import HTMLElement from '../html-element/HTMLElement.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import Event from '../../event/Event.js'; import SubmitEvent from '../../event/events/SubmitEvent.js'; import HTMLFormControlsCollection from './HTMLFormControlsCollection.js'; import HTMLInputElement from '../html-input-element/HTMLInputElement.js'; import HTMLSelectElement from '../html-select-element/HTMLSelectElement.js'; import HTMLButtonElement from '../html-button-element/HTMLButtonElement.js'; import IBrowserFrame from '../../browser/types/IBrowserFrame.js'; import BrowserFrameNavigator from '../../browser/utilities/BrowserFrameNavigator.js'; import BrowserWindow from '../../window/BrowserWindow.js'; import THTMLFormControlElement from './THTMLFormControlElement.js'; import QuerySelector from '../../query-selector/QuerySelector.js'; import RadioNodeList from './RadioNodeList.js'; import WindowBrowserContext from '../../window/WindowBrowserContext.js'; import ClassMethodBinder from '../../ClassMethodBinder.js'; import Node from '../node/Node.js'; import Element from '../element/Element.js'; import EventTarget from '../../event/EventTarget.js'; /** * HTML Form Element. * * Reference: * */ export default class HTMLFormElement extends HTMLElement { // Public properties public declare cloneNode: (deep?: boolean) => HTMLFormElement; // Internal properties. public [PropertySymbol.elements]: HTMLFormControlsCollection | null = null; public [PropertySymbol.proxy]: HTMLFormElement; // Events public onformdata: (event: Event) => void | null = null; public onreset: (event: Event) => void | null = null; public onsubmit: (event: Event) => void | null = null; /** * Constructor. */ constructor() { super(); const methodBinder = new ClassMethodBinder(this, [ HTMLFormElement, HTMLElement, Element, Node, EventTarget ]); const proxy = new Proxy(this, { get: (target, property) => { if (property === 'length') { return target[PropertySymbol.getFormControlItems]().length; } if (property in target || typeof property === 'symbol') { methodBinder.bind(property); return target[property]; } const index = Number(property); if (!isNaN(index)) { return target[PropertySymbol.getFormControlItems]()[index]; } return target[PropertySymbol.getFormControlNamedItem](property) || undefined; }, set(target, property, newValue): boolean { methodBinder.bind(property); if (typeof property === 'symbol') { target[property] = newValue; return true; } const index = Number(property); if (isNaN(index)) { target[property] = newValue; } return true; }, deleteProperty(target, property): boolean { if (typeof property === 'symbol') { delete target[property]; return true; } const index = Number(property); if (isNaN(index)) { delete target[property]; } return true; }, ownKeys(target): string[] { return Object.keys(target[PropertySymbol.getFormControlItems]()); }, has(target, property): boolean { if (property in target) { return true; } if (typeof property === 'symbol') { return false; } const items = target[PropertySymbol.getFormControlItems](); const index = Number(property); if (!isNaN(index) && index >= 0 && index < items.length) { return true; } property = String(property); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const item = items[i]; const name = item[PropertySymbol.attributes][PropertySymbol.namedItems].get('id')?.[ PropertySymbol.value ] || item[PropertySymbol.attributes][PropertySymbol.namedItems].get('name')?.[ PropertySymbol.value ]; if (name && name === property) { return true; } } return false; }, defineProperty(target, property, descriptor): boolean { methodBinder.preventBinding(property); if (!descriptor.value) { Object.defineProperty(target, property, descriptor); return true; } const index = Number(descriptor.value); if (isNaN(index)) { Object.defineProperty(target, property, descriptor); return true; } return false; }, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, property): PropertyDescriptor { if (property in target) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, property); } const items = target[PropertySymbol.getFormControlItems](); const index = Number(property); if (!isNaN(index) && index >= 0 && index < items.length) { return { value: items[index], writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: true }; } for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const item = items[i]; const name = item[PropertySymbol.attributes][PropertySymbol.namedItems].get('id')?.[ PropertySymbol.value ] || item[PropertySymbol.attributes][PropertySymbol.namedItems].get('name')?.[ PropertySymbol.value ]; if (name && name === property) { return { value: item, writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: true }; } } } }); this[PropertySymbol.proxy] = proxy; this[PropertySymbol.formNode] = proxy; return proxy; } /** * Returns elements. * * @returns Elements. */ public get elements(): HTMLFormControlsCollection { if (!this[PropertySymbol.elements]) { this[PropertySymbol.elements] = new HTMLFormControlsCollection( PropertySymbol.illegalConstructor, this ); } return this[PropertySymbol.elements]; } /** * Returns length. * * @returns Length. */ public get length(): number { return this[PropertySymbol.getFormControlItems]().length; } /** * Returns name. * * @returns Name. */ public get name(): string { return this.getAttribute('name') || ''; } /** * Sets name. * * @param name Name. */ public set name(name: string) { this.setAttribute('name', name); } /** * Returns method. * * @returns Method. */ public get method(): string { return this.getAttribute('method') || 'get'; } /** * Sets method. * * @param method Method. */ public set method(method: string) { this.setAttribute('method', method); } /** * Returns target. * * @returns Target. */ public get target(): string { return this.getAttribute('target') || ''; } /** * Sets target. * * @param target Target. */ public set target(target: string) { this.setAttribute('target', target); } /** * Returns action. * * @returns Action. */ public get action(): string { if (!this.hasAttribute('action')) { return this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].location.href; } try { return new URL(this.getAttribute('action'), this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].location.href) .href; } catch (e) { return ''; } } /** * Sets action. * * @param action Action. */ public set action(action: string) { this.setAttribute('action', action); } /** * Returns encoding. * * @returns Encoding. */ public get encoding(): string { return this.getAttribute('encoding') || ''; } /** * Sets encoding. * * @param encoding Encoding. */ public set encoding(encoding: string) { this.setAttribute('encoding', encoding); } /** * Returns enctype. * * @returns Enctype. */ public get enctype(): string { return this.getAttribute('enctype') || ''; } /** * Sets enctype. * * @param enctype Enctype. */ public set enctype(enctype: string) { this.setAttribute('enctype', enctype); } /** * Returns autocomplete. * * @returns Autocomplete. */ public get autocomplete(): string { return this.getAttribute('autocomplete') || ''; } /** * Sets autocomplete. * * @param autocomplete Autocomplete. */ public set autocomplete(autocomplete: string) { this.setAttribute('autocomplete', autocomplete); } /** * Returns accept charset. * * @returns Accept charset. */ public get acceptCharset(): string { return this.getAttribute('acceptcharset') || ''; } /** * Sets accept charset. * * @param acceptCharset Accept charset. */ public set acceptCharset(acceptCharset: string) { this.setAttribute('acceptcharset', acceptCharset); } /** * Returns no validate. * * @returns No validate. */ public get noValidate(): boolean { return this.getAttribute('novalidate') !== null; } /** * Sets no validate. * * @param noValidate No validate. */ public set noValidate(noValidate: boolean) { if (!noValidate) { this.removeAttribute('novalidate'); } else { this.setAttribute('novalidate', ''); } } /** * Submits form. No submit event is raised. In particular, the form's "submit" event handler is not run. */ public submit(): void { this.#submit(); } /** * Submits form, reports validity and raises submit event. * * @param [submitter] Submitter. */ public requestSubmit(submitter?: HTMLInputElement | HTMLButtonElement): void { const noValidate = submitter?.formNoValidate || this.noValidate; if (noValidate || this.checkValidity()) { const event = new SubmitEvent('submit', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, submitter: submitter || this[PropertySymbol.proxy] }); this.dispatchEvent(event); if (!event.defaultPrevented) { this.#submit(submitter); } } } /** * Resets form. */ public reset(): void { for (const element of this[PropertySymbol.getFormControlItems]()) { switch (element[PropertySymbol.tagName]) { case 'TEXTAREA': element[PropertySymbol.value] = null; break; case 'INPUT': element[PropertySymbol.value] = null; element[PropertySymbol.checked] = null; break; case 'OUTPUT': element.textContent = element[PropertySymbol.defaultValue]; break; case 'SELECT': let hasSelectedAttribute = false; for (const option of (element).options) { if (option.hasAttribute('selected')) { hasSelectedAttribute = true; option.selected = true; break; } } if (!hasSelectedAttribute && (element).options.length > 0) { (element).options[0].selected = true; } break; } } this.dispatchEvent(new Event('reset', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true })); } /** * Checks validity. * * @returns "true" if validation does'nt fail. */ public checkValidity(): boolean { const radioValidationState: { [k: string]: boolean } = {}; let isFormValid = true; for (const element of this[PropertySymbol.getFormControlItems]()) { if (element[PropertySymbol.tagName] === 'INPUT' && element.type === 'radio' && { if (!radioValidationState[]) { radioValidationState[] = true; if (!element.checkValidity()) { isFormValid = false; } } } else if (!element.checkValidity()) { isFormValid = false; } } return isFormValid; } /** * Reports validity. * * @returns "true" if validation does'nt fail. */ public reportValidity(): boolean { return this.checkValidity(); } /** * @override */ public override [PropertySymbol.cloneNode](deep = false): HTMLFormElement { return super[PropertySymbol.cloneNode](deep); } /** * Returns form control items. * * @returns Form control items. */ public [PropertySymbol.getFormControlItems](): THTMLFormControlElement[] { const elements = ( QuerySelector.querySelectorAll(this, 'input,select,textarea,button,fieldset,object,output')[ PropertySymbol.items ].slice() ); if (this[PropertySymbol.isConnected]) { const id = this[PropertySymbol.attributes][PropertySymbol.namedItems].get('id')?.[ PropertySymbol.value ]; if (id) { for (const element of ( QuerySelector.querySelectorAll( this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument], `input[form="${id}"],select[form="${id}"],textarea[form="${id}"],button[form="${id}"],fieldset[form="${id}"],object[form="${id}"],output[form="${id}"]` )[PropertySymbol.items] )) { if (!elements.includes(element)) { elements.push(element); } } } } return elements; } /** * Returns form control named item. * * @param name * @returns Form control named item. */ public [PropertySymbol.getFormControlNamedItem]( name: string ): THTMLFormControlElement | RadioNodeList | null { const items = this[PropertySymbol.getFormControlItems](); const namedItems = []; name = String(name); for (const item of items) { if ( item[PropertySymbol.attributes][PropertySymbol.namedItems].get('id')?.[ PropertySymbol.value ] === name || item[PropertySymbol.attributes][PropertySymbol.namedItems].get('name')?.[ PropertySymbol.value ] === name ) { namedItems.push(item); } } if (!namedItems.length) { return null; } if (namedItems.length === 1) { return namedItems[0]; } return new RadioNodeList(PropertySymbol.illegalConstructor, namedItems); } /** * Submits form. * * @param browserFrame Browser frame. Injected by the constructor. * @param [submitter] Submitter. */ #submit(submitter?: HTMLInputElement | HTMLButtonElement): void { const action = submitter?.hasAttribute('formaction') ? submitter?.formAction || this.action : this.action; const browserFrame = new WindowBrowserContext(this[PropertySymbol.window]).getBrowserFrame(); if (!browserFrame) { return; } if (!action) { // The URL is invalid when the action is empty. // This is what Chrome does when the URL is invalid. this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].location.hash = '#blocked'; return; } const method = submitter?.formMethod || this.method; const formData = new this[PropertySymbol.window].FormData(this); let targetFrame: IBrowserFrame; switch (submitter?.formTarget || { default: case '_self': targetFrame = browserFrame; break; case '_top': targetFrame =; break; case '_parent': targetFrame = browserFrame.parentFrame ?? browserFrame; break; case '_blank': const newPage =; targetFrame = newPage.mainFrame; targetFrame[PropertySymbol.openerFrame] = browserFrame; break; } if (method === 'get') { const url = new URL(action); for (const [key, value] of formData) { if (typeof value === 'string') { url.searchParams.append(key, value); } } BrowserFrameNavigator.navigate({ windowClass: ( this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument][PropertySymbol.defaultView].constructor ), frame: targetFrame, url: url.href, goToOptions: { referrer: } }); return; } BrowserFrameNavigator.navigate({ windowClass: ( this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument][PropertySymbol.defaultView].constructor ), frame: targetFrame, method: method, url: action, formData, goToOptions: { referrer: } }); } }