import DOMPoint from '../DOMPoint.js'; import IDOMPointInit from '../IDOMPointInit.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import TDOMMatrixInit from './TDOMMatrixInit.js'; import TDOMMatrix2DArray from './TDOMMatrix2DArray.js'; import TDOMMatrix3DArray from './TDOMMatrix3DArray.js'; import IDOMMatrixJSON from './IDOMMatrixJSON.js'; import IDOMMatrixCompatibleObject from './IDOMMatrixCompatibleObject.js'; /** * DOM Matrix. * * Based on: * - * - * - * - * * * 3D Matrix: * _________________________ * | m11 | m21 | m31 | m41 | * | m12 | m22 | m32 | m42 | * | m13 | m23 | m33 | m43 | * | m14 | m24 | m34 | m44 | * -------------------------̣ * * 2D Matrix: * _________________________ * | m11 | m21 | 0 | m41 | * | m12 | m22 | 0 | m42 | * | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | * | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | * ------------------------- * * * @see */ export default class DOMMatrixReadOnly { #private; [PropertySymbol.m11]: number; [PropertySymbol.m12]: number; [PropertySymbol.m13]: number; [PropertySymbol.m14]: number; [PropertySymbol.m21]: number; [PropertySymbol.m22]: number; [PropertySymbol.m23]: number; [PropertySymbol.m24]: number; [PropertySymbol.m31]: number; [PropertySymbol.m32]: number; [PropertySymbol.m33]: number; [PropertySymbol.m34]: number; [PropertySymbol.m41]: number; [PropertySymbol.m42]: number; [PropertySymbol.m43]: number; [PropertySymbol.m44]: number; /** * Constructor. * * @param init Init parameter. */ constructor(init?: TDOMMatrixInit); /** * Returns the `a` value of the matrix. */ get a(): number; /** * Returns the `b` value of the matrix. */ get b(): number; /** * Returns the `c` value of the matrix. */ get c(): number; /** * Returns the `d` value of the matrix. */ get d(): number; /** * Returns the `e` value of the matrix. */ get e(): number; /** * Returns the `f` value of the matrix. */ get f(): number; /** * Returns the `m11` value of the matrix. */ get m11(): number; /** * Returns the `m12` value of the matrix. */ get m12(): number; /** * Returns the `m13` value of the matrix. */ get m13(): number; /** * Returns the `m14` value of the matrix. */ get m14(): number; /** * Returns the `m21` value of the matrix. */ get m21(): number; /** * Returns the `m22` value of the matrix. */ get m22(): number; /** * Returns the `m23` value of the matrix. */ get m23(): number; /** * Returns the `m24` value of the matrix. */ get m24(): number; /** * Returns the `m31` value of the matrix. */ get m31(): number; /** * Returns the `m32` value of the matrix. */ get m32(): number; /** * Returns the `m33` value of the matrix. */ get m33(): number; /** * Returns the `m34` value of the matrix. */ get m34(): number; /** * Returns the `m41` value of the matrix. */ get m41(): number; /** * Returns the `m42` value of the matrix. */ get m42(): number; /** * Returns the `m43` value of the matrix. */ get m43(): number; /** * Returns the `m44` value of the matrix. */ get m44(): number; /** * A `Boolean` whose value is `true` if the matrix is the identity matrix. * * The identity matrix is one in which every value is 0 except those on the main diagonal from top-left to bottom-right corner (in other words, where the offsets in each direction are equal). * * @returns "true" if the matrix is the identity matrix. */ get isIdentity(): boolean; /** * A `Boolean` flag whose value is `true` if the matrix is a 2D matrix and `false` if the matrix is 3D. * * @returns "true" if the matrix is a 2D matrix. */ get is2D(): boolean; /** * Returns a *Float32Array* containing elements which comprise the matrix. * * The method can return either the 16 elements or the 6 elements depending on the value of the `is2D` parameter. * * @param [is2D] Set to `true` to return a 2D matrix. * @returns An *Array* representation of the matrix. */ toFloat32Array(is2D?: boolean): Float32Array; /** * Returns a *Float64Array* containing elements which comprise the matrix. * * The method can return either the 16 elements or the 6 elements depending on the value of the `is2D` parameter. * * @param [is2D] Set to `true` to return a 2D matrix. * @returns An *Array* representation of the matrix */ toFloat64Array(is2D?: boolean): Float64Array; /** * Returns a string representation of the matrix in `CSS` matrix syntax, using the appropriate `CSS` matrix notation. * * Examples: * - `matrix3d(m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, ...)` * - `matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f)` * * @returns A string representation of the matrix. */ toString(): string; /** * Returns an Object that can be serialized to a JSON string. * * The result can be used as a second parameter for the `fromMatrix` static method to load values into another matrix instance. * * @returns An *Object* with matrix values. */ toJSON(): IDOMMatrixJSON; /** * Returns a new DOMMatrix instance which is the result of this matrix multiplied by the passed matrix. * * @param secondMatrix DOMMatrix * @returns A new DOMMatrix object. */ multiply(secondMatrix: IDOMMatrixCompatibleObject): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new DOMMatrix instance which is this matrix post multiplied by a translation matrix containing the passed values. * * @param [x=0] X component of the translation value. * @param [y=0] Y component of the translation value. * @param [z=0] Z component of the translation value. * @returns The resulted matrix */ translate(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new DOMMatrix instance which is this matrix post multiplied by a scale 2D matrix containing the passed values. * * @param [scaleX] X-Axis scale. * @param [scaleY] Y-Axis scale. * @param [scaleZ] Z-Axis scale. * @param [originX] X-Axis scale. * @param [originY] Y-Axis scale. * @param [originZ] Z-Axis scale. * @returns The resulted matrix */ scale(scaleX?: number, scaleY?: number, scaleZ?: number, originX?: number, originY?: number, originZ?: number): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new DOMMatrix instance which is this matrix post multiplied by a scale 3D matrix containing the passed values. * * @param [scale] The scale factor. * @param [originX] X-Axis scale. * @param [originY] Y-Axis scale. * @param [originZ] Z-Axis scale. * @returns The resulted matrix */ scale3d(scale?: number, originX?: number, originY?: number, originZ?: number): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new DOMMatrix instance which is this matrix post multiplied by a scale 3D matrix containing the passed values. * * @param [scaleX] X-Axis scale. * @param [scaleY] Y-Axis scale. * @returns The resulted matrix */ scaleNonUniform(scaleX?: number, scaleY?: number): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new DOMMatrix instance which is this matrix post multiplied by a rotation matrix with the given axis and `angle`. * * @param [x] The X component of the axis vector. * @param [y] The Y component of the axis vector. * @param [z] The Z component of the axis vector. * @param [angle] Angle of rotation about the axis vector, in degrees. * @returns The resulted matrix */ rotateAxisAngle(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number, angle?: number): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new DOMMatrix instance which is this matrix post multiplied by each of 3 rotation matrices about the major axes, first X, then Y, then Z. * * @param [x] X component of the rotation, or Z if Y and Z are null. * @param [y] Y component of the rotation value. * @param [z] Z component of the rotation value. * @returns The resulted matrix */ rotate(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new DOMMatrix instance which is this matrix post multiplied by a rotation matrix with the angle between the specified vector and (1, 0). * * @param [x] X-Axis skew. * @param [y] Y-Axis skew. */ rotateFromVector(x?: number, y?: number): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new DOMMatrix instance that specifies a skew transformation along X-Axis by the given angle. * * @param angle Angle amount in degrees to skew. * @returns The resulted matrix */ skewX(angle: number): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new DOMMatrix instance that specifies a skew transformation along Y-Axis by the given angle. * * @param angle Angle amount in degrees to skew. * @returns The resulted matrix */ skewY(angle: number): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new DOMMatrix instance which is this matrix flipped on X-axis. */ flipX(): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new DOMMatrix instance which is this matrix flipped on Y-axis. */ flipY(): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new DOMMatrix instance which is this matrix inversed. */ inverse(): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new DOMPoint instance with the vector transformed using the matrix. * * @param domPoint DOM point compatible object. * @returns A new DOMPoint object. */ transformPoint(domPoint: IDOMPointInit): DOMPoint; /** * The `setMatrixValue` method replaces the existing matrix with one computed in the browser (e.g.`matrix(1,0.25,-0.25,1,0,0)`). * * @param source A `DOMMatrix`, `Float32Array`, `Float64Array`, `Array`, or DOMMatrix compatible object to set the matrix values from. */ [PropertySymbol.setMatrixValue](source?: TDOMMatrixInit): void; /** * Applies a multiply operation to the current matrix. * * @param matrix Second matrix. */ [PropertySymbol.multiplySelf](matrix: IDOMMatrixCompatibleObject): void; /** * Applies translate to the matrix. * * This method is equivalent to the CSS `translate3d()` function. * * @see * @see * @see * @param [x] X-Axis position. * @param [y] Y-Axis position. * @param [z] Z-Axis position. */ [PropertySymbol.translateSelf](x?: number, y?: number, z?: number): void; /** * Applies a scale to the matrix. * * This method is equivalent to the CSS `scale()` function. * * @see * @see * @see * @param [scaleX] X-Axis scale. * @param [scaleY] Y-Axis scale. * @param [scaleZ] Z-Axis scale. * @param [originX] X-Axis scale. * @param [originY] Y-Axis scale. * @param [originZ] Z-Axis scale. */ [PropertySymbol.scaleSelf](scaleX?: number, scaleY?: number, scaleZ?: number, originX?: number, originY?: number, originZ?: number): void; /** * Applies a scale to the matrix. * * This method is equivalent to the CSS `scale()` function. * * @see * @see * @param [scale] The scale factor. * @param [originX] X-Axis scale. * @param [originY] Y-Axis scale. * @param [originZ] Z-Axis scale. */ [PropertySymbol.scale3dSelf](scale?: number, originX?: number, originY?: number, originZ?: number): void; /** * Applies a scale to the matrix. * * @see * @param [scaleX] X-Axis scale. * @param [scaleY] Y-Axis scale. */ [PropertySymbol.scaleNonUniformSelf](scaleX?: number, scaleY?: number): void; /** * Applies a rotation to the matrix. * * This method is equivalent to the CSS `rotate3d()` function. * * @see * @see * @see * @param [x] X-Axis vector. * @param [y] Y-Axis vector. * @param [z] Z-Axis vector. * @param [angle] Angle in degrees of the rotation. */ [PropertySymbol.rotateAxisAngleSelf](x?: number, y?: number, z?: number, angle?: number): void; /** * Applies a rotation to the matrix. * * @see * @see * @param [x] X-Axis rotation in degrees. * @param [y] Y-Axis rotation in degrees. * @param [z] Z-Axis rotation in degrees. */ [PropertySymbol.rotateSelf](x?: number, y?: number, z?: number): void; /** * Modifies the matrix by rotating it by the angle between the specified vector and (1, 0). * * @param x The X component of the axis vector. * @param y The Y component of the axis vector. */ [PropertySymbol.rotateFromVectorSelf](x?: number, y?: number): void; /** * Applies a skew operation to the matrix on the X axis. * * This method is equivalent to the CSS `skewX()` function. * * @see * @see * @param angle Angle in degrees. */ [PropertySymbol.skewXSelf](angle: number): void; /** * Applies a skew operation to the matrix on the Y axis. * * This method is equivalent to the CSS `skewY()` function. * * @see * @see * @param angle Angle in degrees. */ [PropertySymbol.skewYSelf](angle: number): void; /** * Applies a flip operation to the matrix on the X axis. */ [PropertySymbol.flipXSelf](): void; /** * Applies a flip operation to the matrix on the Y axis. */ [PropertySymbol.flipYSelf](): void; /** * Applies an inversion operation to the matrix. */ [PropertySymbol.invertSelf](): void; /** * Returns an *Array* containing elements which comprise the matrix. * * @param matrix Matrix to convert. * @param [is2D] If the matrix is 2D. * @returns Array representation of the matrix. */ [PropertySymbol.toArray](is2D?: boolean): TDOMMatrix2DArray | TDOMMatrix3DArray; /** * Returns a new `DOMMatrix` instance given an existing matrix. * * @param matrix Matrix. */ static fromMatrix(matrix: IDOMMatrixCompatibleObject): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new `DOMMatrix` instance given an array of 16/6 floating point values. * * @param array An `Array` to feed values from. * @returns DOMMatrix instance. */ static fromFloat32Array(array: Float32Array): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new `DOMMatrix` instance given an array of 16/6 floating point values. * * @param array An `Array` to feed values from. * @returns DOMMatrix instance. */ static fromFloat64Array(array: Float64Array): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new `DOMMatrix` instance given an array of 16/6 floating point values. * * Conditions: * - If the array has six values, the result is a 2D matrix. * - If the array has 16 values, the result is a 3D matrix. * - Otherwise, a TypeError exception is thrown. * * @param array An `Array` to feed values from. * @returns DOMMatrix instance. */ static [PropertySymbol.fromArray](array: any[] | Float32Array | Float64Array): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns a new `DOMMatrix` instance from a DOM transform string. * * @param source valid CSS transform string syntax. * @returns DOMMatrix instance. */ static [PropertySymbol.fromString](source: string): DOMMatrixReadOnly; /** * Returns length. * * @param length Length to convert. * @returns Length. */ private static [PropertySymbol.getLength]; } //#