import SVGGraphicsElement from '../svg-graphics-element/SVGGraphicsElement.js'; import SVGAnimatedNumber from '../../svg/SVGAnimatedNumber.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import SVGPoint from '../../svg/SVGPoint.js'; /** * SVG Geometry Element. * * @see */ export default class SVGGeometryElement extends SVGGraphicsElement { // Internal properties public [PropertySymbol.pathLength]: SVGAnimatedNumber | null = null; /** * Returns path length. * * @returns Path length. */ public get pathLength(): SVGAnimatedNumber { if (!this[PropertySymbol.pathLength]) { this[PropertySymbol.pathLength] = new SVGAnimatedNumber( PropertySymbol.illegalConstructor, this[PropertySymbol.window], { getAttribute: () => this.getAttribute('pathLength'), setAttribute: (value) => this.setAttribute('pathLength', value) } ); } return this[PropertySymbol.pathLength]!; } /** * Returns true if the point is in the fill of the element. * * Not implemented yet. * * @param point Point. * @returns True if the point is in the fill of the element. */ public isPointInFill(point: SVGPoint): boolean { if (!(point instanceof SVGPoint)) { throw new TypeError( `Failed to execute 'isPointInFill' on 'SVGGeometryElement': parameter 1 is not of type 'SVGPoint'.` ); } // TODO: Implement isPointInFill() return false; } /** * Returns true if the point is in the stroke of the element. * * Not implemented yet. * * @param point Point. * @returns True if the point is in the stroke of the element. */ public isPointInStroke(point: SVGPoint): boolean { if (!(point instanceof SVGPoint)) { throw new TypeError( `Failed to execute 'isPointInFill' on 'SVGGeometryElement': parameter 1 is not of type 'SVGPoint'.` ); } // TODO: Implement isPointInStroke() return false; } /** * Returns total length. * * Not implemented yet. * * @returns Total length. */ public getTotalLength(): number { // TODO: Implement getTotalLength() return 0; } /** * Returns point at length. * * Not implemented yet. * * @param _distance Distance. * @returns Point at length. */ public getPointAtLength(_distance: number): SVGPoint { // TODO: Implement getPointAtLength() return new SVGPoint(PropertySymbol.illegalConstructor, this[PropertySymbol.window]); } }