import Element from '../element/Element.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import BrowserWindow from '../../window/BrowserWindow.js'; import Node from '../node/Node.js'; import NodeIterator from '../../tree-walker/NodeIterator.js'; import TreeWalker from '../../tree-walker/TreeWalker.js'; import DocumentFragment from '../document-fragment/DocumentFragment.js'; import XMLParser from '../../xml-parser/XMLParser.js'; import Event from '../../event/Event.js'; import DOMImplementation from '../../dom-implementation/DOMImplementation.js'; import INodeFilter from '../../tree-walker/INodeFilter.js'; import NamespaceURI from '../../config/NamespaceURI.js'; import DocumentType from '../document-type/DocumentType.js'; import ParentNodeUtility from '../parent-node/ParentNodeUtility.js'; import QuerySelector from '../../query-selector/QuerySelector.js'; import CSSStyleSheet from '../../css/CSSStyleSheet.js'; import HTMLScriptElement from '../html-script-element/HTMLScriptElement.js'; import HTMLElement from '../html-element/HTMLElement.js'; import Comment from '../comment/Comment.js'; import Text from '../text/Text.js'; import NodeList from '../node/NodeList.js'; import HTMLCollection from '../element/HTMLCollection.js'; import HTMLLinkElement from '../html-link-element/HTMLLinkElement.js'; import HTMLStyleElement from '../html-style-element/HTMLStyleElement.js'; import DocumentReadyStateEnum from './DocumentReadyStateEnum.js'; import Location from '../../location/Location.js'; import Selection from '../../selection/Selection.js'; import ShadowRoot from '../shadow-root/ShadowRoot.js'; import Range from '../../range/Range.js'; import Attr from '../attr/Attr.js'; import ProcessingInstruction from '../processing-instruction/ProcessingInstruction.js'; import VisibilityStateEnum from './VisibilityStateEnum.js'; import NodeTypeEnum from '../node/NodeTypeEnum.js'; import CookieStringUtility from '../../cookie/urilities/CookieStringUtility.js'; import { URL } from 'url'; import IHTMLElementTagNameMap from '../../config/IHTMLElementTagNameMap.js'; import ISVGElementTagNameMap from '../../config/ISVGElementTagNameMap.js'; import SVGElement from '../svg-element/SVGElement.js'; import HTMLFormElement from '../html-form-element/HTMLFormElement.js'; import HTMLAnchorElement from '../html-anchor-element/HTMLAnchorElement.js'; import HTMLElementConfig from '../../config/HTMLElementConfig.js'; import HTMLHtmlElement from '../html-html-element/HTMLHtmlElement.js'; import HTMLBodyElement from '../html-body-element/HTMLBodyElement.js'; import HTMLHeadElement from '../html-head-element/HTMLHeadElement.js'; import HTMLBaseElement from '../html-base-element/HTMLBaseElement.js'; import ICachedResult from '../node/ICachedResult.js'; import HTMLTitleElement from '../html-title-element/HTMLTitleElement.js'; import WindowBrowserContext from '../../window/WindowBrowserContext.js'; import NodeFactory from '../NodeFactory.js'; import SVGElementConfig from '../../config/SVGElementConfig.js'; import StringUtility from '../../StringUtility.js'; const PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_TARGET_REGEXP = /^[a-z][a-z0-9-]+$/; /** * Document. */ export default class Document extends Node { // Internal properties public [PropertySymbol.children]: HTMLCollection | null = null; public [PropertySymbol.activeElement]: HTMLElement | SVGElement = null; public [PropertySymbol.nextActiveElement]: HTMLElement | SVGElement = null; public [PropertySymbol.currentScript]: HTMLScriptElement = null; public [PropertySymbol.rootNode] = this; public [PropertySymbol.isFirstWrite] = true; public [PropertySymbol.isFirstWriteAfterOpen] = false; public [PropertySymbol.nodeType] = NodeTypeEnum.documentNode; public [PropertySymbol.isConnected] = true; public [PropertySymbol.adoptedStyleSheets]: CSSStyleSheet[] = []; public [PropertySymbol.implementation] = new DOMImplementation(this); public [PropertySymbol.readyState] = DocumentReadyStateEnum.interactive; public [PropertySymbol.referrer] = ''; public [PropertySymbol.defaultView]: BrowserWindow | null = null; public [PropertySymbol.forms]: HTMLCollection | null = null; public [PropertySymbol.affectsComputedStyleCache]: ICachedResult[] = []; public [PropertySymbol.ownerDocument]: Document = (null); public [PropertySymbol.elementIdMap]: Map< string, { htmlCollection: HTMLCollection | null; elements: Element[] } > = new Map(); public declare cloneNode: (deep?: boolean) => Document; // Private properties #selection: Selection = null; // Events public onreadystatechange: (event: Event) => void = null; public onpointerlockchange: (event: Event) => void = null; public onpointerlockerror: (event: Event) => void = null; public onbeforecopy: (event: Event) => void = null; public onbeforecut: (event: Event) => void = null; public onbeforepaste: (event: Event) => void = null; public onfreeze: (event: Event) => void = null; public onresume: (event: Event) => void = null; public onsearch: (event: Event) => void = null; public onvisibilitychange: (event: Event) => void = null; public onfullscreenchange: (event: Event) => void = null; public onfullscreenerror: (event: Event) => void = null; public onwebkitfullscreenchange: (event: Event) => void = null; public onwebkitfullscreenerror: (event: Event) => void = null; public onbeforexrselect: (event: Event) => void = null; public onabort: (event: Event) => void = null; public onbeforeinput: (event: Event) => void = null; public onblur: (event: Event) => void = null; public oncancel: (event: Event) => void = null; public oncanplay: (event: Event) => void = null; public oncanplaythrough: (event: Event) => void = null; public onchange: (event: Event) => void = null; public onclick: (event: Event) => void = null; public onclose: (event: Event) => void = null; public oncontextlost: (event: Event) => void = null; public oncontextmenu: (event: Event) => void = null; public oncontextrestored: (event: Event) => void = null; public oncuechange: (event: Event) => void = null; public ondblclick: (event: Event) => void = null; public ondrag: (event: Event) => void = null; public ondragend: (event: Event) => void = null; public ondragenter: (event: Event) => void = null; public ondragleave: (event: Event) => void = null; public ondragover: (event: Event) => void = null; public ondragstart: (event: Event) => void = null; public ondrop: (event: Event) => void = null; public ondurationchange: (event: Event) => void = null; public onemptied: (event: Event) => void = null; public onended: (event: Event) => void = null; public onerror: (event: Event) => void = null; public onfocus: (event: Event) => void = null; public onformdata: (event: Event) => void = null; public oninput: (event: Event) => void = null; public oninvalid: (event: Event) => void = null; public onkeydown: (event: Event) => void = null; public onkeypress: (event: Event) => void = null; public onkeyup: (event: Event) => void = null; public onload: (event: Event) => void = null; public onloadeddata: (event: Event) => void = null; public onloadedmetadata: (event: Event) => void = null; public onloadstart: (event: Event) => void = null; public onmousedown: (event: Event) => void = null; public onmouseenter: (event: Event) => void = null; public onmouseleave: (event: Event) => void = null; public onmousemove: (event: Event) => void = null; public onmouseout: (event: Event) => void = null; public onmouseover: (event: Event) => void = null; public onmouseup: (event: Event) => void = null; public onmousewheel: (event: Event) => void = null; public onpause: (event: Event) => void = null; public onplay: (event: Event) => void = null; public onplaying: (event: Event) => void = null; public onprogress: (event: Event) => void = null; public onratechange: (event: Event) => void = null; public onreset: (event: Event) => void = null; public onresize: (event: Event) => void = null; public onscroll: (event: Event) => void = null; public onsecuritypolicyviolation: (event: Event) => void = null; public onseeked: (event: Event) => void = null; public onseeking: (event: Event) => void = null; public onselect: (event: Event) => void = null; public onslotchange: (event: Event) => void = null; public onstalled: (event: Event) => void = null; public onsubmit: (event: Event) => void = null; public onsuspend: (event: Event) => void = null; public ontimeupdate: (event: Event) => void = null; public ontoggle: (event: Event) => void = null; public onvolumechange: (event: Event) => void = null; public onwaiting: (event: Event) => void = null; public onwebkitanimationend: (event: Event) => void = null; public onwebkitanimationiteration: (event: Event) => void = null; public onwebkitanimationstart: (event: Event) => void = null; public onwebkittransitionend: (event: Event) => void = null; public onwheel: (event: Event) => void = null; public onauxclick: (event: Event) => void = null; public ongotpointercapture: (event: Event) => void = null; public onlostpointercapture: (event: Event) => void = null; public onpointerdown: (event: Event) => void = null; public onpointermove: (event: Event) => void = null; public onpointerrawupdate: (event: Event) => void = null; public onpointerup: (event: Event) => void = null; public onpointercancel: (event: Event) => void = null; public onpointerover: (event: Event) => void = null; public onpointerout: (event: Event) => void = null; public onpointerenter: (event: Event) => void = null; public onpointerleave: (event: Event) => void = null; public onselectstart: (event: Event) => void = null; public onselectionchange: (event: Event) => void = null; public onanimationend: (event: Event) => void = null; public onanimationiteration: (event: Event) => void = null; public onanimationstart: (event: Event) => void = null; public ontransitionrun: (event: Event) => void = null; public ontransitionstart: (event: Event) => void = null; public ontransitionend: (event: Event) => void = null; public ontransitioncancel: (event: Event) => void = null; public oncopy: (event: Event) => void = null; public oncut: (event: Event) => void = null; public onpaste: (event: Event) => void = null; public onbeforematch: (event: Event) => void = null; /** * Returns adopted style sheets. * * @returns Adopted style sheets. */ public get adoptedStyleSheets(): CSSStyleSheet[] { return this[PropertySymbol.adoptedStyleSheets]; } /** * Sets adopted style sheets. * * @param value Adopted style sheets. */ public set adoptedStyleSheets(value: CSSStyleSheet[]) { this[PropertySymbol.adoptedStyleSheets] = value; } /** * Returns DOM implementation. * * @returns DOM implementation. */ public get implementation(): DOMImplementation { return this[PropertySymbol.implementation]; } /** * Returns document ready state. * * @returns Document ready state. */ public get readyState(): DocumentReadyStateEnum { return this[PropertySymbol.readyState]; } /** * Returns referrer. * * @returns Referrer. */ public get referrer(): string { return this[PropertySymbol.referrer]; } /** * Returns default view. * * @returns Default view. */ public get defaultView(): BrowserWindow | null { return this[PropertySymbol.defaultView]; } /** * Returns document children. */ public get children(): HTMLCollection { if (!this[PropertySymbol.children]) { const elements = this[PropertySymbol.elementArray]; this[PropertySymbol.children] = new HTMLCollection( PropertySymbol.illegalConstructor, () => elements ); } return this[PropertySymbol.children]; } /** * Returns character set. * * @deprecated * @returns Character set. */ public get charset(): string { return this.characterSet; } /** * Returns character set. * * @returns Character set. */ public get characterSet(): string { const charset = QuerySelector.querySelector(this, 'meta[charset]')?.getAttributeNS( null, 'charset' ); return charset ? charset : 'UTF-8'; } /** * Returns title. * * @returns Title. */ public get title(): string { const element = ParentNodeUtility.getElementByTagName(this, 'title'); if (element) { return element.text.trim(); } return ''; } /** * Returns set title. * */ public set title(title: string) { const element = ParentNodeUtility.getElementByTagName(this, 'title'); if (element) { element.textContent = title; } else { const newElement = this.createElement('title'); newElement.textContent = title; this.head.appendChild(newElement); } } /** * Returns a collection of all area elements and a elements in a document with a value for the href attribute. */ public get links(): NodeList { return >QuerySelector.querySelectorAll(this, 'a[href],area[href]'); } /** * Returns a collection of all form elements in a document. */ public get forms(): HTMLCollection { if (!this[PropertySymbol.forms]) { this[PropertySymbol.forms] = >( ParentNodeUtility.getElementsByTagName(this, 'form') ); } return this[PropertySymbol.forms]; } /** * Last element child. * * @returns Element. */ public get childElementCount(): number { return this[PropertySymbol.elementArray].length; } /** * First element child. * * @returns Element. */ public get firstElementChild(): Element { return this[PropertySymbol.elementArray][0] ?? null; } /** * Last element child. * * @returns Element. */ public get lastElementChild(): Element { const children = this[PropertySymbol.elementArray]; return children[children.length - 1] ?? null; } /** * Returns cookie string. * * @returns Cookie. */ public get cookie(): string { const browserFrame = new WindowBrowserContext(this[PropertySymbol.window]).getBrowserFrame(); if (!browserFrame) { return ''; } return CookieStringUtility.cookiesToString( new URL(this[PropertySymbol.window].location.href), true ) ); } /** * Sets a cookie string. * * @param cookie Cookie string. */ public set cookie(cookie: string) { const browserFrame = new WindowBrowserContext(this[PropertySymbol.window]).getBrowserFrame(); if (!browserFrame) { return; }[ CookieStringUtility.stringToCookie(new URL(this[PropertySymbol.window].location.href), cookie) ]); } /** * Node name. * * @returns Node name. */ public get nodeName(): string { return '#document'; } /** * Returns element. * * @returns Element. */ public get documentElement(): HTMLHtmlElement { return ParentNodeUtility.getElementByTagName(this, 'html'); } /** * Returns document type element. * * @returns Document type. */ public get doctype(): DocumentType { for (const node of this[PropertySymbol.nodeArray]) { if (node instanceof DocumentType) { return node; } } return null; } /** * Returns element. * * @returns Element. */ public get body(): HTMLBodyElement { return ParentNodeUtility.getElementByTagName(this, 'body'); } /** * Returns element. * * @returns Element. */ public get head(): HTMLHeadElement { return ParentNodeUtility.getElementByTagName(this, 'head'); } /** * Returns CSS style sheets. * * @returns CSS style sheets. */ public get styleSheets(): CSSStyleSheet[] { const styles = >( QuerySelector.querySelectorAll(this, 'link[rel="stylesheet"][href],style') ); const styleSheets = []; for (const style of styles) { const sheet = style.sheet; if (sheet) { styleSheets.push(sheet); } } return styleSheets; } /** * Returns active element. * * @returns Active element. */ public get activeElement(): HTMLElement | SVGElement { if ( this[PropertySymbol.activeElement] && !this[PropertySymbol.activeElement][PropertySymbol.isConnected] ) { this[PropertySymbol.activeElement] = null; } if ( this[PropertySymbol.activeElement] && this[PropertySymbol.activeElement] instanceof Element ) { let rootNode: ShadowRoot | Document = ( this[PropertySymbol.activeElement].getRootNode() ); let activeElement = this[PropertySymbol.activeElement]; while (rootNode !== this) { activeElement = (rootNode).host; rootNode = activeElement ? activeElement.getRootNode() : this; } return activeElement; } return this[PropertySymbol.activeElement] || this.body || this.documentElement || null; } /** * Returns scrolling element. * * @returns Scrolling element. */ public get scrollingElement(): HTMLElement { return this.documentElement; } /** * Returns location. * * @returns Location. */ public get location(): Location { return this[PropertySymbol.window].location; } /** * Returns scripts. * * @returns Scripts. */ public get scripts(): HTMLCollection { return this.getElementsByTagName('script'); } /** * Returns base URI. * * @override * @returns Base URI. */ public get baseURI(): string { const element = ParentNodeUtility.getElementByTagName(this, 'base'); if (element) { return element.href; } return this[PropertySymbol.window].location.href; } /** * Returns URL. * * @returns URL of the current document. * */ public get URL(): string { return this[PropertySymbol.window].location.href; } /** * Returns document URI. * * @returns URL of the current document. * */ public get documentURI(): string { return this.URL; } /** * Returns domain. * * @returns Domain. * */ public get domain(): string { return this[PropertySymbol.window].location.hostname; } /** * Returns document visibility state. * * @returns the visibility state of the current document. * */ public get visibilityState(): VisibilityStateEnum { if (this.defaultView) { return VisibilityStateEnum.visible; } return VisibilityStateEnum.hidden; } /** * Returns document hidden state. * * @returns the hidden state of the current document. * */ public get hidden(): boolean { if (this.defaultView) { return false; } return true; } /** * Gets the currently executing script element. * * @returns the currently executing script element. */ public get currentScript(): HTMLScriptElement { return this[PropertySymbol.currentScript]; } /** * Inserts a set of Node objects or DOMString objects after the last child of the ParentNode. DOMString objects are inserted as equivalent Text nodes. * * @param nodes List of Node or DOMString. */ public append(...nodes: (Node | string)[]): void { ParentNodeUtility.append(this, ...nodes); } /** * Inserts a set of Node objects or DOMString objects before the first child of the ParentNode. DOMString objects are inserted as equivalent Text nodes. * * @param nodes List of Node or DOMString. */ public prepend(...nodes: (Node | string)[]): void { ParentNodeUtility.prepend(this, ...nodes); } /** * Replaces the existing children of a node with a specified new set of children. * * @param nodes List of Node or DOMString. */ public replaceChildren(...nodes: (Node | string)[]): void { ParentNodeUtility.replaceChildren(this, ...nodes); } /** * Query CSS selector to find matching nodes. * * @param selector CSS selector. * @returns Matching elements. */ public querySelectorAll( selector: K ): NodeList; /** * Query CSS selector to find matching elments. * * @param selector CSS selector. * @returns Matching elements. */ public querySelectorAll( selector: K ): NodeList; /** * Query CSS selector to find matching elments. * * @param selector CSS selector. * @returns Matching elements. */ public querySelectorAll(selector: string): NodeList; /** * Query CSS selector to find matching elments. * * @param selector CSS selector. * @returns Matching elements. */ public querySelectorAll(selector: string): NodeList { return QuerySelector.querySelectorAll(this, selector); } /** * Query CSS Selector to find matching node. * * @param selector CSS selector. * @returns Matching element. */ public querySelector( selector: K ): IHTMLElementTagNameMap[K] | null; /** * Query CSS Selector to find matching node. * * @param selector CSS selector. * @returns Matching element. */ public querySelector( selector: K ): ISVGElementTagNameMap[K] | null; /** * Query CSS Selector to find matching node. * * @param selector CSS selector. * @returns Matching element. */ public querySelector(selector: string): Element | null; /** * Query CSS Selector to find matching node. * * @param selector CSS selector. * @returns Matching element. */ public querySelector(selector: string): Element | null { return QuerySelector.querySelector(this, selector); } /** * Returns true if the command is supported. * @deprecated * @param _ Command. * @returns True if the command is supported, false otherwise. */ public queryCommandSupported(_: string): boolean { if (!arguments.length) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].TypeError( "Failed to execute 'queryCommandSupported' on 'Document': 1 argument required, but only 0 present." ); } return true; } /** * Returns an elements by class name. * * @param className Tag name. * @returns Matching element. */ public getElementsByClassName(className: string): HTMLCollection { return ParentNodeUtility.getElementsByClassName(this, className); } /** * Returns an elements by tag name. * * @param tagName Tag name. * @returns Matching element. */ public getElementsByTagName( tagName: K ): HTMLCollection; /** * Returns an elements by tag name. * * @param tagName Tag name. * @returns Matching element. */ public getElementsByTagName( tagName: K ): HTMLCollection; /** * Returns an elements by tag name. * * @param tagName Tag name. * @returns Matching element. */ public getElementsByTagName(tagName: string): HTMLCollection; /** * Returns an elements by tag name. * * @param tagName Tag name. * @returns Matching element. */ public getElementsByTagName(tagName: string): HTMLCollection { return ParentNodeUtility.getElementsByTagName(this, tagName); } /** * Returns an elements by tag name and namespace. * * @param namespaceURI Namespace URI. * @param tagName Tag name. * @returns Matching element. */ public getElementsByTagNameNS( namespaceURI: '', tagName: K ): HTMLCollection; /** * Returns an elements by tag name and namespace. * * @param namespaceURI Namespace URI. * @param tagName Tag name. * @returns Matching element. */ public getElementsByTagNameNS( namespaceURI: '', tagName: K ): HTMLCollection; /** * Returns an elements by tag name and namespace. * * @param namespaceURI Namespace URI. * @param tagName Tag name. * @returns Matching element. */ public getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: string, tagName: string): HTMLCollection; /** * Returns an elements by tag name and namespace. * * @param namespaceURI Namespace URI. * @param tagName Tag name. * @returns Matching element. */ public getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: string, tagName: string): HTMLCollection { return ParentNodeUtility.getElementsByTagNameNS(this, namespaceURI, tagName); } /** * Returns an element by ID. * * @param id ID. * @returns Matching element. */ public getElementById(id: string): Element | null { return ParentNodeUtility.getElementById(this, id); } /** * Returns an element by Name. * * @returns Matching element. * @param name */ public getElementsByName(name: string): NodeList { return QuerySelector.querySelectorAll(this, `[name="${name}"]`); } /** * Replaces the document HTML with new HTML. * * @param html HTML. */ public write(html: string): void { const root = XMLParser.parse(this, html, { evaluateScripts: true }); if (this[PropertySymbol.isFirstWrite] || this[PropertySymbol.isFirstWriteAfterOpen]) { if (this[PropertySymbol.isFirstWrite]) { if (!this[PropertySymbol.isFirstWriteAfterOpen]) {; } this[PropertySymbol.isFirstWrite] = false; } this[PropertySymbol.isFirstWriteAfterOpen] = false; let documentElement = null; let documentTypeNode = null; for (const node of root[PropertySymbol.nodeArray]) { if (node['tagName'] === 'HTML') { documentElement = node; } else if (node[PropertySymbol.nodeType] === NodeTypeEnum.documentTypeNode) { documentTypeNode = node; } if (documentElement && documentTypeNode) { break; } } if (documentElement) { if (!this.documentElement) { if (documentTypeNode) { this.appendChild(documentTypeNode); } this.appendChild(documentElement); const head = ParentNodeUtility.getElementByTagName(this, 'head'); let body = ParentNodeUtility.getElementByTagName(this, 'body'); if (!body) { body = this.createElement('body'); documentElement.appendChild(this.createElement('body')); } if (!head) { documentElement.insertBefore(this.createElement('head'), body); } } else { const rootBody = ParentNodeUtility.getElementByTagName(root, 'body'); const body = ParentNodeUtility.getElementByTagName(this, 'body'); if (rootBody && body) { const childNodes = rootBody[PropertySymbol.nodeArray]; while (childNodes.length) { body.appendChild(childNodes[0]); } } } // Remaining nodes outside the element are added to the element. const body = ParentNodeUtility.getElementByTagName(this, 'body'); if (body) { const childNodes = root[PropertySymbol.nodeArray]; while (childNodes.length) { const child = childNodes[0]; if ( child['tagName'] !== 'HTML' && child[PropertySymbol.nodeType] !== NodeTypeEnum.documentTypeNode ) { body.appendChild(child); } } } } else { const documentElement = this.createElement('html'); const bodyElement = this.createElement('body'); const headElement = this.createElement('head'); const childNodes = root[PropertySymbol.nodeArray]; while (childNodes.length) { bodyElement.appendChild(childNodes[0]); } documentElement.appendChild(headElement); documentElement.appendChild(bodyElement); this.appendChild(documentElement); } } else { const bodyNode = ParentNodeUtility.getElementByTagName(root, 'body'); const body = ParentNodeUtility.getElementByTagName(this, 'body'); const childNodes = ((bodyNode || root))[PropertySymbol.nodeArray]; while (childNodes.length) { body.appendChild(childNodes[0]); } } } /** * Opens the document. * * @returns Document. */ public open(): Document { this[PropertySymbol.isFirstWriteAfterOpen] = true; for (const eventType of this[PropertySymbol.listeners].bubbling.keys()) { const listeners = this[PropertySymbol.listeners].bubbling.get(eventType); if (listeners) { for (const listener of listeners) { this.removeEventListener(eventType, listener); } } } for (const eventType of this[PropertySymbol.listeners].capturing.keys()) { const listeners = this[PropertySymbol.listeners].capturing.get(eventType); if (listeners) { for (const listener of listeners) { this.removeEventListener(eventType, listener); } } } const childNodes = this[PropertySymbol.nodeArray]; while (childNodes.length) { this.removeChild(childNodes[0]); } return this; } /** * Closes the document. */ public close(): void {} /* eslint-disable jsdoc/valid-types */ /** * Creates an element. * * @param qualifiedName Tag name. * @param [options] Options. * @param [] Tag name of a custom element previously defined via customElements.define(). * @returns Element. */ public createElement( qualifiedName: K, options?: { is?: string } ): IHTMLElementTagNameMap[K]; /** * Creates an element. * * @param qualifiedName Tag name. * @param [options] Options. * @param [] Tag name of a custom element previously defined via customElements.define(). * @returns Element. */ public createElement( qualifiedName: K, options?: { is?: string } ): ISVGElementTagNameMap[K]; /** * Creates an element. * * @param qualifiedName Tag name. * @param [options] Options. * @param [] Tag name of a custom element previously defined via customElements.define(). * @returns Element. */ public createElement(qualifiedName: string, options?: { is?: string }): HTMLElement; /** * Creates an element. * * @param qualifiedName Tag name. * @param [options] Options. * @param [] Tag name of a custom element previously defined via customElements.define(). * @returns Element. */ public createElement(qualifiedName: string, options?: { is?: string }): HTMLElement { return ( this.createElementNS( NamespaceURI.html, StringUtility.asciiLowerCase(String(qualifiedName)), options ) ); } /** * Creates an element with the specified namespace URI and qualified name. * * @param namespaceURI Namespace URI. * @param qualifiedName Tag name. * @param [options] Options. * @param [] Tag name of a custom element previously defined via customElements.define(). * @returns Element. */ public createElementNS( namespaceURI: '', qualifiedName: K, options?: { is?: string } ): IHTMLElementTagNameMap[K]; /** * Creates an element with the specified namespace URI and qualified name. * * @param namespaceURI Namespace URI. * @param qualifiedName Tag name. * @param [options] Options. * @param [] Tag name of a custom element previously defined via customElements.define(). * @returns Element. */ public createElementNS( namespaceURI: '', qualifiedName: K, options?: { is?: string } ): ISVGElementTagNameMap[K]; /** * Creates an element with the specified namespace URI and qualified name. * * @param namespaceURI Namespace URI. * @param qualifiedName Tag name. * @param [options] Options. * @param [] Tag name of a custom element previously defined via customElements.define(). * @returns Element. */ public createElementNS( namespaceURI: string, qualifiedName: string, options?: { is?: string } ): Element; /** * Creates an element with the specified namespace URI and qualified name. * * @param namespaceURI Namespace URI. * @param qualifiedName Tag name. * @param [options] Options. * @param [] Tag name of a custom element previously defined via customElements.define(). * @returns Element. */ public createElementNS( namespaceURI: string, qualifiedName: string, options?: { is?: string } ): Element { const window = this[PropertySymbol.window]; qualifiedName = String(qualifiedName); if (!qualifiedName) { throw new window.DOMException( "Failed to execute 'createElementNS' on 'Document': The qualified name provided is empty." ); } // SVG element if (namespaceURI === NamespaceURI.svg) { const config = SVGElementConfig[qualifiedName.toLowerCase()]; const elementClass = config && config.localName === qualifiedName ? window[config.className] : window.SVGElement; const element = NodeFactory.createNode(this, elementClass); element[PropertySymbol.tagName] = qualifiedName; element[PropertySymbol.localName] = qualifiedName; element[PropertySymbol.namespaceURI] = namespaceURI; element[PropertySymbol.isValue] = options && ? String( : null; return element; } // Custom HTML element const customElement = window.customElements[PropertySymbol.registry]?.[ options && ? String( : qualifiedName ]; if (customElement) { const element = new customElement.elementClass(); element[PropertySymbol.tagName] = qualifiedName.toUpperCase(); element[PropertySymbol.localName] = qualifiedName; element[PropertySymbol.namespaceURI] = namespaceURI; element[PropertySymbol.isValue] = options && ? String( : null; return element; } const elementClass = HTMLElementConfig[qualifiedName] ? window[HTMLElementConfig[qualifiedName].className] : null; // Known HTML element if (elementClass) { const element = NodeFactory.createNode(this, elementClass); element[PropertySymbol.tagName] = qualifiedName.toUpperCase(); element[PropertySymbol.localName] = qualifiedName; element[PropertySymbol.namespaceURI] = namespaceURI; element[PropertySymbol.isValue] = options && ? String( : null; return element; } // Unknown HTML element (if it has an hyphen in the name, it is a custom element that hasn't been defined yet) const unknownElementClass = qualifiedName.includes('-') ? window.HTMLElement : window.HTMLUnknownElement; const element = NodeFactory.createNode(this, unknownElementClass); element[PropertySymbol.tagName] = qualifiedName.toUpperCase(); element[PropertySymbol.localName] = qualifiedName; element[PropertySymbol.namespaceURI] = namespaceURI; element[PropertySymbol.isValue] = options && ? String( : null; return element; } /* eslint-enable jsdoc/valid-types */ /** * Creates a text node. * * @param [data] Text data. * @returns Text node. */ public createTextNode(data: string): Text { if (arguments.length < 1) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].TypeError( `Failed to execute 'createTextNode' on 'Document': 1 argument required, but only ${arguments.length} present.` ); } // We should use the NodeFactory and not the class constructor, so that owner document will be this document return NodeFactory.createNode(this, Text, String(data)); } /** * Creates a comment node. * * @param [data] Text data. * @returns Text node. */ public createComment(data?: string): Comment { if (arguments.length < 1) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].TypeError( `Failed to execute 'createComment' on 'Document': 1 argument required, but only ${arguments.length} present.` ); } // We should use the NodeFactory and not the class constructor, so that owner document will be this document return NodeFactory.createNode(this, Comment, String(data)); } /** * Creates a document fragment. * * @returns Document fragment. */ public createDocumentFragment(): DocumentFragment { // We should use the NodeFactory and not the class constructor, so that owner document will be this document return NodeFactory.createNode(this, DocumentFragment); } /** * Creates a node iterator. * * @param root Root. * @param [whatToShow] What to show. * @param [filter] Filter. */ public createNodeIterator(root: Node, whatToShow = -1, filter: INodeFilter = null): NodeIterator { return new NodeIterator(root, whatToShow, filter); } /** * Creates a Tree Walker. * * @param root Root. * @param [whatToShow] What to show. * @param [filter] Filter. */ public createTreeWalker(root: Node, whatToShow = -1, filter: INodeFilter = null): TreeWalker { return new TreeWalker(root, whatToShow, filter); } /** * Creates an event. * * @deprecated * @param type Type. * @returns Event. */ public createEvent(type: string): Event { if (typeof this[PropertySymbol.window][type] === 'function') { return new this[PropertySymbol.window][type]('init'); } return new Event('init'); } /** * Creates an Attr node. * * @param qualifiedName Name. * @returns Attribute. */ public createAttribute(qualifiedName: string): Attr { return this.createAttributeNS(null, qualifiedName.toLowerCase()); } /** * Creates a namespaced Attr node. * * @param namespaceURI Namespace URI. * @param qualifiedName Qualified name. * @returns Element. */ public createAttributeNS(namespaceURI: string, qualifiedName: string): Attr { // We should use the NodeFactory and not the class constructor, so that owner document will be this document const attribute = NodeFactory.createNode(this, Attr); const parts = qualifiedName.split(':'); attribute[PropertySymbol.namespaceURI] = namespaceURI; attribute[] = qualifiedName; attribute[PropertySymbol.localName] = parts[1] ?? qualifiedName; attribute[PropertySymbol.prefix] = parts[0] ?? null; return attribute; } /** * Imports a node. * * @param node Node to import. * @param [deep=false] Set to "true" if the clone should be deep. */ public importNode(node: Node, deep = false): Node { if (!(node instanceof Node)) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException('Parameter 1 was not of type Node.'); } const clone = node.cloneNode(deep); this.#importNode(clone); return clone; } /** * Creates a range. * * @returns Range. */ public createRange(): Range { return new this[PropertySymbol.window].Range(); } /** * Adopts a node. * * @param node Node to adopt. * @returns Adopted node. */ public adoptNode(node: Node): Node { if (!(node instanceof Node)) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException('Parameter 1 was not of type Node.'); } const adopted = node[PropertySymbol.parentNode] ? node[PropertySymbol.parentNode].removeChild(node) : node; const document = this; Object.defineProperty(adopted, 'ownerDocument', { value: document }); return adopted; } /** * Returns selection. * * @returns Selection. */ public getSelection(): Selection { if (!this.#selection) { this.#selection = new Selection(this); } return this.#selection; } /** * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the document or any element inside the document has focus. * * @returns "true" if the document has focus. */ public hasFocus(): boolean { return !!this.activeElement; } /** * Creates a Processing Instruction node. * * @param target Target. * @param data Data. * @returns ProcessingInstruction. */ public createProcessingInstruction(target: string, data: string): ProcessingInstruction { if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].TypeError( `Failed to execute 'createProcessingInstruction' on 'Document': 2 arguments required, but only ${arguments.length} present.` ); } target = String(target); data = String(data); if (!target || !PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_TARGET_REGEXP.test(target)) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException( `Failed to execute 'createProcessingInstruction' on 'Document': The target provided ('${target}') is not a valid name.` ); } if (data.includes('?>')) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException( `Failed to execute 'createProcessingInstruction' on 'Document': The data provided ('?>') contains '?>'` ); } // We should use the NodeFactory and not the class constructor, so that owner document will be this document const element = NodeFactory.createNode(this, ProcessingInstruction); element[] = data; element[] = target; return element; } /** * Get element at a given point. * * @param _x horizontal coordinate * @param _y vertical coordinate * @returns Always returns null since Happy DOM does not render elements. */ public elementFromPoint(_x: number, _y: number): Element | null { return null; } /** * Imports a node. * * @param node Node. */ #importNode(node: Node): void { node[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument] = this; for (const child of node[PropertySymbol.nodeArray]) { this.#importNode(child); } } }