position which should trigger the 'moveend' event above map.jumpTo({ center: [10, 5] }); await secondMoveEnd; const geolocatePromise = geolocate.once('geolocate'); // update the geolocation position, since we are in background state when 'geolocate' is triggered above, the camera shouldn't have changed geolocation.change({latitude: 0, longitude: 0, accuracy: 10}); await geolocatePromise; expect(map.getCenter()).toEqual({lng: 10, lat: 5}); }); test('trackuserlocationstart event', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ trackUserLocation: true, fitBoundsOptions: { duration: 0 } }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const promise = geolocate.once('trackuserlocationstart'); geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); await promise; expect(map.getCenter()).toEqual({lng: 0, lat: 0}); }); test('userlocationfocus event', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ trackUserLocation: true, fitBoundsOptions: { duration: 0 } }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const moveEndPromise = map.once('moveend'); // click the button to activate it into the enabled watch state geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); // send through a location update which should reposition the map and trigger the 'moveend' event above geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 30}); await moveEndPromise; const trackPromise = geolocate.once('userlocationlostfocus'); // manually pan the map away from the geolocation position which should trigger the 'userlocationlostfocus' event above map.jumpTo({ center: [10, 5] }); await trackPromise; const lockToDotPromise = geolocate.once('userlocationfocus'); // click the button to focus on user location and trigger 'userlocationfocus' event geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); await lockToDotPromise; expect(geolocate._watchState).toBe('ACTIVE_LOCK'); }); test('does not switch to BACKGROUND and stays in ACTIVE_LOCK state on window resize', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ trackUserLocation: true, }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const geolocatePromise = geolocate.once('geolocate'); geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 30, timestamp: 40}); await geolocatePromise; expect(geolocate._watchState).toBe('ACTIVE_LOCK'); window.dispatchEvent(new window.Event('resize')); expect(geolocate._watchState).toBe('ACTIVE_LOCK'); }); test('switches to BACKGROUND state on map manipulation', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ trackUserLocation: true, }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const geolocatePromise = geolocate.once('geolocate'); geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 30, timestamp: 40}); await geolocatePromise; expect(geolocate._watchState).toBe('ACTIVE_LOCK'); map.jumpTo({ center: [0, 0] }); expect(geolocate._watchState).toBe('BACKGROUND'); }); test('accuracy circle not shown if showAccuracyCircle = false', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ trackUserLocation: true, showUserLocation: true, showAccuracyCircle: false, }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const geolocatePromise = geolocate.once('geolocate'); geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 700}); await geolocatePromise; map.jumpTo({ center: [10, 20] }); const zoomendPromise = map.once('zoomend'); map.zoomTo(10, {duration: 0}); await zoomendPromise; expect(!; }); test('accuracy circle radius matches reported accuracy', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ trackUserLocation: true, showUserLocation: true, }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const geolocatePromise = geolocate.once('geolocate'); geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 700}); await geolocatePromise; expect(geolocate._accuracyCircleMarker._map).toBeTruthy(); expect(geolocate._accuracy).toBe(700); map.jumpTo({ center: [10, 20] }); // test with bugger radius let zoomendPromise = map.once('zoomend'); map.zoomTo(12, {duration: 0}); await zoomendPromise; expect('79px'); zoomendPromise = map.once('zoomend'); map.zoomTo(10, {duration: 0}); await zoomendPromise; expect('20px'); zoomendPromise = map.once('zoomend'); // test with smaller radius geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 20}); map.zoomTo(20, {duration: 0}); await zoomendPromise; expect('19982px'); zoomendPromise = map.once('zoomend'); map.zoomTo(18, {duration: 0}); await zoomendPromise; expect('4996px'); }); test('shown even if trackUserLocation = false', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ trackUserLocation: false, showUserLocation: true, showAccuracyCircle: true, }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const geolocatePromise = geolocate.once('geolocate'); geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 700}); await geolocatePromise; map.jumpTo({ center: [10, 20] }); const zoomendPromise = map.once('zoomend'); map.zoomTo(10, {duration: 0}); await zoomendPromise; expect(; }); test('shown even if trackUserLocation = false', async () => { const geolocate = new GeolocateControl({ trackUserLocation: false, showUserLocation: true, showAccuracyCircle: true, }); map.addControl(geolocate); await sleep(0); const click = new window.Event('click'); const geolocatePromise = geolocate.once('geolocate'); geolocate._geolocateButton.dispatchEvent(click); geolocation.send({latitude: 10, longitude: 20, accuracy: 700}); await geolocatePromise; map.jumpTo({ center: [10, 20] }); const zoomendPromise = map.once('zoomend'); map.zoomTo(10, {duration: 0}); await zoomendPromise; expect(; }); test('Geolocate control should appear only once', async () => { const geolocateControl = new GeolocateControl({}); map.addControl(geolocateControl); // adding and removing to verify there is no race condition, and it is just added once map.removeControl(geolocateControl); map.addControl(geolocateControl); await map.once('idle'); const geolocateUIelem = await geolocateControl._container.getElementsByClassName('maplibregl-ctrl-geolocate'); expect(geolocateUIelem).toHaveLength(1); }); });