import Event from '../../event/Event.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import DOMExceptionNameEnum from '../../exception/DOMExceptionNameEnum.js'; import HTMLElement from '../html-element/HTMLElement.js'; import HTMLFormElement from '../html-form-element/HTMLFormElement.js'; import HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum from '../html-input-element/HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum.js'; import HTMLInputElementSelectionModeEnum from '../html-input-element/HTMLInputElementSelectionModeEnum.js'; import ValidityState from '../../validity-state/ValidityState.js'; import HTMLLabelElement from '../html-label-element/HTMLLabelElement.js'; import HTMLLabelElementUtility from '../html-label-element/HTMLLabelElementUtility.js'; import NodeList from '../node/NodeList.js'; /** * HTML Text Area Element. * * Reference: * */ export default class HTMLTextAreaElement extends HTMLElement { // Public properties public declare cloneNode: (deep?: boolean) => HTMLTextAreaElement; public readonly type = 'textarea'; // Events public oninput: (event: Event) => void | null = null; public onselectionchange: (event: Event) => void | null = null; // Internal properties public [PropertySymbol.validationMessage] = ''; public [PropertySymbol.validity] = new ValidityState(this); public [PropertySymbol.value] = null; public [PropertySymbol.textAreaNode] = this; public [PropertySymbol.formNode]: HTMLFormElement | null = null; // Private properties #selectionStart = null; #selectionEnd = null; #selectionDirection = HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum.none; /** * Returns validation message. * * @returns Validation message. */ public get validationMessage(): string { return this[PropertySymbol.validationMessage]; } /** * Returns validity. * * @returns Validity. */ public get validity(): ValidityState { return this[PropertySymbol.validity]; } /** * Returns the default value. * * @returns Default value. */ public get defaultValue(): string { return this.textContent; } /** * Sets the default value. * * @param defaultValue Default value. */ public set defaultValue(defaultValue: string) { this.textContent = defaultValue; } /** * Returns minlength. * * @returns Min length. */ public get minLength(): number { const minLength = this.getAttribute('minlength'); if (minLength !== null) { return parseInt(minLength); } return -1; } /** * Sets minlength. * * @param minLength Min length. */ public set minLength(minlength: number) { this.setAttribute('minlength', String(minlength)); } /** * Returns maxlength. * * @returns Max length. */ public get maxLength(): number { const maxLength = this.getAttribute('maxlength'); if (maxLength !== null) { return parseInt(maxLength); } return -1; } /** * Sets maxlength. * * @param maxlength Max length. */ public set maxLength(maxLength: number) { this.setAttribute('maxlength', String(maxLength)); } /** * Returns name. * * @returns Name. */ public get name(): string { return this.getAttribute('name') || ''; } /** * Sets name. * * @param name Name. */ public set name(name: string) { this.setAttribute('name', name); } /** * Returns placeholder. * * @returns Placeholder. */ public get placeholder(): string { return this.getAttribute('placeholder') || ''; } /** * Sets placeholder. * * @param placeholder Placeholder. */ public set placeholder(placeholder: string) { this.setAttribute('placeholder', placeholder); } /** * Returns inputmode. * * @returns Inputmode. */ public get inputMode(): string { return this.getAttribute('inputmode') || ''; } /** * Sets inputmode. * * @param inputmode Inputmode. */ public set inputMode(inputmode: string) { this.setAttribute('inputmode', inputmode); } /** * Returns cols. * * @returns Cols. */ public get cols(): string { return this.getAttribute('cols') || ''; } /** * Sets cols. * * @param cols Cols. */ public set cols(cols: string) { this.setAttribute('cols', cols); } /** * Returns rows. * * @returns Rows. */ public get rows(): string { return this.getAttribute('rows') || ''; } /** * Sets rows. * * @param rows Rows. */ public set rows(rows: string) { this.setAttribute('rows', rows); } /** * Returns autocomplete. * * @returns Autocomplete. */ public get autocomplete(): string { return this.getAttribute('autocomplete') || ''; } /** * Sets autocomplete. * * @param autocomplete Autocomplete. */ public set autocomplete(autocomplete: string) { this.setAttribute('autocomplete', autocomplete); } /** * Returns readOnly. * * @returns ReadOnly. */ public get readOnly(): boolean { return this.getAttribute('readonly') !== null; } /** * Sets readOnly. * * @param readOnly ReadOnly. */ public set readOnly(readOnly: boolean) { if (!readOnly) { this.removeAttribute('readonly'); } else { this.setAttribute('readonly', ''); } } /** * Returns disabled. * * @returns Disabled. */ public get disabled(): boolean { return this.getAttribute('disabled') !== null; } /** * Sets disabled. * * @param disabled Disabled. */ public set disabled(disabled: boolean) { if (!disabled) { this.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { this.setAttribute('disabled', ''); } } /** * Returns autofocus. * * @returns Autofocus. */ public get autofocus(): boolean { return this.getAttribute('autofocus') !== null; } /** * Sets autofocus. * * @param autofocus Autofocus. */ public set autofocus(autofocus: boolean) { if (!autofocus) { this.removeAttribute('autofocus'); } else { this.setAttribute('autofocus', ''); } } /** * Returns required. * * @returns Required. */ public get required(): boolean { return this.getAttribute('required') !== null; } /** * Sets required. * * @param required Required. */ public set required(required: boolean) { if (!required) { this.removeAttribute('required'); } else { this.setAttribute('required', ''); } } /** * Returns value. * * @returns Value. */ public get value(): string { if (this[PropertySymbol.value] === null) { return this.textContent; } return this[PropertySymbol.value]; } /** * Sets value. * * @param value Value. */ public set value(value: string) { const oldValue = this[PropertySymbol.value]; this[PropertySymbol.value] = value; if (oldValue !== this[PropertySymbol.value]) { this.#selectionStart = this[PropertySymbol.value].length; this.#selectionEnd = this[PropertySymbol.value].length; this.#selectionDirection = HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum.none; } } /** * Returns selection start. * * @returns Selection start. */ public get selectionStart(): number { if (this.#selectionStart === null) { return this.value.length; } return this.#selectionStart; } /** * Sets selection start. * * @param start Start. */ public set selectionStart(start: number) { this.setSelectionRange(start, Math.max(start, this.selectionEnd), this.#selectionDirection); } /** * Returns selection end. * * @returns Selection end. */ public get selectionEnd(): number { if (this.#selectionEnd === null) { return this.value.length; } return this.#selectionEnd; } /** * Sets selection end. * * @param end End. */ public set selectionEnd(end: number) { this.setSelectionRange(this.selectionStart, end, this.#selectionDirection); } /** * Returns selection direction. * * @returns Selection direction. */ public get selectionDirection(): string { return this.#selectionDirection; } /** * Sets selection direction. * * @param direction Direction. */ public set selectionDirection(direction: string) { this.setSelectionRange(this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd, direction); } /** * Returns the parent form element. * * @returns Form. */ public get form(): HTMLFormElement { if (this[PropertySymbol.formNode]) { return this[PropertySymbol.formNode]; } const id = this[PropertySymbol.attributes][PropertySymbol.namedItems].get('form')?.[ PropertySymbol.value ]; if (!id || !this[PropertySymbol.isConnected]) { return null; } return this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].getElementById(id); } /** * Returns text length. * * @param Text Length. */ public get textLength(): number { return this.value.length; } /** * Returns the associated label elements. * * @returns Label elements. */ public get labels(): NodeList { return HTMLLabelElementUtility.getAssociatedLabelElements(this); } /** * Selects the text. */ public select(): void { this.#selectionStart = 0; this.#selectionEnd = this.value.length; this.#selectionDirection = HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum.none; this.dispatchEvent(new Event('select', { bubbles: true, cancelable: false })); } /** * Set selection range. * * @param start Start. * @param end End. * @param [direction="none"] Direction. */ public setSelectionRange(start: number, end: number, direction = 'none'): void { this.#selectionEnd = Math.min(end, this.value.length); this.#selectionStart = Math.min(start, this.selectionEnd); this.#selectionDirection = direction === HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum.forward || direction === HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum.backward ? direction : HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum.none; this.dispatchEvent(new Event('select', { bubbles: true, cancelable: false })); } /** * Set range text. * * @param replacement Replacement. * @param [start] Start. * @param [end] End. * @param [direction] Direction. * @param selectionMode */ public setRangeText( replacement: string, start: number = null, end: number = null, selectionMode = HTMLInputElementSelectionModeEnum.preserve ): void { if (start === null) { start = this.#selectionStart; } if (end === null) { end = this.#selectionEnd; } if (start > end) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException( 'The index is not in the allowed range.', DOMExceptionNameEnum.invalidStateError ); } start = Math.min(start, this.value.length); end = Math.min(end, this.value.length); const val = this.value; let selectionStart = this.#selectionStart; let selectionEnd = this.#selectionEnd; this.value = val.slice(0, start) + replacement + val.slice(end); const newEnd = start + this.value.length; switch (selectionMode) { case this.setSelectionRange(start, newEnd); break; case HTMLInputElementSelectionModeEnum.start: this.setSelectionRange(start, start); break; case HTMLInputElementSelectionModeEnum.end: this.setSelectionRange(newEnd, newEnd); break; default: const delta = replacement.length - (end - start); if (selectionStart > end) { selectionStart += delta; } else if (selectionStart > start) { selectionStart = start; } if (selectionEnd > end) { selectionEnd += delta; } else if (selectionEnd > start) { selectionEnd = newEnd; } this.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd); break; } } /** * Sets validation message. * * @param message Message. */ public setCustomValidity(message: string): void { this[PropertySymbol.validationMessage] = String(message); } /** * Checks validity. * * @returns "true" if the field is valid. */ public checkValidity(): boolean { const valid = this.disabled || this.readOnly || this[PropertySymbol.validity].valid; if (!valid) { this.dispatchEvent(new Event('invalid', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true })); } return valid; } /** * Reports validity. * * @returns "true" if the field is valid. */ public reportValidity(): boolean { return this.checkValidity(); } /** * @override */ public override [PropertySymbol.cloneNode](deep = false): HTMLTextAreaElement { const clone = super[PropertySymbol.cloneNode](deep); clone[PropertySymbol.value] = this[PropertySymbol.value]; clone.#selectionStart = this.#selectionStart; clone.#selectionEnd = this.#selectionEnd; clone.#selectionDirection = this.#selectionDirection; return clone; } /** * Resets selection. */ public [PropertySymbol.resetSelection](): void { if (this[PropertySymbol.value] === null) { this.#selectionStart = null; this.#selectionEnd = null; this.#selectionDirection = HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum.none; } } }