import MultipartFormDataParser from '../multipart/MultipartFormDataParser.js'; import { ReadableStream } from 'stream/web'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import { URLSearchParams } from 'url'; import FormData from '../../form-data/FormData.js'; import Blob from '../../file/Blob.js'; import DOMException from '../../exception/DOMException.js'; import DOMExceptionNameEnum from '../../exception/DOMExceptionNameEnum.js'; import { Buffer } from 'buffer'; import Stream from 'stream'; /** * Fetch body utility. */ export default class FetchBodyUtility { /** * Parses body and returns stream and type. * * Based on: * (MIT) * * @param body Body. * @returns Stream and type. */ static getBodyStream(body) { if (body === null || body === undefined) { return { stream: null, buffer: null, contentType: null, contentLength: null }; } else if (body instanceof URLSearchParams) { const buffer = Buffer.from(body.toString()); return { buffer, stream: this.toReadableStream(buffer), contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8', contentLength: buffer.length }; } else if (body instanceof Blob) { const buffer = body[PropertySymbol.buffer]; return { buffer, stream: this.toReadableStream(buffer), contentType: body.type, contentLength: body.size }; } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(body)) { return { buffer: body, stream: this.toReadableStream(body), contentType: null, contentLength: body.length }; } else if (body instanceof ArrayBuffer) { const buffer = Buffer.from(body); return { buffer, stream: this.toReadableStream(buffer), contentType: null, contentLength: body.byteLength }; } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(body)) { const buffer = Buffer.from(body.buffer, body.byteOffset, body.byteLength); return { buffer, stream: this.toReadableStream(buffer), contentType: null, contentLength: body.byteLength }; } else if (body instanceof ReadableStream) { return { buffer: null, stream: body, contentType: null, contentLength: null }; } else if (body instanceof FormData) { return MultipartFormDataParser.formDataToStream(body); } const buffer = Buffer.from(String(body)); return { buffer, stream: this.toReadableStream(buffer), contentType: 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8', contentLength: buffer.length }; } /** * Clones a request or body body stream. * * It is actually not cloning the stream. * It creates a pass through stream and pipes the original stream to it. * * @param requestOrResponse Request or Response. * @param requestOrResponse.body Body. * @param requestOrResponse.bodyUsed Body used. * @returns New stream. */ static cloneBodyStream(requestOrResponse) { if (requestOrResponse.bodyUsed) { throw new DOMException(`Failed to clone body stream of request: Request body is already used.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.invalidStateError); } if (requestOrResponse.body === null || requestOrResponse.body === undefined) { return null; } // If a buffer is set, use it to create a new stream. if (requestOrResponse[PropertySymbol.buffer]) { return this.toReadableStream(requestOrResponse[PropertySymbol.buffer]); } // Pipe underlying node stream if it exists. if (requestOrResponse.body[PropertySymbol.nodeStream]) { const stream1 = new Stream.PassThrough(); const stream2 = new Stream.PassThrough(); requestOrResponse.body[PropertySymbol.nodeStream].pipe(stream1); requestOrResponse.body[PropertySymbol.nodeStream].pipe(stream2); // Sets the body of the cloned request/response to the first pass through stream. requestOrResponse.body = this.nodeToWebStream(stream1); // Returns the clone. return this.nodeToWebStream(stream2); } // Uses the tee() method to clone the ReadableStream // This requires the stream to be consumed in parallel which is not the case for the fetch API const [stream1, stream2] = requestOrResponse.body.tee(); // Sets the body of the cloned request to the first pass through stream. // TODO: check id this is required as request should be read only object requestOrResponse.body == stream1; // Returns the other stream as the clone return stream2; } /** * Consume and convert an entire Body to a Buffer. * * Based on: * (MIT) * * @see * @param body Body stream. * @returns Promise. */ static async consumeBodyStream(body) { if (body === null || !(body instanceof ReadableStream)) { return Buffer.alloc(0); } if (body[PropertySymbol.error]) { throw body[PropertySymbol.error]; } const reader = body.getReader(); const chunks = []; let bytes = 0; try { let readResult = await; while (!readResult.done) { if (body[PropertySymbol.error]) { throw body[PropertySymbol.error]; } const chunk = readResult.value; bytes += chunk.length; chunks.push(chunk); readResult = await; } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof DOMException) { throw error; } throw new DOMException(`Failed to read response body. Error: ${error.message}.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.encodingError); } try { if (typeof chunks[0] === 'string') { return Buffer.from(chunks.join('')); } return Buffer.concat(chunks, bytes); } catch (error) { throw new DOMException(`Could not create Buffer from response body. Error: ${error.message}.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.invalidStateError); } } /** * Wraps a given value in a browser ReadableStream. * * This method creates a ReadableStream and immediately enqueues and closes it * with the provided value, useful for stream API compatibility. * * @param value The value to be wrapped in a ReadableStream. * @returns ReadableStream */ static toReadableStream(value) { return new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { controller.enqueue(value); controller.close(); } }); } /** * Wraps a Node.js stream into a browser-compatible ReadableStream. * * Enables the use of Node.js streams where browser ReadableStreams are required. * Handles 'data', 'end', and 'error' events from the Node.js stream. * * @param nodeStream The Node.js stream to be converted. * @returns ReadableStream */ static nodeToWebStream(nodeStream) { const readableStream = new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { nodeStream.on('data', (chunk) => { controller.enqueue(chunk); }); nodeStream.on('end', () => { controller.close(); }); nodeStream.on('error', (err) => { controller.error(err); }); } }); readableStream[PropertySymbol.nodeStream] = nodeStream; return readableStream; } } //#