import CSSStyleSheet from '../../css/CSSStyleSheet.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import HTMLElement from '../html-element/HTMLElement.js'; import Event from '../../event/Event.js'; import ErrorEvent from '../../event/events/ErrorEvent.js'; import DOMTokenList from '../../dom/DOMTokenList.js'; import Attr from '../attr/Attr.js'; import WindowErrorUtility from '../../window/WindowErrorUtility.js'; import DOMExceptionNameEnum from '../../exception/DOMExceptionNameEnum.js'; import ResourceFetch from '../../fetch/ResourceFetch.js'; import DocumentReadyStateManager from '../document/DocumentReadyStateManager.js'; import WindowBrowserContext from '../../window/WindowBrowserContext.js'; /** * HTML Link Element. * * Reference: * */ export default class HTMLLinkElement extends HTMLElement { // Events public onerror: (event: ErrorEvent) => void = null; public onload: (event: Event) => void = null; // Internal properties public [PropertySymbol.sheet]: CSSStyleSheet = null; public [PropertySymbol.evaluateCSS] = true; public [PropertySymbol.relList]: DOMTokenList | null = null; #loadedStyleSheetURL: string | null = null; /** * Returns sheet. */ public get sheet(): CSSStyleSheet { return this[PropertySymbol.sheet]; } /** * Returns rel list. * * @returns Rel list. */ public get relList(): DOMTokenList { if (!this[PropertySymbol.relList]) { this[PropertySymbol.relList] = new DOMTokenList( PropertySymbol.illegalConstructor, this, 'rel' ); } return this[PropertySymbol.relList]; } /** * Returns as. * * @returns As. */ public get as(): string { return this.getAttribute('as') || ''; } /** * Sets crossOrigin. * * @param crossOrigin CrossOrigin. */ public set as(as: string) { this.setAttribute('as', as); } /** * Returns crossOrigin. * * @returns CrossOrigin. */ public get crossOrigin(): string { return this.getAttribute('crossorigin') || ''; } /** * Sets crossOrigin. * * @param crossOrigin CrossOrigin. */ public set crossOrigin(crossOrigin: string) { this.setAttribute('crossorigin', crossOrigin); } /** * Returns href. * * @returns Href. */ public get href(): string { if (!this.hasAttribute('href')) { return ''; } try { return new URL(this.getAttribute('href'), this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].location.href) .href; } catch (e) { return this.getAttribute('href'); } } /** * Sets href. * * @param href Href. */ public set href(href: string) { this.setAttribute('href', href); } /** * Returns hreflang. * * @returns Hreflang. */ public get hreflang(): string { return this.getAttribute('hreflang') || ''; } /** * Sets hreflang. * * @param hreflang Hreflang. */ public set hreflang(hreflang: string) { this.setAttribute('hreflang', hreflang); } /** * Returns media. * * @returns Media. */ public get media(): string { return this.getAttribute('media') || ''; } /** * Sets media. * * @param media Media. */ public set media(media: string) { this.setAttribute('media', media); } /** * Returns referrerPolicy. * * @returns ReferrerPolicy. */ public get referrerPolicy(): string { return this.getAttribute('referrerPolicy') || ''; } /** * Sets referrerPolicy. * * @param referrerPolicy ReferrerPolicy. */ public set referrerPolicy(referrerPolicy: string) { this.setAttribute('referrerPolicy', referrerPolicy); } /** * Returns rel. * * @returns Rel. */ public get rel(): string { return this.getAttribute('rel') || ''; } /** * Sets rel. * * @param rel Rel. */ public set rel(rel: string) { this.setAttribute('rel', rel); } /** * Returns type. * * @returns Type. */ public get type(): string { return this.getAttribute('type') || ''; } /** * Sets type. * * @param type Type. */ public set type(type: string) { this.setAttribute('type', type); } /** * @override */ public override [PropertySymbol.connectedToDocument](): void { super[PropertySymbol.connectedToDocument](); if (this[PropertySymbol.evaluateCSS]) { this.#loadStyleSheet(this.getAttribute('href'), this.getAttribute('rel')); } } /** * @override */ public override [PropertySymbol.onSetAttribute]( attribute: Attr, replacedAttribute: Attr | null ): void { super[PropertySymbol.onSetAttribute](attribute, replacedAttribute); if (attribute[] === 'rel') { this.#loadStyleSheet(this.getAttribute('href'), attribute[PropertySymbol.value]); } else if (attribute[] === 'href') { this.#loadStyleSheet(attribute[PropertySymbol.value], this.getAttribute('rel')); } } /** * Returns a URL relative to the given Location object. * * @param url URL. * @param rel Rel. */ async #loadStyleSheet(url: string | null, rel: string | null): Promise { const window = this[PropertySymbol.window]; const browserFrame = new WindowBrowserContext(window).getBrowserFrame(); if (!browserFrame) { return; } const browserSettings =; if (!url || !rel || rel.toLowerCase() !== 'stylesheet' || !this[PropertySymbol.isConnected]) { return; } let absoluteURL: string; try { absoluteURL = new URL(url, window.location.href).href; } catch (error) { return; } if (this.#loadedStyleSheetURL === absoluteURL) { return; } if (browserSettings && browserSettings.disableCSSFileLoading) { if (browserSettings.handleDisabledFileLoadingAsSuccess) { this.dispatchEvent(new Event('load')); } else { WindowErrorUtility.dispatchError( this, new window.DOMException( `Failed to load external stylesheet "${absoluteURL}". CSS file loading is disabled.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.notSupportedError ) ); } return; } const resourceFetch = new ResourceFetch({ browserFrame, window: window }); const readyStateManager = (<{ [PropertySymbol.readyStateManager]: DocumentReadyStateManager }>( (window) ))[PropertySymbol.readyStateManager]; this.#loadedStyleSheetURL = absoluteURL; readyStateManager.startTask(); let code: string | null = null; let error: Error | null = null; try { code = await resourceFetch.fetch(absoluteURL); } catch (e) { error = e; } readyStateManager.endTask(); if (error) { WindowErrorUtility.dispatchError(this, error); } else { const styleSheet = new CSSStyleSheet(); styleSheet.replaceSync(code); this[PropertySymbol.sheet] = styleSheet; // Computed style cache is affected by all mutations. const document = this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument]; if (document) { for (const item of document[PropertySymbol.affectsComputedStyleCache]) { item.result = null; } document[PropertySymbol.affectsComputedStyleCache] = []; } this.dispatchEvent(new Event('load')); } } }