import TextTrack from './TextTrack.js'; import EventTarget from '../../event/EventTarget.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import ClassMethodBinder from '../../ClassMethodBinder.js'; /** * TextTrackList. * * @see */ export default class TextTrackList extends EventTarget { // Internal properties public [PropertySymbol.items]: TextTrack[] = []; // Events public onaddtrack: (event: Event) => void = null; public onchange: (event: Event) => void = null; public onremovetrack: (event: Event) => void = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param illegalConstructorSymbol Illegal constructor symbol. * @param items Items. */ constructor(illegalConstructorSymbol: symbol, items: TextTrack[]) { super(); if (illegalConstructorSymbol !== PropertySymbol.illegalConstructor) { throw new TypeError('Illegal constructor'); } this[PropertySymbol.items] = items; const methodBinder = new ClassMethodBinder(this, [TextTrackList, EventTarget]); return new Proxy(this, { get: (target, property) => { if (property === 'length') { return items.length; } if (property in target || typeof property === 'symbol') { methodBinder.bind(property); return target[property]; } const index = Number(property); if (!isNaN(index)) { return items[index]; } }, set(target, property, newValue): boolean { methodBinder.bind(property); if (typeof property === 'symbol') { target[property] = newValue; return true; } const index = Number(property); if (isNaN(index)) { target[property] = newValue; } return true; }, deleteProperty(target, property): boolean { if (typeof property === 'symbol') { delete target[property]; return true; } const index = Number(property); if (isNaN(index)) { delete target[property]; } return true; }, ownKeys(): string[] { return Object.keys(items); }, has(target, property): boolean { if (property in target) { return true; } if (typeof property === 'symbol') { return false; } const index = Number(property); return !isNaN(index) && index >= 0 && index < items.length; }, defineProperty(target, property, descriptor): boolean { methodBinder.preventBinding(property); if (property in target) { Object.defineProperty(target, property, descriptor); return true; } return false; }, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, property): PropertyDescriptor { if (property in target || typeof property === 'symbol') { return; } const index = Number(property); if (!isNaN(index) && items[index]) { return { value: items[index], writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: true }; } } }); } /** * Returns the number of TextTrack objects in the TextTrackList. * * @returns Number of TextTrack objects. */ public get length(): number { return this[PropertySymbol.items].length; } /** * Returns `Symbol.toStringTag`. * * @returns `Symbol.toStringTag`. */ public get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string { return 'TextTrackList'; } /** * Returns `[object NodeList]`. * * @returns `[object NodeList]`. */ public toLocaleString(): string { return '[object TextTrackList]'; } /** * Returns `[object NodeList]`. * * @returns `[object NodeList]`. */ public toString(): string { return '[object TextTrackList]'; } /** * Returns an iterator, allowing you to go through all values of the key/value pairs contained in this object. * * @returns Iterator. */ public [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator { const items = this[PropertySymbol.items]; return items[Symbol.iterator](); } /** * Returns the TextTrack found within the TextTrackList whose id matches the specified string. If no match is found, null is returned. * * @param id Text track cue identifier. * @returns TextTrack. */ public getTrackById(id: string): TextTrack | null { for (const cue of this[PropertySymbol.items]) { if ( === id) { return cue; } } return null; } }