import SelectorItem from './SelectorItem.js'; import SelectorCombinatorEnum from './SelectorCombinatorEnum.js'; import DOMException from '../exception/DOMException.js'; import ISelectorPseudo from './ISelectorPseudo.js'; /** * Selector RegExp. * * Group 1: All (e.g. "*") * Group 2: Tag name (e.g. "div") * Group 3: ID (e.g. "#id") * Group 4: Class (e.g. ".class") * Group 5: Attribute name when no value (e.g. "attr1") * Group 6: Attribute name when there is a value using apostrophe (e.g. "attr1") * Group 7: Attribute operator when using apostrophe (e.g. "~") * Group 8: Attribute value when using apostrophe (e.g. "value1") * Group 9: Attribute modifier when using apostrophe (e.g. "i" or "s") * Group 10: Attribute name when threre is a value not using apostrophe (e.g. "attr1") * Group 11: Attribute operator when not using apostrophe (e.g. "~") * Group 12: Attribute value when notusing apostrophe (e.g. "value1") * Group 13: Pseudo name when arguments (e.g. "nth-child") * Group 14: Arguments of pseudo (e.g. "2n + 1") * Group 15: Pseudo name when no arguments (e.g. "empty") * Group 16: Pseudo element (e.g. "::after", "::-webkit-inner-spin-button"). * Group 17: Combinator. */ const SELECTOR_REGEXP = /(\*)|([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)|#((?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]|\\.)+)|\.((?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]|\\.)+)|\[([a-zA-Z0-9-_\\:]+)\]|\[([a-zA-Z0-9-_\\:]+)\s*([~|^$*]{0,1})\s*=\s*["']{1}([^"']*)["']{1}\s*(s|i){0,1}\]|\[([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\s*([~|^$*]{0,1})\s*=\s*([^\]]*)\]|:([a-zA-Z-]+)\s*\(([^)]+)\){0,1}|:([a-zA-Z-]+)|::([a-zA-Z-]+)|([\s,+>]*)/gm; /** * Escaped Character RegExp. */ const ESCAPED_CHARACTER_REGEXP = /\\/g; /** * Nth Function. */ const NTH_FUNCTION = { odd: (n: number) => (n + 1) % 2 === 0, even: (n: number) => (n + 1) % 2 !== 0, alwaysFalse: () => false }; /** * Space RegExp. */ const SPACE_REGEXP = / /g; /** * Simple Selector RegExp. * * Group 1: Tag name (e.g. "div") * Group 2: Class (e.g. ".classA.classB") * Group 3: ID (e.g. "#id") */ const SIMPLE_SELECTOR_REGEXP = /(^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$)|(^\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+$)|(^#[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$)/; /** * Utility for parsing a selection string. */ export default class SelectorParser { /** * Parses a selector string and returns an instance of SelectorItem. * * @param selector Selector. * @param [options] Options. * @param [options.ignoreErrors] Ignores errors. * @returns Selector item. */ public static getSelectorItem( selector: string, options?: { ignoreErrors?: boolean } ): SelectorItem { return this.getSelectorGroups(selector, options)[0][0]; } /** * Parses a selector string and returns groups with SelectorItem instances. * * @param selector Selector. * @param [options] Options. * @param [options.ignoreErrors] Ignores errors. * @returns Selector groups. */ public static getSelectorGroups( selector: string, options?: { ignoreErrors?: boolean } ): Array> { selector = selector.trim(); const ignoreErrors = options?.ignoreErrors; if (selector === '*') { return [[new SelectorItem({ tagName: '*', ignoreErrors })]]; } const simpleMatch = selector.match(SIMPLE_SELECTOR_REGEXP); if (simpleMatch) { if (simpleMatch[1]) { return [[new SelectorItem({ tagName: selector.toUpperCase(), ignoreErrors })]]; } else if (simpleMatch[2]) { return [ [new SelectorItem({ classNames: selector.replace('.', '').split('.'), ignoreErrors })] ]; } else if (simpleMatch[3]) { return [[new SelectorItem({ id: selector.replace('#', ''), ignoreErrors })]]; } } const regexp = new RegExp(SELECTOR_REGEXP); let currentSelectorItem: SelectorItem = new SelectorItem({ combinator: SelectorCombinatorEnum.descendant, ignoreErrors }); let currentGroup: SelectorItem[] = [currentSelectorItem]; const groups: Array> = [currentGroup]; let isValid = false; let match; while ((match = regexp.exec(selector))) { if (match[0]) { isValid = true; if (match[1]) { currentSelectorItem.tagName = '*'; } else if (match[2]) { currentSelectorItem.tagName = match[2].toUpperCase(); } else if (match[3]) { = match[3].replace(ESCAPED_CHARACTER_REGEXP, ''); } else if (match[4]) { currentSelectorItem.classNames = currentSelectorItem.classNames || []; currentSelectorItem.classNames.push(match[4].replace(ESCAPED_CHARACTER_REGEXP, '')); } else if (match[5]) { currentSelectorItem.attributes = currentSelectorItem.attributes || []; currentSelectorItem.attributes.push({ name: match[5].toLowerCase(), operator: null, value: null, modifier: null, regExp: null }); } else if (match[6] && match[8] !== undefined) { currentSelectorItem.attributes = currentSelectorItem.attributes || []; currentSelectorItem.attributes.push({ name: match[6].toLowerCase(), operator: match[7] || null, value: match[8].replace(ESCAPED_CHARACTER_REGEXP, ''), modifier: match[9] || null, regExp: this.getAttributeRegExp({ operator: match[7], value: match[8], modifier: match[9] }) }); } else if (match[10] && match[12] !== undefined) { currentSelectorItem.attributes = currentSelectorItem.attributes || []; currentSelectorItem.attributes.push({ name: match[10].toLowerCase(), operator: match[11] || null, value: match[12].replace(ESCAPED_CHARACTER_REGEXP, ''), modifier: null, regExp: this.getAttributeRegExp({ operator: match[11], value: match[12] }) }); } else if (match[13] && match[14]) { currentSelectorItem.pseudos = currentSelectorItem.pseudos || []; currentSelectorItem.pseudos.push(this.getPseudo(match[13], match[14], options)); } else if (match[15]) { currentSelectorItem.pseudos = currentSelectorItem.pseudos || []; currentSelectorItem.pseudos.push(this.getPseudo(match[15], null, options)); } else if (match[16]) { currentSelectorItem.isPseudoElement = true; } else if (match[17]) { switch (match[17].trim()) { case ',': currentSelectorItem = new SelectorItem({ combinator: SelectorCombinatorEnum.descendant, ignoreErrors }); currentGroup = [currentSelectorItem]; groups.push(currentGroup); break; case '>': currentSelectorItem = new SelectorItem({ combinator: SelectorCombinatorEnum.child, ignoreErrors }); currentGroup.push(currentSelectorItem); break; case '+': currentSelectorItem = new SelectorItem({ combinator: SelectorCombinatorEnum.adjacentSibling, ignoreErrors }); currentGroup.push(currentSelectorItem); break; case '': currentSelectorItem = new SelectorItem({ combinator: SelectorCombinatorEnum.descendant, ignoreErrors }); currentGroup.push(currentSelectorItem); break; } } } else { break; } } if (!isValid) { if (options?.ignoreErrors) { return []; } throw new DOMException(`Invalid selector: "${selector}"`); } return groups; } /** * Returns attribute RegExp. * * @param attribute Attribute. * @param attribute.value Attribute value. * @param attribute.operator Attribute operator. * @param attribute.modifier Attribute modifier. * @returns Attribute RegExp. */ private static getAttributeRegExp(attribute: { value?: string; operator?: string; modifier?: string; }): RegExp | null { const modifier = attribute.modifier === 'i' ? 'i' : ''; if (!attribute.operator || !attribute.value) { return null; } switch (attribute.operator) { // [attribute~="value"] - Contains a specified word. case '~': return new RegExp( `[- ]${attribute.value}|${attribute.value}[- ]|^${attribute.value}$`, modifier ); // [attribute|="value"] - Starts with the specified word. case '|': return new RegExp(`^${attribute.value}[- ]|^${attribute.value}$`, modifier); // [attribute^="value"] - Begins with a specified value. case '^': return new RegExp(`^${attribute.value}`, modifier); // [attribute$="value"] - Ends with a specified value. case '$': return new RegExp(`${attribute.value}$`, modifier); // [attribute*="value"] - Contains a specified value. case '*': return new RegExp(`${attribute.value}`, modifier); default: return null; } } /** * Returns pseudo. * * @param name Pseudo name. * @param args Pseudo arguments. * @param [options] Options. * @param [options.ignoreErrors] Ignores errors. * @returns Pseudo. */ private static getPseudo( name: string, args?: string, options?: { ignoreErrors?: boolean } ): ISelectorPseudo { const lowerName = name.toLowerCase(); if (!args) { return { name: lowerName, arguments: null, selectorItems: null, nthFunction: null }; } switch (lowerName) { case 'nth-last-child': case 'nth-child': const nthOfIndex = args.indexOf(' of '); const nthFunction = nthOfIndex !== -1 ? args.substring(0, nthOfIndex) : args; const selectorItem = nthOfIndex !== -1 ? this.getSelectorItem(args.substring(nthOfIndex + 4).trim(), options) : null; return { name: lowerName, arguments: args, selectorItems: [selectorItem], nthFunction: this.getPseudoNthFunction(nthFunction) }; case 'nth-of-type': case 'nth-last-of-type': return { name: lowerName, arguments: args, selectorItems: null, nthFunction: this.getPseudoNthFunction(args) }; case 'not': return { name: lowerName, arguments: args, selectorItems: [this.getSelectorItem(args, options)], nthFunction: null }; case 'is': case 'where': const selectorItems = []; for (const group of this.getSelectorGroups(args, options)) { selectorItems.push(group[0]); } return { name: lowerName, arguments: args, selectorItems, nthFunction: null }; case 'has': const hasSelectorItems = []; // The ":has()" pseudo selector doesn't allow for it to be nested inside another ":has()" pseudo selector, as it can lead to cyclic querying. if (!args.includes(':has(')) { for (const group of this.getSelectorGroups( args[0] === '+' ? args.replace('+', '') : args, options )) { hasSelectorItems.push(group[0]); } } return { name: lowerName, arguments: args, selectorItems: hasSelectorItems, nthFunction: null }; default: return { name: lowerName, arguments: args, selectorItems: null, nthFunction: null }; } } /** * Returns pseudo nth function. * * Based on: * * * @param args Pseudo arguments. * @returns Pseudo nth function. */ private static getPseudoNthFunction(args?: string): ((n: number) => boolean) | null { if (args === 'odd') { return NTH_FUNCTION.odd; } else if (args === 'even') { return NTH_FUNCTION.even; } const parts = args.replace(SPACE_REGEXP, '').split('n'); let partA = parseInt(parts[0], 10) || 0; if (parts[0] == '-') { partA = -1; } if (parts.length === 1) { return (n) => n == partA; } let partB = parseInt(parts[1], 10) || 0; if (parts[0] == '+') { partB = 1; } if (partA >= 1 || partA <= -1) { if (partA >= 1) { if (Math.abs(partA) === 1) { return (n: number): boolean => n > partB - 1; } return (n: number): boolean => n > partB - 1 && (n + -1 * partB) % partA === 0; } if (Math.abs(partA) === 1) { return (n: number): boolean => n < partB + 1; } return (n) => n < partB + 1 && (n + -1 * partB) % partA === 0; } if (parts[0]) { return (n) => n === partB; } return (n) => n > partB - 1; } }