import {DOM} from '../../util/dom'; import {warnOnce} from '../../util/util'; import {Event, Evented} from '../../util/evented'; import type {Map} from '../map'; import type {IControl} from './control'; /** * The {@link FullscreenControl} options object */ type FullscreenControlOptions = { /** * `container` is the [compatible DOM element]( which should be made full screen. By default, the map container element will be made full screen. */ container?: HTMLElement; }; /** * A `FullscreenControl` control contains a button for toggling the map in and out of fullscreen mode. * When [requestFullscreen]( is not supported, fullscreen is handled via CSS properties. * The map's `cooperativeGestures` option is temporarily disabled while the map * is in fullscreen mode, and is restored when the map exist fullscreen mode. * * @group Markers and Controls * @param options - the full screen control options * * @example * ```ts * map.addControl(new FullscreenControl({container: document.querySelector('body')})); * ``` * @see [View a fullscreen map]( * * ## Events * * **Event** `fullscreenstart` of type {@link Event} will be fired when fullscreen mode has started. * * **Event** `fullscreenend` of type {@link Event} will be fired when fullscreen mode has ended. */ export class FullscreenControl extends Evented implements IControl { _map: Map; _controlContainer: HTMLElement; _fullscreen: boolean; _fullscreenchange: string; _fullscreenButton: HTMLButtonElement; _container: HTMLElement; _prevCooperativeGesturesEnabled: boolean; /** * @param options - the control's options */ constructor(options: FullscreenControlOptions = {}) { super(); this._fullscreen = false; if (options && options.container) { if (options.container instanceof HTMLElement) { this._container = options.container; } else { warnOnce('Full screen control \'container\' must be a DOM element.'); } } if ('onfullscreenchange' in document) { this._fullscreenchange = 'fullscreenchange'; } else if ('onmozfullscreenchange' in document) { this._fullscreenchange = 'mozfullscreenchange'; } else if ('onwebkitfullscreenchange' in document) { this._fullscreenchange = 'webkitfullscreenchange'; } else if ('onmsfullscreenchange' in document) { this._fullscreenchange = 'MSFullscreenChange'; } } /** {@inheritDoc IControl.onAdd} */ onAdd(map: Map): HTMLElement { this._map = map; if (!this._container) this._container = this._map.getContainer(); this._controlContainer = DOM.create('div', 'maplibregl-ctrl maplibregl-ctrl-group'); this._setupUI(); return this._controlContainer; } /** {@inheritDoc IControl.onRemove} */ onRemove() { DOM.remove(this._controlContainer); this._map = null; window.document.removeEventListener(this._fullscreenchange, this._onFullscreenChange); } _setupUI() { const button = this._fullscreenButton = DOM.create('button', (('maplibregl-ctrl-fullscreen')), this._controlContainer); DOM.create('span', 'maplibregl-ctrl-icon', button).setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); button.type = 'button'; this._updateTitle(); this._fullscreenButton.addEventListener('click', this._onClickFullscreen); window.document.addEventListener(this._fullscreenchange, this._onFullscreenChange); } _updateTitle() { const title = this._getTitle(); this._fullscreenButton.setAttribute('aria-label', title); this._fullscreenButton.title = title; } _getTitle() { return this._map._getUIString(this._isFullscreen() ? 'FullscreenControl.Exit' : 'FullscreenControl.Enter'); } _isFullscreen() { return this._fullscreen; } _onFullscreenChange = () => { let fullscreenElement = window.document.fullscreenElement || (window.document as any).mozFullScreenElement || (window.document as any).webkitFullscreenElement || (window.document as any).msFullscreenElement; while (fullscreenElement?.shadowRoot?.fullscreenElement) { fullscreenElement = fullscreenElement.shadowRoot.fullscreenElement; } if ((fullscreenElement === this._container) !== this._fullscreen) { this._handleFullscreenChange(); } }; _handleFullscreenChange() { this._fullscreen = !this._fullscreen; this._fullscreenButton.classList.toggle('maplibregl-ctrl-shrink'); this._fullscreenButton.classList.toggle('maplibregl-ctrl-fullscreen'); this._updateTitle(); if (this._fullscreen) { Event('fullscreenstart')); this._prevCooperativeGesturesEnabled = this._map.cooperativeGestures.isEnabled(); this._map.cooperativeGestures.disable(); } else { Event('fullscreenend')); if (this._prevCooperativeGesturesEnabled) { this._map.cooperativeGestures.enable(); } } } _onClickFullscreen = () => { if (this._isFullscreen()) { this._exitFullscreen(); } else { this._requestFullscreen(); } }; _exitFullscreen() { if (window.document.exitFullscreen) { (window.document as any).exitFullscreen(); } else if ((window.document as any).mozCancelFullScreen) { (window.document as any).mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if ((window.document as any).msExitFullscreen) { (window.document as any).msExitFullscreen(); } else if ((window.document as any).webkitCancelFullScreen) { (window.document as any).webkitCancelFullScreen(); } else { this._togglePseudoFullScreen(); } } _requestFullscreen() { if (this._container.requestFullscreen) { this._container.requestFullscreen(); } else if ((this._container as any).mozRequestFullScreen) { (this._container as any).mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if ((this._container as any).msRequestFullscreen) { (this._container as any).msRequestFullscreen(); } else if ((this._container as any).webkitRequestFullscreen) { (this._container as any).webkitRequestFullscreen(); } else { this._togglePseudoFullScreen(); } } _togglePseudoFullScreen() { this._container.classList.toggle('maplibregl-pseudo-fullscreen'); this._handleFullscreenChange(); this._map.resize(); } }