import HTMLElement from '../html-element/HTMLElement.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import Blob from '../../file/Blob.js'; import OffscreenCanvas from './OffscreenCanvas.js'; import Event from '../../event/Event.js'; import MediaStream from '../html-media-element/MediaStream.js'; const DEVICE_ID = 'S3F/aBCdEfGHIjKlMnOpQRStUvWxYz1234567890+1AbC2DEf2GHi3jK34le+ab12C3+1aBCdEf=='; /** * HTMLCanvasElement * * @see */ export default class HTMLCanvasElement extends HTMLElement { // Events public oncontextlost: (event: Event) => void | null = null; public oncontextrestored: (event: Event) => void | null = null; public onwebglcontextcreationerror: (event: Event) => void | null = null; public onwebglcontextlost: (event: Event) => void | null = null; public onwebglcontextrestored: (event: Event) => void | null = null; /** * Returns width. * * @returns Width. */ public get width(): number { const width = this.getAttribute('width'); return width !== null ? Number(width) : 300; } /** * Sets width. * * @param width Width. */ public set width(width: number) { this.setAttribute('width', String(width)); } /** * Returns height. * * @returns Height. */ public get height(): number { const height = this.getAttribute('height'); return height !== null ? Number(height) : 150; } /** * Sets height. * * @param height Height. */ public set height(height: number) { this.setAttribute('height', String(height)); } /** * Returns capture stream. * * @param [frameRate] Frame rate. * @returns Capture stream. */ public captureStream(frameRate?: number): MediaStream { const stream = new this[PropertySymbol.window].MediaStream(); const track = new this[PropertySymbol.window].CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack( PropertySymbol.illegalConstructor, this ); track[PropertySymbol.kind] = 'video'; track[PropertySymbol.capabilities].deviceId = DEVICE_ID; track[PropertySymbol.capabilities].aspectRatio.max = this.width; track[PropertySymbol.capabilities].height.max = this.height; track[PropertySymbol.capabilities].width.max = this.width; track[PropertySymbol.settings].deviceId = DEVICE_ID; if (frameRate !== undefined) { track[PropertySymbol.capabilities].frameRate.max = frameRate; track[PropertySymbol.settings].frameRate = frameRate; } stream.addTrack(track); return stream; } /** * Returns context. * * @param _contextType Context type. * @param [_contextAttributes] Context attributes. * @returns Context. */ public getContext( _contextType: '2d' | 'webgl' | 'webgl2' | 'webgpu' | 'bitmaprenderer', _contextAttributes?: { [key: string]: any } ): null { return null; } /** * Returns to data URL. * * @param [_type] Type. * @param [_encoderOptions] Quality. * @returns Data URL. */ public toDataURL(_type?: string, _encoderOptions?: any): string { return ''; } /** * Returns to blob. * * @param callback Callback. * @param [_type] Type. * @param [_quality] Quality. */ public toBlob(callback: (blob: Blob) => void, _type?: string, _quality?: any): void { callback(new Blob([])); } /** * Transfers control to offscreen. * * @returns Offscreen canvas. */ public transferControlToOffscreen(): OffscreenCanvas { return new OffscreenCanvas(this.width, this.height); } }