import HTMLElement from '../html-element/HTMLElement.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import EventPhaseEnum from '../../event/EventPhaseEnum.js'; import MouseEvent from '../../event/events/MouseEvent.js'; /** * HTML Label Element. * * Reference: * */ export default class HTMLLabelElement extends HTMLElement { /** * Returns a string containing the ID of the labeled control. This reflects the "for" attribute. * * @returns ID of the labeled control. */ get htmlFor() { const htmlFor = this.getAttribute('for'); if (htmlFor !== null) { return htmlFor; } return htmlFor !== null ? htmlFor : ''; } /** * Sets a string containing the ID of the labeled control. This reflects the "for" attribute. * * @param htmlFor ID of the labeled control. */ set htmlFor(htmlFor) { this.setAttribute('for', htmlFor); } /** * Returns an HTML element representing the control with which the label is associated. * * @returns Control element. */ get control() { const htmlFor = this.getAttribute('for'); if (htmlFor !== null) { if (!htmlFor || !this[PropertySymbol.isConnected]) { return null; } const control = (this[PropertySymbol.rootNode].getElementById(htmlFor)); if (control) { switch (control[PropertySymbol.tagName]) { case 'INPUT': return control.type !== 'hidden' ? control : null; case 'BUTTON': case 'METER': case 'OUTPUT': case 'PROGRESS': case 'SELECT': case 'TEXTAREA': return control; default: return null; } } } return (this.querySelector('button,input:not([type="hidden"]),meter,output,progress,select,textarea')); } /** * Returns the parent form element. * * @returns Form. */ get form() { return this.control?.form || null; } /** * @override */ [PropertySymbol.cloneNode](deep = false) { return super[PropertySymbol.cloneNode](deep); } /** * @override */ dispatchEvent(event) { const returnValue = super.dispatchEvent(event); if (!event[PropertySymbol.defaultPrevented] && event.type === 'click' && event.eventPhase === EventPhaseEnum.none && event instanceof MouseEvent) { const control = this.control; if (control && !== control) { control.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true })); } } return returnValue; } } //#