import {createLayout} from '../../util/struct_array'; export const symbolLayoutAttributes = createLayout([ {name: 'a_pos_offset', components: 4, type: 'Int16'}, {name: 'a_data', components: 4, type: 'Uint16'}, {name: 'a_pixeloffset', components: 4, type: 'Int16'} ], 4); export const dynamicLayoutAttributes = createLayout([ {name: 'a_projected_pos', components: 3, type: 'Float32'} ], 4); export const placementOpacityAttributes = createLayout([ {name: 'a_fade_opacity', components: 1, type: 'Uint32'} ], 4); export const collisionVertexAttributes = createLayout([ {name: 'a_placed', components: 2, type: 'Uint8'}, {name: 'a_shift', components: 2, type: 'Float32'}, {name: 'a_box_real', components: 2, type: 'Int16'}, ]); export const collisionBox = createLayout([ // the box is centered around the anchor point {type: 'Int16', name: 'anchorPointX'}, {type: 'Int16', name: 'anchorPointY'}, // distances to the edges from the anchor {type: 'Int16', name: 'x1'}, {type: 'Int16', name: 'y1'}, {type: 'Int16', name: 'x2'}, {type: 'Int16', name: 'y2'}, // the index of the feature in the original vectortile {type: 'Uint32', name: 'featureIndex'}, // the source layer the feature appears in {type: 'Uint16', name: 'sourceLayerIndex'}, // the bucket the feature appears in {type: 'Uint16', name: 'bucketIndex'}, ]); export const collisionBoxLayout = createLayout([ // used to render collision boxes for debugging purposes {name: 'a_pos', components: 2, type: 'Int16'}, {name: 'a_anchor_pos', components: 2, type: 'Int16'}, {name: 'a_extrude', components: 2, type: 'Int16'} ], 4); export const collisionCircleLayout = createLayout([ // used to render collision circles for debugging purposes {name: 'a_pos', components: 2, type: 'Float32'}, {name: 'a_radius', components: 1, type: 'Float32'}, {name: 'a_flags', components: 2, type: 'Int16'} ], 4); export const quadTriangle = createLayout([ {name: 'triangle', components: 3, type: 'Uint16'}, ]); export const placement = createLayout([ {type: 'Int16', name: 'anchorX'}, {type: 'Int16', name: 'anchorY'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'glyphStartIndex'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'numGlyphs'}, {type: 'Uint32', name: 'vertexStartIndex'}, {type: 'Uint32', name: 'lineStartIndex'}, {type: 'Uint32', name: 'lineLength'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'segment'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'lowerSize'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'upperSize'}, {type: 'Float32', name: 'lineOffsetX'}, {type: 'Float32', name: 'lineOffsetY'}, {type: 'Uint8', name: 'writingMode'}, {type: 'Uint8', name: 'placedOrientation'}, {type: 'Uint8', name: 'hidden'}, {type: 'Uint32', name: 'crossTileID'}, {type: 'Int16', name: 'associatedIconIndex'} ]); export const symbolInstance = createLayout([ {type: 'Int16', name: 'anchorX'}, {type: 'Int16', name: 'anchorY'}, {type: 'Int16', name: 'rightJustifiedTextSymbolIndex'}, {type: 'Int16', name: 'centerJustifiedTextSymbolIndex'}, {type: 'Int16', name: 'leftJustifiedTextSymbolIndex'}, {type: 'Int16', name: 'verticalPlacedTextSymbolIndex'}, {type: 'Int16', name: 'placedIconSymbolIndex'}, {type: 'Int16', name: 'verticalPlacedIconSymbolIndex'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'key'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'textBoxStartIndex'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'textBoxEndIndex'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'verticalTextBoxStartIndex'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'verticalTextBoxEndIndex'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'iconBoxStartIndex'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'iconBoxEndIndex'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'verticalIconBoxStartIndex'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'verticalIconBoxEndIndex'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'featureIndex'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'numHorizontalGlyphVertices'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'numVerticalGlyphVertices'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'numIconVertices'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'numVerticalIconVertices'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'useRuntimeCollisionCircles'}, {type: 'Uint32', name: 'crossTileID'}, {type: 'Float32', name: 'textBoxScale'}, {type: 'Float32', name: 'collisionCircleDiameter'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'textAnchorOffsetStartIndex'}, {type: 'Uint16', name: 'textAnchorOffsetEndIndex'} ]); export const glyphOffset = createLayout([ {type: 'Float32', name: 'offsetX'} ]); export const lineVertex = createLayout([ {type: 'Int16', name: 'x'}, {type: 'Int16', name: 'y'}, {type: 'Int16', name: 'tileUnitDistanceFromAnchor'} ]); export const textAnchorOffset = createLayout([ {type: 'Uint16', name: 'textAnchor'}, {type: 'Float32', components: 2, name: 'textOffset'} ]);