import ClassMethodBinder from '../ClassMethodBinder.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../PropertySymbol.js'; /** * Storage. * * @see */ export default class Storage { public []: { [key: string]: string } = {}; /** * Constructor. */ constructor() { const data = this[]; const methodBinder = new ClassMethodBinder(this, [Storage]); return new Proxy(this, { get: (target, property) => { if (property in target || typeof property === 'symbol') { methodBinder.bind(property); return target[property]; } if (property in data) { return data[property]; } }, set(target, property, newValue): boolean { methodBinder.bind(property); if (property in target || typeof property === 'symbol') { return true; } data[String(property)] = String(newValue); return true; }, deleteProperty(_target, property): boolean { if (property in data) { delete data[String(property)]; return true; } return false; }, ownKeys(): string[] { return Object.keys(data); }, has(target, property): boolean { if (property in target || property in data) { return true; } return false; }, defineProperty(target, property, descriptor): boolean { methodBinder.preventBinding(property); if (property in target) { Object.defineProperty(target, property, descriptor); return true; } if (descriptor.value !== undefined) { data[String(property)] = String(descriptor.value); return true; } return false; }, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, property): PropertyDescriptor { if (property in target) { return; } const value = data[String(property)]; if (value !== undefined) { return { value: value, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }; } } }); } /** * Returns length. * * @returns Length. */ public get length(): number { return Object.keys(this[]).length; } /** * Returns name of the nth key. * * @param index Index. * @returns Name. */ public key(index: number): string | null { const name = Object.keys(this[])[index]; return name !== undefined ? name : null; } /** * Sets item. * * @param name Name. * @param item Item. */ public setItem(name: string, item: string): void { this[][name] = String(item); } /** * Returns item. * * @param name Name. * @returns Item. */ public getItem(name: string): string | null { return this[][name] !== undefined ? this[][name] : null; } /** * Removes item. * * @param name Name. */ public removeItem(name: string): void { delete this[][name]; } /** * Clears storage. */ public clear(): void { const data = this[]; for (const key of Object.keys(data)) { delete data[key]; } } }