import XMLHttpRequestEventTarget from './XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.js'; import XMLHttpRequestReadyStateEnum from './XMLHttpRequestReadyStateEnum.js'; import Document from '../nodes/document/Document.js'; import Blob from '../file/Blob.js'; import XMLHttpRequestUpload from './XMLHttpRequestUpload.js'; import XMLHttpResponseTypeEnum from './XMLHttpResponseTypeEnum.js'; import IRequestBody from '../fetch/types/IRequestBody.js'; /** * XMLHttpRequest. * * Based on: * */ export default class XMLHttpRequest extends XMLHttpRequestEventTarget { #private; static UNSENT: XMLHttpRequestReadyStateEnum; static OPENED: XMLHttpRequestReadyStateEnum; static HEADERS_RECEIVED: XMLHttpRequestReadyStateEnum; static LOADING: XMLHttpRequestReadyStateEnum; static DONE: XMLHttpRequestReadyStateEnum; upload: XMLHttpRequestUpload; withCredentials: boolean; /** * Constructor. */ constructor(); /** * Returns the status. * * @returns Status. */ get status(): number; /** * Returns the status text. * * @returns Status text. */ get statusText(): string; /** * Returns the response. * * @returns Response. */ get response(): ArrayBuffer | Blob | Document | object | string | null; /** * Get the response text. * * @throws {DOMException} If the response type is not text or empty. * @returns The response text. */ get responseText(): string; /** * Get the responseXML. * * @throws {DOMException} If the response type is not text or empty. * @returns Response XML. */ get responseXML(): Document; /** * Returns the response URL. * * @returns Response URL. */ get responseURL(): string; /** * Returns the ready state. * * @returns Ready state. */ get readyState(): XMLHttpRequestReadyStateEnum; /** * Set response type. * * @param type Response type. * @throws {DOMException} If the state is not unsent or opened. * @throws {DOMException} If the request is synchronous. */ set responseType(type: XMLHttpResponseTypeEnum | ''); /** * Get response Type. * * @returns Response type. */ get responseType(): XMLHttpResponseTypeEnum | ''; /** * Opens the connection. * * @param method Connection method (eg GET, POST). * @param url URL for the connection. * @param [async=true] Asynchronous connection. * @param [user] Username for basic authentication (optional). * @param [password] Password for basic authentication (optional). */ open(method: string, url: string, async?: boolean, user?: string, password?: string): void; /** * Sets a header for the request. * * @param name Header name. * @param value Header value. * @returns Header added. */ setRequestHeader(name: string, value: string): boolean; /** * Gets a header from the server response. * * @param header header Name of header to get. * @returns string Text of the header or null if it doesn't exist. */ getResponseHeader(header: string): string | null; /** * Gets all the response headers. * * @returns A string with all response headers separated by CR+LF. */ getAllResponseHeaders(): string; /** * Sends the request to the server. * * @param body Optional data to send as request body. */ send(body?: Document | IRequestBody): void; /** * Aborts a request. */ abort(): void; } //#