import HTMLCollection from '../element/HTMLCollection.js'; import HTMLElement from '../html-element/HTMLElement.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import QuerySelector from '../../query-selector/QuerySelector.js'; import HTMLTableCaptionElement from '../html-table-caption-element/HTMLTableCaptionElement.js'; import HTMLTableSectionElement from '../html-table-section-element/HTMLTableSectionElement.js'; import DOMExceptionNameEnum from '../../exception/DOMExceptionNameEnum.js'; /** * HTMLTableElement * * @see */ export default class HTMLTableElement extends HTMLElement { [PropertySymbol.rows] = null; [PropertySymbol.tBodies] = null; /** * Returns caption. * * @returns Caption. */ get caption() { return QuerySelector.querySelector(this, 'caption'); } /** * Sets caption. * * @param caption Caption. */ set caption(caption) { if (caption) { if (!(caption instanceof HTMLTableCaptionElement)) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].TypeError("Failed to set the 'caption' property on 'HTMLTableElement': Failed to convert value to 'HTMLTableCaptionElement'."); } this.caption?.remove(); this.insertBefore(caption, this.firstChild); } else { this.caption?.remove(); } } /** * Returns table section element. * * @returns Table section element. */ get tHead() { return QuerySelector.querySelector(this, 'thead'); } /** * Sets table section element. * * @param tHead Table section element. */ set tHead(tHead) { if (tHead) { if (!(tHead instanceof HTMLTableSectionElement)) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].TypeError("Failed to set the 'tHead' property on 'HTMLTableElement': Failed to convert value to 'HTMLTableSectionElement'."); } this.tHead?.remove(); // It should be inserted in the tree immediately before the first element that is neither a , nor a let found = false; for (const child of this[PropertySymbol.elementArray]) { if (child[PropertySymbol.tagName] !== 'CAPTION' && child[PropertySymbol.tagName] !== 'COLGROUP') { this.insertBefore(tHead, child); found = true; break; } } // Add as last child if there is no such element if (!found) { this.appendChild(tHead); } } else { this.tHead?.remove(); } } /** * Returns table section element. * * @returns Table section element. */ get tFoot() { return QuerySelector.querySelector(this, 'tfoot'); } /** * Sets table section element. * * @param tFoot Table section element. */ set tFoot(tFoot) { if (tFoot) { if (!(tFoot instanceof HTMLTableSectionElement)) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].TypeError("Failed to set the 'tFoot' property on 'HTMLTableElement': Failed to convert value to 'HTMLTableSectionElement'."); } this.tFoot?.remove(); // It should be inserted in the tree immediately before the first element that is neither a , , nor a let found = false; for (const child of this[PropertySymbol.elementArray]) { if (child[PropertySymbol.tagName] !== 'CAPTION' && child[PropertySymbol.tagName] !== 'COLGROUP' && child[PropertySymbol.tagName] !== 'THEAD') { this.insertBefore(tFoot, child); found = true; break; } } // Add as last child if there is no such element if (!found) { this.appendChild(tFoot); } } else { this.tFoot?.remove(); } } /** * Returns rows. * * @returns Rows. */ get rows() { if (!this[PropertySymbol.rows]) { this[PropertySymbol.rows] = new HTMLCollection(PropertySymbol.illegalConstructor, () => QuerySelector.querySelectorAll(this, 'tr')[PropertySymbol.items]); } return this[PropertySymbol.rows]; } /** * Returns bodies. * * @returns Bodies. */ get tBodies() { if (!this[PropertySymbol.tBodies]) { this[PropertySymbol.tBodies] = new HTMLCollection(PropertySymbol.illegalConstructor, () => (QuerySelector.querySelectorAll(this, 'tbody')[PropertySymbol.items])); } return this[PropertySymbol.tBodies]; } /** * Returns an HTMLTableSectionElement representing the first that is a child of the element. If none is found, a new one is created and inserted in the tree immediately before the first element that is neither a , nor a , or as the last child if there is no such element. * * @returns Table section element. */ createTHead() { const existingTHead = this.tHead; if (existingTHead) { return existingTHead; } const tHead = this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].createElement('thead'); this.tHead = tHead; return tHead; } /** * Removes the first that is a child of the element. */ deleteTHead() { this.tHead = null; } /** * Returns an HTMLTableSectionElement representing the first that is a child of the element. If none is found, a new one is created and inserted in the tree as the last child. * * @returns Table section element. */ createTFoot() { const existingTFoot = this.tFoot; if (existingTFoot) { return existingTFoot; } const tFoot = this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].createElement('tfoot'); this.tFoot = tFoot; return tFoot; } /** * Removes the first that is a child of the element. */ deleteTFoot() { this.tFoot = null; } /** * Returns a HTMLTableSectionElement representing a new that is a child of the element. It is inserted in the tree after the last element that is a , or as the last child if there is no such element. * * @returns Table section element. */ createTBody() { const tBodies = QuerySelector.querySelectorAll(this, 'tbody')[PropertySymbol.items]; const tBody = this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].createElement('tbody'); if (tBodies.length > 0) { const lastTBody = tBodies[tBodies.length - 1]; lastTBody.parentNode.insertBefore(tBody, lastTBody.nextSibling); return tBody; } this.appendChild(tBody); return tBody; } /** * Returns an HTMLTableCaptionElement representing the first that is a child of the element. If none is found, a new one is created and inserted in the tree as the first child of the element. */ createCaption() { const existingCaption = this.caption; if (existingCaption) { return existingCaption; } const caption = this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].createElement('caption'); this.caption = caption; return caption; } /** * Removes the first element at the given index position. If necessary a is created. If the index is -1, the new row is appended to the collection. If the index is smaller than -1 or greater than the number of rows in the collection, a DOMException with the value IndexSizeError is raised. * * @param [index] Index. * @returns Row. */ insertRow(index = -1) { if (typeof index !== 'number') { index = -1; } const rows = QuerySelector.querySelectorAll(this, 'tr')[PropertySymbol.items]; if (index < -1) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException(`Failed to execute 'insertRow' on 'HTMLTableElement': The index provided (${index}) is less than -1.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.indexSizeError); } if (index > rows.length) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException(`Failed to execute 'insertRow' on 'HTMLTableElement': The index provided (${index}) is greater than the number of rows (${rows.length}).`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.indexSizeError); } const row = this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].createElement('tr'); if (index === -1 || index === rows.length) { this.appendChild(row); return row; } rows[index].parentNode.insertBefore(row, rows[index]); return row; } /** * Removes the row corresponding to the index given in parameter. If the index value is -1 the last row is removed; if it is smaller than -1 or greater than the amount of rows in the collection, a DOMException with the value IndexSizeError is raised. * * @param index Index. */ deleteRow(index) { if (arguments.length === 0) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].TypeError("Failed to execute 'deleteRow' on 'HTMLTableElement': 1 argument required, but only 0 present."); } if (typeof index !== 'number') { index = -1; } if (index < -1) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException(`Failed to execute 'deleteRow' on 'HTMLTableElement': The index provided (${index}) is less than -1.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.indexSizeError); } const rows = QuerySelector.querySelectorAll(this, 'tr')[PropertySymbol.items]; if (index >= rows.length) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException(`Failed to execute 'deleteRow' on 'HTMLTableElement': The index provided (${index}) is greater than the number of rows in the table (${rows.length}).`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.indexSizeError); } if (index === -1) { index = rows.length - 1; } rows[index].remove(); } } //#
that is a child of the element. */ deleteCaption() { this.caption = null; } /** * Returns an HTMLTableRowElement representing a new row of the table. It inserts it in the rows collection immediately before the