// @flow import Point from '@mapbox/point-geometry'; import {mat4, vec4} from 'gl-matrix'; import * as symbolSize from './symbol_size'; import {addDynamicAttributes} from '../data/bucket/symbol_bucket'; import type Painter from '../render/painter'; import type Transform from '../geo/transform'; import type SymbolBucket from '../data/bucket/symbol_bucket'; import type { GlyphOffsetArray, SymbolLineVertexArray, SymbolDynamicLayoutArray } from '../data/array_types'; import {WritingMode} from '../symbol/shaping'; export {updateLineLabels, hideGlyphs, getLabelPlaneMatrix, getGlCoordMatrix, project, getPerspectiveRatio, placeFirstAndLastGlyph, placeGlyphAlongLine, xyTransformMat4}; /* * # Overview of coordinate spaces * * ## Tile coordinate spaces * Each label has an anchor. Some labels have corresponding line geometries. * The points for both anchors and lines are stored in tile units. Each tile has it's own * coordinate space going from (0, 0) at the top left to (EXTENT, EXTENT) at the bottom right. * * ## GL coordinate space * At the end of everything, the vertex shader needs to produce a position in GL coordinate space, * which is (-1, 1) at the top left and (1, -1) in the bottom right. * * ## Map pixel coordinate spaces * Each tile has a pixel coordinate space. It's just the tile units scaled so that one unit is * whatever counts as 1 pixel at the current zoom. * This space is used for pitch-alignment=map, rotation-alignment=map * * ## Rotated map pixel coordinate spaces * Like the above, but rotated so axis of the space are aligned with the viewport instead of the tile. * This space is used for pitch-alignment=map, rotation-alignment=viewport * * ## Viewport pixel coordinate space * (0, 0) is at the top left of the canvas and (pixelWidth, pixelHeight) is at the bottom right corner * of the canvas. This space is used for pitch-alignment=viewport * * * # Vertex projection * It goes roughly like this: * 1. project the anchor and line from tile units into the correct label coordinate space * - map pixel space pitch-alignment=map rotation-alignment=map * - rotated map pixel space pitch-alignment=map rotation-alignment=viewport * - viewport pixel space pitch-alignment=viewport rotation-alignment=* * 2. if the label follows a line, find the point along the line that is the correct distance from the anchor. * 3. add the glyph's corner offset to the point from step 3 * 4. convert from the label coordinate space to gl coordinates * * For horizontal labels we want to do step 1 in the shader for performance reasons (no cpu work). * This is what `u_label_plane_matrix` is used for. * For labels aligned with lines we have to steps 1 and 2 on the cpu since we need access to the line geometry. * This is what `updateLineLabels(...)` does. * Since the conversion is handled on the cpu we just set `u_label_plane_matrix` to an identity matrix. * * Steps 3 and 4 are done in the shaders for all labels. */ /* * Returns a matrix for converting from tile units to the correct label coordinate space. */ function getLabelPlaneMatrix(posMatrix: mat4, pitchWithMap: boolean, rotateWithMap: boolean, transform: Transform, pixelsToTileUnits: number) { const m = mat4.create(); if (pitchWithMap) { mat4.scale(m, m, [1 / pixelsToTileUnits, 1 / pixelsToTileUnits, 1]); if (!rotateWithMap) { mat4.rotateZ(m, m, transform.angle); } } else { mat4.multiply(m, transform.labelPlaneMatrix, posMatrix); } return m; } /* * Returns a matrix for converting from the correct label coordinate space to gl coords. */ function getGlCoordMatrix(posMatrix: mat4, pitchWithMap: boolean, rotateWithMap: boolean, transform: Transform, pixelsToTileUnits: number) { if (pitchWithMap) { const m = mat4.clone(posMatrix); mat4.scale(m, m, [pixelsToTileUnits, pixelsToTileUnits, 1]); if (!rotateWithMap) { mat4.rotateZ(m, m, -transform.angle); } return m; } else { return transform.glCoordMatrix; } } function project(point: Point, matrix: mat4) { const pos = [point.x, point.y, 0, 1]; xyTransformMat4(pos, pos, matrix); const w = pos[3]; return { point: new Point(pos[0] / w, pos[1] / w), signedDistanceFromCamera: w }; } function getPerspectiveRatio(cameraToCenterDistance: number, signedDistanceFromCamera: number): number { return 0.5 + 0.5 * (cameraToCenterDistance / signedDistanceFromCamera); } function isVisible(anchorPos: [number, number, number, number], clippingBuffer: [number, number]) { const x = anchorPos[0] / anchorPos[3]; const y = anchorPos[1] / anchorPos[3]; const inPaddedViewport = ( x >= -clippingBuffer[0] && x <= clippingBuffer[0] && y >= -clippingBuffer[1] && y <= clippingBuffer[1]); return inPaddedViewport; } /* * Update the `dynamicLayoutVertexBuffer` for the buffer with the correct glyph positions for the current map view. * This is only run on labels that are aligned with lines. Horizontal labels are handled entirely in the shader. */ function updateLineLabels(bucket: SymbolBucket, posMatrix: mat4, painter: Painter, isText: boolean, labelPlaneMatrix: mat4, glCoordMatrix: mat4, pitchWithMap: boolean, keepUpright: boolean) { const sizeData = isText ? bucket.textSizeData : bucket.iconSizeData; const partiallyEvaluatedSize = symbolSize.evaluateSizeForZoom(sizeData, painter.transform.zoom); const clippingBuffer = [256 / painter.width * 2 + 1, 256 / painter.height * 2 + 1]; const dynamicLayoutVertexArray = isText ? bucket.text.dynamicLayoutVertexArray : bucket.icon.dynamicLayoutVertexArray; dynamicLayoutVertexArray.clear(); const lineVertexArray = bucket.lineVertexArray; const placedSymbols = isText ? bucket.text.placedSymbolArray : bucket.icon.placedSymbolArray; const aspectRatio = painter.transform.width / painter.transform.height; let useVertical = false; for (let s = 0; s < placedSymbols.length; s++) { const symbol: any = placedSymbols.get(s); // Don't do calculations for vertical glyphs unless the previous symbol was horizontal // and we determined that vertical glyphs were necessary. // Also don't do calculations for symbols that are collided and fully faded out if (symbol.hidden || symbol.writingMode === WritingMode.vertical && !useVertical) { hideGlyphs(symbol.numGlyphs, dynamicLayoutVertexArray); continue; } // Awkward... but we're counting on the paired "vertical" symbol coming immediately after its horizontal counterpart useVertical = false; const anchorPos = [symbol.anchorX, symbol.anchorY, 0, 1]; vec4.transformMat4(anchorPos, anchorPos, posMatrix); // Don't bother calculating the correct point for invisible labels. if (!isVisible(anchorPos, clippingBuffer)) { hideGlyphs(symbol.numGlyphs, dynamicLayoutVertexArray); continue; } const cameraToAnchorDistance = anchorPos[3]; const perspectiveRatio = getPerspectiveRatio(painter.transform.cameraToCenterDistance, cameraToAnchorDistance); const fontSize = symbolSize.evaluateSizeForFeature(sizeData, partiallyEvaluatedSize, symbol); const pitchScaledFontSize = pitchWithMap ? fontSize / perspectiveRatio : fontSize * perspectiveRatio; const tileAnchorPoint = new Point(symbol.anchorX, symbol.anchorY); const anchorPoint = project(tileAnchorPoint, labelPlaneMatrix).point; const projectionCache = {}; const placeUnflipped: any = placeGlyphsAlongLine(symbol, pitchScaledFontSize, false /*unflipped*/, keepUpright, posMatrix, labelPlaneMatrix, glCoordMatrix, bucket.glyphOffsetArray, lineVertexArray, dynamicLayoutVertexArray, anchorPoint, tileAnchorPoint, projectionCache, aspectRatio); useVertical = placeUnflipped.useVertical; if (placeUnflipped.notEnoughRoom || useVertical || (placeUnflipped.needsFlipping && placeGlyphsAlongLine(symbol, pitchScaledFontSize, true /*flipped*/, keepUpright, posMatrix, labelPlaneMatrix, glCoordMatrix, bucket.glyphOffsetArray, lineVertexArray, dynamicLayoutVertexArray, anchorPoint, tileAnchorPoint, projectionCache, aspectRatio).notEnoughRoom)) { hideGlyphs(symbol.numGlyphs, dynamicLayoutVertexArray); } } if (isText) { bucket.text.dynamicLayoutVertexBuffer.updateData(dynamicLayoutVertexArray); } else { bucket.icon.dynamicLayoutVertexBuffer.updateData(dynamicLayoutVertexArray); } } function placeFirstAndLastGlyph(fontScale: number, glyphOffsetArray: GlyphOffsetArray, lineOffsetX: number, lineOffsetY: number, flip: boolean, anchorPoint: Point, tileAnchorPoint: Point, symbol: any, lineVertexArray: SymbolLineVertexArray, labelPlaneMatrix: mat4, projectionCache: any) { const glyphEndIndex = symbol.glyphStartIndex + symbol.numGlyphs; const lineStartIndex = symbol.lineStartIndex; const lineEndIndex = symbol.lineStartIndex + symbol.lineLength; const firstGlyphOffset = glyphOffsetArray.getoffsetX(symbol.glyphStartIndex); const lastGlyphOffset = glyphOffsetArray.getoffsetX(glyphEndIndex - 1); const firstPlacedGlyph = placeGlyphAlongLine(fontScale * firstGlyphOffset, lineOffsetX, lineOffsetY, flip, anchorPoint, tileAnchorPoint, symbol.segment, lineStartIndex, lineEndIndex, lineVertexArray, labelPlaneMatrix, projectionCache); if (!firstPlacedGlyph) return null; const lastPlacedGlyph = placeGlyphAlongLine(fontScale * lastGlyphOffset, lineOffsetX, lineOffsetY, flip, anchorPoint, tileAnchorPoint, symbol.segment, lineStartIndex, lineEndIndex, lineVertexArray, labelPlaneMatrix, projectionCache); if (!lastPlacedGlyph) return null; return {first: firstPlacedGlyph, last: lastPlacedGlyph}; } function requiresOrientationChange(writingMode, firstPoint, lastPoint, aspectRatio) { if (writingMode === WritingMode.horizontal) { // On top of choosing whether to flip, choose whether to render this version of the glyphs or the alternate // vertical glyphs. We can't just filter out vertical glyphs in the horizontal range because the horizontal // and vertical versions can have slightly different projections which could lead to angles where both or // neither showed. const rise = Math.abs(lastPoint.y - firstPoint.y); const run = Math.abs(lastPoint.x - firstPoint.x) * aspectRatio; if (rise > run) { return {useVertical: true}; } } if (writingMode === WritingMode.vertical ? firstPoint.y < lastPoint.y : firstPoint.x > lastPoint.x) { // Includes "horizontalOnly" case for labels without vertical glyphs return {needsFlipping: true}; } return null; } function placeGlyphsAlongLine(symbol, fontSize, flip, keepUpright, posMatrix, labelPlaneMatrix, glCoordMatrix, glyphOffsetArray, lineVertexArray, dynamicLayoutVertexArray, anchorPoint, tileAnchorPoint, projectionCache, aspectRatio) { const fontScale = fontSize / 24; const lineOffsetX = symbol.lineOffsetX * fontScale; const lineOffsetY = symbol.lineOffsetY * fontScale; let placedGlyphs; if (symbol.numGlyphs > 1) { const glyphEndIndex = symbol.glyphStartIndex + symbol.numGlyphs; const lineStartIndex = symbol.lineStartIndex; const lineEndIndex = symbol.lineStartIndex + symbol.lineLength; // Place the first and the last glyph in the label first, so we can figure out // the overall orientation of the label and determine whether it needs to be flipped in keepUpright mode const firstAndLastGlyph = placeFirstAndLastGlyph(fontScale, glyphOffsetArray, lineOffsetX, lineOffsetY, flip, anchorPoint, tileAnchorPoint, symbol, lineVertexArray, labelPlaneMatrix, projectionCache); if (!firstAndLastGlyph) { return {notEnoughRoom: true}; } const firstPoint = project(firstAndLastGlyph.first.point, glCoordMatrix).point; const lastPoint = project(firstAndLastGlyph.last.point, glCoordMatrix).point; if (keepUpright && !flip) { const orientationChange = requiresOrientationChange(symbol.writingMode, firstPoint, lastPoint, aspectRatio); if (orientationChange) { return orientationChange; } } placedGlyphs = [firstAndLastGlyph.first]; for (let glyphIndex = symbol.glyphStartIndex + 1; glyphIndex < glyphEndIndex - 1; glyphIndex++) { // Since first and last glyph fit on the line, we're sure that the rest of the glyphs can be placed // $FlowFixMe placedGlyphs.push(placeGlyphAlongLine(fontScale * glyphOffsetArray.getoffsetX(glyphIndex), lineOffsetX, lineOffsetY, flip, anchorPoint, tileAnchorPoint, symbol.segment, lineStartIndex, lineEndIndex, lineVertexArray, labelPlaneMatrix, projectionCache)); } placedGlyphs.push(firstAndLastGlyph.last); } else { // Only a single glyph to place // So, determine whether to flip based on projected angle of the line segment it's on if (keepUpright && !flip) { const a = project(tileAnchorPoint, posMatrix).point; const tileVertexIndex = (symbol.lineStartIndex + symbol.segment + 1); // $FlowFixMe const tileSegmentEnd = new Point(lineVertexArray.getx(tileVertexIndex), lineVertexArray.gety(tileVertexIndex)); const projectedVertex = project(tileSegmentEnd, posMatrix); // We know the anchor will be in the viewport, but the end of the line segment may be // behind the plane of the camera, in which case we can use a point at any arbitrary (closer) // point on the segment. const b = (projectedVertex.signedDistanceFromCamera > 0) ? projectedVertex.point : projectTruncatedLineSegment(tileAnchorPoint, tileSegmentEnd, a, 1, posMatrix); const orientationChange = requiresOrientationChange(symbol.writingMode, a, b, aspectRatio); if (orientationChange) { return orientationChange; } } // $FlowFixMe const singleGlyph = placeGlyphAlongLine(fontScale * glyphOffsetArray.getoffsetX(symbol.glyphStartIndex), lineOffsetX, lineOffsetY, flip, anchorPoint, tileAnchorPoint, symbol.segment, symbol.lineStartIndex, symbol.lineStartIndex + symbol.lineLength, lineVertexArray, labelPlaneMatrix, projectionCache); if (!singleGlyph) return {notEnoughRoom: true}; placedGlyphs = [singleGlyph]; } for (const glyph: any of placedGlyphs) { addDynamicAttributes(dynamicLayoutVertexArray, glyph.point, glyph.angle); } return {}; } function projectTruncatedLineSegment(previousTilePoint: Point, currentTilePoint: Point, previousProjectedPoint: Point, minimumLength: number, projectionMatrix: mat4) { // We are assuming "previousTilePoint" won't project to a point within one unit of the camera plane // If it did, that would mean our label extended all the way out from within the viewport to a (very distant) // point near the plane of the camera. We wouldn't be able to render the label anyway once it crossed the // plane of the camera. const projectedUnitVertex = project(previousTilePoint.add(previousTilePoint.sub(currentTilePoint)._unit()), projectionMatrix).point; const projectedUnitSegment = previousProjectedPoint.sub(projectedUnitVertex); return previousProjectedPoint.add(projectedUnitSegment._mult(minimumLength / projectedUnitSegment.mag())); } function placeGlyphAlongLine(offsetX: number, lineOffsetX: number, lineOffsetY: number, flip: boolean, anchorPoint: Point, tileAnchorPoint: Point, anchorSegment: number, lineStartIndex: number, lineEndIndex: number, lineVertexArray: SymbolLineVertexArray, labelPlaneMatrix: mat4, projectionCache: {[_: number]: Point}) { const combinedOffsetX = flip ? offsetX - lineOffsetX : offsetX + lineOffsetX; let dir = combinedOffsetX > 0 ? 1 : -1; let angle = 0; if (flip) { // The label needs to be flipped to keep text upright. // Iterate in the reverse direction. dir *= -1; angle = Math.PI; } if (dir < 0) angle += Math.PI; let currentIndex = dir > 0 ? lineStartIndex + anchorSegment : lineStartIndex + anchorSegment + 1; let current = anchorPoint; let prev = anchorPoint; let distanceToPrev = 0; let currentSegmentDistance = 0; const absOffsetX = Math.abs(combinedOffsetX); const pathVertices = []; while (distanceToPrev + currentSegmentDistance <= absOffsetX) { currentIndex += dir; // offset does not fit on the projected line if (currentIndex < lineStartIndex || currentIndex >= lineEndIndex) return null; prev = current; pathVertices.push(current); current = projectionCache[currentIndex]; if (current === undefined) { const currentVertex = new Point(lineVertexArray.getx(currentIndex), lineVertexArray.gety(currentIndex)); const projection = project(currentVertex, labelPlaneMatrix); if (projection.signedDistanceFromCamera > 0) { current = projectionCache[currentIndex] = projection.point; } else { // The vertex is behind the plane of the camera, so we can't project it // Instead, we'll create a vertex along the line that's far enough to include the glyph const previousLineVertexIndex = currentIndex - dir; const previousTilePoint = distanceToPrev === 0 ? tileAnchorPoint : new Point(lineVertexArray.getx(previousLineVertexIndex), lineVertexArray.gety(previousLineVertexIndex)); // Don't cache because the new vertex might not be far enough out for future glyphs on the same segment current = projectTruncatedLineSegment(previousTilePoint, currentVertex, prev, absOffsetX - distanceToPrev + 1, labelPlaneMatrix); } } distanceToPrev += currentSegmentDistance; currentSegmentDistance = prev.dist(current); } // The point is on the current segment. Interpolate to find it. const segmentInterpolationT = (absOffsetX - distanceToPrev) / currentSegmentDistance; const prevToCurrent = current.sub(prev); const p = prevToCurrent.mult(segmentInterpolationT)._add(prev); // offset the point from the line to text-offset and icon-offset p._add(prevToCurrent._unit()._perp()._mult(lineOffsetY * dir)); const segmentAngle = angle + Math.atan2(current.y - prev.y, current.x - prev.x); pathVertices.push(p); return { point: p, angle: segmentAngle, path: pathVertices }; } const hiddenGlyphAttributes = new Float32Array([-Infinity, -Infinity, 0, -Infinity, -Infinity, 0, -Infinity, -Infinity, 0, -Infinity, -Infinity, 0]); // Hide them by moving them offscreen. We still need to add them to the buffer // because the dynamic buffer is paired with a static buffer that doesn't get updated. function hideGlyphs(num: number, dynamicLayoutVertexArray: SymbolDynamicLayoutArray) { for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) { const offset = dynamicLayoutVertexArray.length; dynamicLayoutVertexArray.resize(offset + 4); // Since all hidden glyphs have the same attributes, we can build up the array faster with a single call to Float32Array.set // for each set of four vertices, instead of calling addDynamicAttributes for each vertex. dynamicLayoutVertexArray.float32.set(hiddenGlyphAttributes, offset * 3); } } // For line label layout, we're not using z output and our w input is always 1 // This custom matrix transformation ignores those components to make projection faster function xyTransformMat4(out: vec4, a: vec4, m: mat4) { const x = a[0], y = a[1]; out[0] = m[0] * x + m[4] * y + m[12]; out[1] = m[1] * x + m[5] * y + m[13]; out[3] = m[3] * x + m[7] * y + m[15]; return out; }