import * as PropertySymbol from '../PropertySymbol.js'; import HTMLElement from '../nodes/html-element/HTMLElement.js'; import Node from '../nodes/node/Node.js'; import BrowserWindow from '../window/BrowserWindow.js'; import NamespaceURI from '../config/NamespaceURI.js'; /** * Custom elements registry. */ export default class CustomElementRegistry { public [PropertySymbol.registry]: { [k: string]: { elementClass: typeof HTMLElement; extends: string }; } = {}; public [PropertySymbol.classRegistry]: Map = new Map(); public [PropertySymbol.callbacks]: Map void>> = new Map(); public [PropertySymbol.destroyed]: boolean = false; #window: BrowserWindow; /** * Constructor. * * @param window Window. */ constructor(window: BrowserWindow) { if (!window) { throw new TypeError('Illegal constructor'); } this.#window = window; } /** * Defines a custom element class. * * @param name Tag name of element. * @param elementClass Element class. * @param [options] Options. * @param [options.extends] Extends tag name. */ public define( name: string, elementClass: typeof HTMLElement, options?: { extends?: string } ): void { if (this[PropertySymbol.destroyed]) { return; } if (!this.#isValidCustomElementName(name)) { throw new this.#window.DOMException( `Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': "${name}" is not a valid custom element name` ); } if (this[PropertySymbol.registry][name]) { throw new this.#window.DOMException( `Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': the name "${name}" has already been used with this registry` ); } if (this[PropertySymbol.classRegistry].has(elementClass)) { throw new this.#window.DOMException( "Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': this constructor has already been used with this registry" ); } const tagName = name.toUpperCase(); elementClass.prototype[PropertySymbol.window] = this.#window; elementClass.prototype[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument] = this.#window.document; elementClass.prototype[PropertySymbol.tagName] = tagName; elementClass.prototype[PropertySymbol.localName] = name; elementClass.prototype[PropertySymbol.namespaceURI] = NamespaceURI.html; this[PropertySymbol.registry][name] = { elementClass, extends: options && options.extends ? options.extends.toLowerCase() : null }; this[PropertySymbol.classRegistry].set(elementClass, name); // ObservedAttributes should only be called once by CustomElementRegistry (see #117) elementClass[PropertySymbol.observedAttributes] = (elementClass.observedAttributes || []).map( (name) => String(name).toLowerCase() ); const callbacks = this[PropertySymbol.callbacks].get(name); if (callbacks) { this[PropertySymbol.callbacks].delete(name); for (const callback of callbacks) { callback(); } } } /** * Returns a defined element class. * * @param name Tag name of element. * @returns HTMLElement Class defined or undefined. */ public get(name: string): typeof HTMLElement | undefined { return this[PropertySymbol.registry][name]?.elementClass; } /** * Upgrades a custom element directly, even before it is connected to its shadow root. * * Not implemented yet. * * @param _root Root node. */ public upgrade(_root: Node): void { // Do nothing } /** * When defined. * * @param name Tag name of element. */ public whenDefined(name: string): Promise { if (this[PropertySymbol.destroyed]) { return Promise.reject( new this.#window.DOMException( `Failed to execute 'whenDefined' on 'CustomElementRegistry': The custom element registry has been destroyed.` ) ); } if (!this.#isValidCustomElementName(name)) { return Promise.reject( new this.#window.DOMException( `Failed to execute 'whenDefined' on 'CustomElementRegistry': Invalid custom element name: "${name}"` ) ); } if (this.get(name)) { return Promise.resolve(); } return new Promise((resolve) => { const callbacks: Array<() => void> = this[PropertySymbol.callbacks].get(name); if (callbacks) { callbacks.push(resolve); } else { this[PropertySymbol.callbacks].set(name, [resolve]); } }); } /** * Reverse lookup searching for name by given element class. * * @param elementClass Class constructor. * @returns Found tag name or `null`. */ public getName(elementClass: typeof HTMLElement): string | null { return this[PropertySymbol.classRegistry].get(elementClass) || null; } /** * Destroys the registry. */ public [PropertySymbol.destroy](): void { this[PropertySymbol.destroyed] = true; for (const entity of Object.values(this[PropertySymbol.registry])) { entity.elementClass.prototype[PropertySymbol.window] = null; entity.elementClass.prototype[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument] = null; entity.elementClass.prototype[PropertySymbol.tagName] = null; entity.elementClass.prototype[PropertySymbol.localName] = null; entity.elementClass.prototype[PropertySymbol.namespaceURI] = null; } this[PropertySymbol.registry] = {}; this[PropertySymbol.classRegistry] = new Map(); this[PropertySymbol.callbacks] = new Map(); } /** * Validates the correctness of custom element tag names. * * @param name Custom element tag name. * @returns True, if tag name is standard compliant. */ #isValidCustomElementName(name: string): boolean { // Validation criteria based on: // const PCENChar = '[-_.]|[0-9]|[a-z]|\u{B7}|[\u{C0}-\u{D6}]|[\u{D8}-\u{F6}]' + '|[\u{F8}-\u{37D}]|[\u{37F}-\u{1FFF}]' + '|[\u{200C}-\u{200D}]|[\u{203F}-\u{2040}]|[\u{2070}-\u{218F}]' + '|[\u{2C00}-\u{2FEF}]|[\u{3001}-\u{D7FF}]' + '|[\u{F900}-\u{FDCF}]|[\u{FDF0}-\u{FFFD}]|[\u{10000}-\u{EFFFF}]'; const PCEN = new RegExp(`^[a-z](${PCENChar})*-(${PCENChar})*$`, 'u'); const reservedNames = [ 'annotation-xml', 'color-profile', 'font-face', 'font-face-src', 'font-face-uri', 'font-face-format', 'font-face-name', 'missing-glyph' ]; return PCEN.test(name) && !reservedNames.includes(name); } }