import {FillExtrusionLayoutArray, PosArray} from '../array_types.g'; import {members as layoutAttributes, centroidAttributes} from './fill_extrusion_attributes'; import {SegmentVector} from '../segment'; import {ProgramConfigurationSet} from '../program_configuration'; import {TriangleIndexArray} from '../index_array_type'; import {EXTENT} from '../extent'; import earcut from 'earcut'; import mvt from '@mapbox/vector-tile'; const vectorTileFeatureTypes = mvt.VectorTileFeature.types; import {classifyRings} from '@maplibre/maplibre-gl-style-spec'; const EARCUT_MAX_RINGS = 500; import {register} from '../../util/web_worker_transfer'; import {hasPattern, addPatternDependencies} from './pattern_bucket_features'; import {loadGeometry} from '../load_geometry'; import {toEvaluationFeature} from '../evaluation_feature'; import {EvaluationParameters} from '../../style/evaluation_parameters'; import type {CanonicalTileID} from '../../source/tile_id'; import type { Bucket, BucketParameters, BucketFeature, IndexedFeature, PopulateParameters } from '../bucket'; import type {FillExtrusionStyleLayer} from '../../style/style_layer/fill_extrusion_style_layer'; import type {Context} from '../../gl/context'; import type {IndexBuffer} from '../../gl/index_buffer'; import type {VertexBuffer} from '../../gl/vertex_buffer'; import type Point from '@mapbox/point-geometry'; import type {FeatureStates} from '../../source/source_state'; import type {ImagePosition} from '../../render/image_atlas'; import type {VectorTileLayer} from '@mapbox/vector-tile'; const FACTOR = Math.pow(2, 13); function addVertex(vertexArray, x, y, nx, ny, nz, t, e) { vertexArray.emplaceBack( // a_pos x, y, // a_normal_ed: 3-component normal and 1-component edgedistance Math.floor(nx * FACTOR) * 2 + t, ny * FACTOR * 2, nz * FACTOR * 2, // edgedistance (used for wrapping patterns around extrusion sides) Math.round(e) ); } export class FillExtrusionBucket implements Bucket { index: number; zoom: number; overscaling: number; layers: Array; layerIds: Array; stateDependentLayers: Array; stateDependentLayerIds: Array; layoutVertexArray: FillExtrusionLayoutArray; layoutVertexBuffer: VertexBuffer; centroidVertexArray: PosArray; centroidVertexBuffer: VertexBuffer; indexArray: TriangleIndexArray; indexBuffer: IndexBuffer; hasPattern: boolean; programConfigurations: ProgramConfigurationSet; segments: SegmentVector; uploaded: boolean; features: Array; constructor(options: BucketParameters) { this.zoom = options.zoom; this.overscaling = options.overscaling; this.layers = options.layers; this.layerIds = =>; this.index = options.index; this.hasPattern = false; this.layoutVertexArray = new FillExtrusionLayoutArray(); this.centroidVertexArray = new PosArray(); this.indexArray = new TriangleIndexArray(); this.programConfigurations = new ProgramConfigurationSet(options.layers, options.zoom); this.segments = new SegmentVector(); this.stateDependentLayerIds = this.layers.filter((l) => l.isStateDependent()).map((l) =>; } populate(features: Array, options: PopulateParameters, canonical: CanonicalTileID) { this.features = []; this.hasPattern = hasPattern('fill-extrusion', this.layers, options); for (const {feature, id, index, sourceLayerIndex} of features) { const needGeometry = this.layers[0]._featureFilter.needGeometry; const evaluationFeature = toEvaluationFeature(feature, needGeometry); if (!this.layers[0]._featureFilter.filter(new EvaluationParameters(this.zoom), evaluationFeature, canonical)) continue; const bucketFeature: BucketFeature = { id, sourceLayerIndex, index, geometry: needGeometry ? evaluationFeature.geometry : loadGeometry(feature), properties:, type: feature.type, patterns: {} }; if (this.hasPattern) { this.features.push(addPatternDependencies('fill-extrusion', this.layers, bucketFeature, this.zoom, options)); } else { this.addFeature(bucketFeature, bucketFeature.geometry, index, canonical, {}); } options.featureIndex.insert(feature, bucketFeature.geometry, index, sourceLayerIndex, this.index, true); } } addFeatures(options: PopulateParameters, canonical: CanonicalTileID, imagePositions: {[_: string]: ImagePosition}) { for (const feature of this.features) { const {geometry} = feature; this.addFeature(feature, geometry, feature.index, canonical, imagePositions); } } update(states: FeatureStates, vtLayer: VectorTileLayer, imagePositions: {[_: string]: ImagePosition}) { if (!this.stateDependentLayers.length) return; this.programConfigurations.updatePaintArrays(states, vtLayer, this.stateDependentLayers, imagePositions); } isEmpty() { return this.layoutVertexArray.length === 0 && this.centroidVertexArray.length === 0; } uploadPending() { return !this.uploaded || this.programConfigurations.needsUpload; } upload(context: Context) { if (!this.uploaded) { this.layoutVertexBuffer = context.createVertexBuffer(this.layoutVertexArray, layoutAttributes); this.centroidVertexBuffer = context.createVertexBuffer(this.centroidVertexArray, centroidAttributes.members, true); this.indexBuffer = context.createIndexBuffer(this.indexArray); } this.programConfigurations.upload(context); this.uploaded = true; } destroy() { if (!this.layoutVertexBuffer) return; this.layoutVertexBuffer.destroy(); this.indexBuffer.destroy(); this.programConfigurations.destroy(); this.segments.destroy(); this.centroidVertexBuffer.destroy(); } addFeature(feature: BucketFeature, geometry: Array>, index: number, canonical: CanonicalTileID, imagePositions: {[_: string]: ImagePosition}) { for (const polygon of classifyRings(geometry, EARCUT_MAX_RINGS)) { const centroid = {x: 0, y: 0, vertexCount: 0}; let numVertices = 0; for (const ring of polygon) { numVertices += ring.length; } let segment = this.segments.prepareSegment(4, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray); for (const ring of polygon) { if (ring.length === 0) { continue; } if (isEntirelyOutside(ring)) { continue; } let edgeDistance = 0; for (let p = 0; p < ring.length; p++) { const p1 = ring[p]; if (p >= 1) { const p2 = ring[p - 1]; if (!isBoundaryEdge(p1, p2)) { if (segment.vertexLength + 4 > SegmentVector.MAX_VERTEX_ARRAY_LENGTH) { segment = this.segments.prepareSegment(4, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray); } const perp = p1.sub(p2)._perp()._unit(); const dist = p2.dist(p1); if (edgeDistance + dist > 32768) edgeDistance = 0; addVertex(this.layoutVertexArray, p1.x, p1.y, perp.x, perp.y, 0, 0, edgeDistance); addVertex(this.layoutVertexArray, p1.x, p1.y, perp.x, perp.y, 0, 1, edgeDistance); centroid.x += 2 * p1.x; centroid.y += 2 * p1.y; centroid.vertexCount += 2; edgeDistance += dist; addVertex(this.layoutVertexArray, p2.x, p2.y, perp.x, perp.y, 0, 0, edgeDistance); addVertex(this.layoutVertexArray, p2.x, p2.y, perp.x, perp.y, 0, 1, edgeDistance); centroid.x += 2 * p2.x; centroid.y += 2 * p2.y; centroid.vertexCount += 2; const bottomRight = segment.vertexLength; // ┌──────┐ // │ 0 1 │ Counter-clockwise winding order. // │ │ Triangle 1: 0 => 2 => 1 // │ 2 3 │ Triangle 2: 1 => 2 => 3 // └──────┘ this.indexArray.emplaceBack(bottomRight, bottomRight + 2, bottomRight + 1); this.indexArray.emplaceBack(bottomRight + 1, bottomRight + 2, bottomRight + 3); segment.vertexLength += 4; segment.primitiveLength += 2; } } } } if (segment.vertexLength + numVertices > SegmentVector.MAX_VERTEX_ARRAY_LENGTH) { segment = this.segments.prepareSegment(numVertices, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray); } //Only triangulate and draw the area of the feature if it is a polygon //Other feature types (e.g. LineString) do not have area, so triangulation is pointless / undefined if (vectorTileFeatureTypes[feature.type] !== 'Polygon') continue; const flattened = []; const holeIndices = []; const triangleIndex = segment.vertexLength; for (const ring of polygon) { if (ring.length === 0) { continue; } if (ring !== polygon[0]) { holeIndices.push(flattened.length / 2); } for (let i = 0; i < ring.length; i++) { const p = ring[i]; addVertex(this.layoutVertexArray, p.x, p.y, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0); centroid.x += p.x; centroid.y += p.y; centroid.vertexCount += 1; flattened.push(p.x); flattened.push(p.y); } } const indices = earcut(flattened, holeIndices); for (let j = 0; j < indices.length; j += 3) { // Counter-clockwise winding order. this.indexArray.emplaceBack( triangleIndex + indices[j], triangleIndex + indices[j + 2], triangleIndex + indices[j + 1]); } segment.primitiveLength += indices.length / 3; segment.vertexLength += numVertices; // remember polygon centroid to calculate elevation in GPU for (let i = 0; i < centroid.vertexCount; i++) { const averageX = Math.floor(centroid.x / centroid.vertexCount); const averageY = Math.floor(centroid.y / centroid.vertexCount); this.centroidVertexArray.emplaceBack(averageX, averageY); } } this.programConfigurations.populatePaintArrays(this.layoutVertexArray.length, feature, index, imagePositions, canonical); } } register('FillExtrusionBucket', FillExtrusionBucket, {omit: ['layers', 'features']}); function isBoundaryEdge(p1, p2) { return (p1.x === p2.x && (p1.x < 0 || p1.x > EXTENT)) || (p1.y === p2.y && (p1.y < 0 || p1.y > EXTENT)); } function isEntirelyOutside(ring) { return ring.every(p => p.x < 0) || ring.every(p => p.x > EXTENT) || ring.every(p => p.y < 0) || ring.every(p => p.y > EXTENT); }