"use strict"; var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; })); var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); }) : function(o, v) { o["default"] = v; }); var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); __setModuleDefault(result, mod); return result; }; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const HTMLElement_js_1 = __importDefault(require("../html-element/HTMLElement.cjs")); const PropertySymbol = __importStar(require("../../PropertySymbol.cjs")); const ValidityState_js_1 = __importDefault(require("../../validity-state/ValidityState.cjs")); const DOMExceptionNameEnum_js_1 = __importDefault(require("../../exception/DOMExceptionNameEnum.cjs")); const Event_js_1 = __importDefault(require("../../event/Event.cjs")); const HTMLInputElementValueSanitizer_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./HTMLInputElementValueSanitizer.cjs")); const HTMLInputElementSelectionModeEnum_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./HTMLInputElementSelectionModeEnum.cjs")); const HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum.cjs")); const HTMLInputElementValueStepping_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./HTMLInputElementValueStepping.cjs")); const FileList_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./FileList.cjs")); const EventPhaseEnum_js_1 = __importDefault(require("../../event/EventPhaseEnum.cjs")); const HTMLInputElementDateUtility_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./HTMLInputElementDateUtility.cjs")); const HTMLLabelElementUtility_js_1 = __importDefault(require("../html-label-element/HTMLLabelElementUtility.cjs")); const url_1 = require("url"); const MouseEvent_js_1 = __importDefault(require("../../event/events/MouseEvent.cjs")); /** * HTML Input Element. * * Reference: * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLInputElement. * * Used as reference for some of the logic (like selection range): * https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom/blob/master/lib/jsdom/living/nodes/nodes/HTMLInputElement-impl.js (MIT licensed). */ class HTMLInputElement extends HTMLElement_js_1.default { // Events oninput = null; oninvalid = null; onselectionchange = null; [PropertySymbol.value] = null; [PropertySymbol.height] = 0; [PropertySymbol.width] = 0; [PropertySymbol.defaultChecked] = false; [PropertySymbol.checked] = null; [PropertySymbol.validationMessage] = ''; [PropertySymbol.validity] = new ValidityState_js_1.default(this); [PropertySymbol.files] = new FileList_js_1.default(); [PropertySymbol.indeterminate] = false; [PropertySymbol.formNode] = null; [PropertySymbol.popoverTargetElement] = null; // Private properties #selectionStart = null; #selectionEnd = null; #selectionDirection = HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum_js_1.default.none; /** * Returns default checked. * * @returns Default checked. */ get defaultChecked() { return this[PropertySymbol.defaultChecked]; } /** * Sets default checked. * * @param defaultChecked Default checked. */ set defaultChecked(defaultChecked) { this[PropertySymbol.defaultChecked] = defaultChecked; } /** * Returns files. * * @returns Files. */ get files() { return this[PropertySymbol.files]; } /** * Sets files. * * @param files Files. */ set files(files) { this[PropertySymbol.files] = files; } /** * Returns form action. * * @returns Form action. */ get formAction() { if (!this.hasAttribute('formaction')) { return this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].location.href; } try { return new url_1.URL(this.getAttribute('formaction'), this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].location.href).href; } catch (e) { return ''; } } /** * Sets form action. * * @param formAction Form action. */ set formAction(formAction) { this.setAttribute('formaction', formAction); } /** * Returns form enctype. * * @returns Form enctype. */ get formEnctype() { return this.getAttribute('formenctype') || ''; } /** * Sets form enctype. * * @param formEnctype Form enctype. */ set formEnctype(formEnctype) { this.setAttribute('formenctype', formEnctype); } /** * Returns form method. * * @returns Form method. */ get formMethod() { return this.getAttribute('formmethod') || ''; } /** * Sets form method. * * @param formMethod Form method. */ set formMethod(formMethod) { this.setAttribute('formmethod', formMethod); } /** * Returns no validate. * * @returns No validate. */ get formNoValidate() { return this.getAttribute('formnovalidate') !== null; } /** * Sets no validate. * * @param formNoValidate No validate. */ set formNoValidate(formNoValidate) { if (!formNoValidate) { this.removeAttribute('formnovalidate'); } else { this.setAttribute('formnovalidate', ''); } } /** * Returns form target. * * @returns Form target. */ get formTarget() { return this.getAttribute('formtarget') || ''; } /** * Sets form target. * * @param formTarget Form target. */ set formTarget(formTarget) { this.setAttribute('formtarget', formTarget); } /** * Returns the parent form element. * * @returns Form. */ get form() { if (this[PropertySymbol.formNode]) { return this[PropertySymbol.formNode]; } const id = this[PropertySymbol.attributes][PropertySymbol.namedItems].get('form')?.[PropertySymbol.value]; if (!id || !this[PropertySymbol.isConnected]) { return null; } return this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].getElementById(id); } /** * Returns validation message. * * @returns Validation message. */ get validationMessage() { return this[PropertySymbol.validationMessage]; } /** * Returns validity. * * @returns Validity. */ get validity() { return this[PropertySymbol.validity]; } /** * Returns height. * * @returns Height. */ get height() { return this[PropertySymbol.height]; } /** * Sets height. * * @param height Height. */ set height(height) { this[PropertySymbol.height] = height; this.setAttribute('height', String(height)); } /** * Returns width. * * @returns Width. */ get width() { return this[PropertySymbol.width]; } /** * Sets width. * * @param width Width. */ set width(width) { this[PropertySymbol.width] = width; this.setAttribute('width', String(width)); } /** * Returns size. * * @returns Size. */ get size() { const size = this.getAttribute('size'); if (size !== null) { return parseInt(size); } return 20; } /** * Sets size. * * @param size Size. */ set size(size) { this.setAttribute('size', String(size)); } /** * Returns minlength. * * @returns Min length. */ get minLength() { const minLength = this.getAttribute('minlength'); if (minLength !== null) { return parseInt(minLength); } return -1; } /** * Sets minlength. * * @param minLength Min length. */ set minLength(minlength) { this.setAttribute('minlength', String(minlength)); } /** * Returns maxlength. * * @returns Max length. */ get maxLength() { const maxLength = this.getAttribute('maxlength'); if (maxLength !== null) { return parseInt(maxLength); } return -1; } /** * Sets maxlength. * * @param maxlength Max length. */ set maxLength(maxLength) { this.setAttribute('maxlength', String(maxLength)); } /** * Returns type. * * @returns Type. Defaults to "text". */ get type() { return this.getAttribute('type') || 'text'; } /** * Sets type. * * @param type Type. */ set type(type) { this.setAttribute('type', type.toLowerCase()); } /** * Returns name. * * @returns Name. */ get name() { return this.getAttribute('name') || ''; } /** * Sets name. * * @param name Name. */ set name(name) { this.setAttribute('name', name); } /** * Returns alt. * * @returns Alt. */ get alt() { return this.getAttribute('alt') || ''; } /** * Sets alt. * * @param alt Alt. */ set alt(alt) { this.setAttribute('alt', alt); } /** * Returns min. * * @returns Min. */ get min() { return this.getAttribute('min') || ''; } /** * Sets min. * * @param min Min. */ set min(min) { this.setAttribute('min', min); } /** * Returns max. * * @returns Max. */ get max() { return this.getAttribute('max') || ''; } /** * Sets max. * * @param max Max. */ set max(max) { this.setAttribute('max', max); } /** * Returns pattern. * * @returns Pattern. */ get pattern() { return this.getAttribute('pattern') || ''; } /** * Sets pattern. * * @param pattern Pattern. */ set pattern(pattern) { this.setAttribute('pattern', pattern); } /** * Returns placeholder. * * @returns Placeholder. */ get placeholder() { return this.getAttribute('placeholder') || ''; } /** * Sets placeholder. * * @param placeholder Placeholder. */ set placeholder(placeholder) { this.setAttribute('placeholder', placeholder); } /** * Returns step. * * @returns Step. */ get step() { return this.getAttribute('step') || ''; } /** * Sets step. * * @param step Step. */ set step(step) { this.setAttribute('step', step); } /** * Returns inputmode. * * @returns Inputmode. */ get inputMode() { return this.getAttribute('inputmode') || ''; } /** * Sets inputmode. * * @param inputmode Inputmode. */ set inputMode(inputmode) { this.setAttribute('inputmode', inputmode); } /** * Returns accept. * * @returns Accept. */ get accept() { return this.getAttribute('accept') || ''; } /** * Sets accept. * * @param accept Accept. */ set accept(accept) { this.setAttribute('accept', accept); } /** * Returns allowdirs. * * @returns Allowdirs. */ get allowdirs() { return this.getAttribute('allowdirs') || ''; } /** * Sets allowdirs. * * @param allowdirs Allowdirs. */ set allowdirs(allowdirs) { this.setAttribute('allowdirs', allowdirs); } /** * Returns autocomplete. * * @returns Autocomplete. */ get autocomplete() { return this.getAttribute('autocomplete') || ''; } /** * Sets autocomplete. * * @param autocomplete Autocomplete. */ set autocomplete(autocomplete) { this.setAttribute('autocomplete', autocomplete); } /** * Returns src. * * @returns Src. */ get src() { return this.getAttribute('src') || ''; } /** * Sets src. * * @param src Src. */ set src(src) { this.setAttribute('src', src); } /** * Returns defaultValue. * * @returns Defaultvalue. */ get defaultValue() { return this.getAttribute('value') || ''; } /** * Sets defaultValue. * * @param defaultValue Defaultvalue. */ set defaultValue(defaultValue) { this.setAttribute('value', defaultValue); } /** * Returns read only. * * @returns Read only. */ get readOnly() { return this.getAttribute('readonly') !== null; } /** * Sets read only. * * @param readOnly Read only. */ set readOnly(readOnly) { if (!readOnly) { this.removeAttribute('readonly'); } else { this.setAttribute('readonly', ''); } } /** * Returns disabled. * * @returns Disabled. */ get disabled() { return this.getAttribute('disabled') !== null; } /** * Sets disabled. * * @param disabled Disabled. */ set disabled(disabled) { if (!disabled) { this.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { this.setAttribute('disabled', ''); } } /** * Returns autofocus. * * @returns Autofocus. */ get autofocus() { return this.getAttribute('autofocus') !== null; } /** * Sets autofocus. * * @param autofocus Autofocus. */ set autofocus(autofocus) { if (!autofocus) { this.removeAttribute('autofocus'); } else { this.setAttribute('autofocus', ''); } } /** * Returns required. * * @returns Required. */ get required() { return this.getAttribute('required') !== null; } /** * Sets required. * * @param required Required. */ set required(required) { if (!required) { this.removeAttribute('required'); } else { this.setAttribute('required', ''); } } /** * Returns indeterminate. * * @returns Indeterminate. */ get indeterminate() { return this[PropertySymbol.indeterminate]; } /** * Sets indeterminate. * * @param indeterminate Indeterminate. */ set indeterminate(indeterminate) { this[PropertySymbol.indeterminate] = Boolean(indeterminate); } /** * Returns multiple. * * @returns Multiple. */ get multiple() { return this.getAttribute('multiple') !== null; } /** * Sets multiple. * * @param multiple Multiple. */ set multiple(multiple) { if (!multiple) { this.removeAttribute('multiple'); } else { this.setAttribute('multiple', ''); } } /** * Returns checked. * * @returns Checked. */ get checked() { if (this[PropertySymbol.checked] !== null) { return this[PropertySymbol.checked]; } return this.getAttribute('checked') !== null; } /** * Sets checked. * * @param checked Checked. */ set checked(checked) { this.#setChecked(checked); } /** * Returns value. * * @returns Value. */ get value() { switch (this.type) { case 'hidden': case 'submit': case 'image': case 'reset': case 'button': return this.getAttribute('value') || ''; case 'checkbox': case 'radio': const attritube = this.getAttribute('value'); return attritube !== null ? attritube : 'on'; case 'file': return this[PropertySymbol.files].length > 0 ? '/fake/path/' + this[PropertySymbol.files][0].name : ''; } if (this[PropertySymbol.value] === null) { return this.getAttribute('value') || ''; } return this[PropertySymbol.value]; } /** * Sets value. * * @param value Value. */ set value(value) { // The value maybe not string, so we need to convert it to string value = value === null ? '' : String(value); switch (this.type) { case 'hidden': case 'submit': case 'image': case 'reset': case 'button': case 'checkbox': case 'radio': this.setAttribute('value', value); break; case 'file': if (value !== null && value !== '') { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException('Input elements of type "file" may only programmatically set the value to empty string.', DOMExceptionNameEnum_js_1.default.invalidStateError); } this[PropertySymbol.files] = new FileList_js_1.default(); break; default: const oldValue = this.value; this[PropertySymbol.value] = HTMLInputElementValueSanitizer_js_1.default.sanitize(this, value); if (oldValue !== this[PropertySymbol.value]) { this.#selectionStart = this[PropertySymbol.value].length; this.#selectionEnd = this[PropertySymbol.value].length; this.#selectionDirection = HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum_js_1.default.none; } break; } } /** * Returns selection start. * * @returns Selection start. */ get selectionStart() { if (!this.#isSelectionSupported()) { return null; } if (this.#selectionStart === null) { return this.value.length; } return this.#selectionStart; } /** * Sets selection start. * * @param start Start. */ set selectionStart(start) { if (!this.#isSelectionSupported()) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException(`The input element's type (${this.type}) does not support selection.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum_js_1.default.invalidStateError); } this.setSelectionRange(start, Math.max(start, this.selectionEnd), this.#selectionDirection); } /** * Returns selection end. * * @returns Selection end. */ get selectionEnd() { if (!this.#isSelectionSupported()) { return null; } if (this.#selectionEnd === null) { return this.value.length; } return this.#selectionEnd; } /** * Sets selection end. * * @param end End. */ set selectionEnd(end) { if (!this.#isSelectionSupported()) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException(`The input element's type (${this.type}) does not support selection.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum_js_1.default.invalidStateError); } this.setSelectionRange(this.selectionStart, end, this.#selectionDirection); } /** * Returns selection direction. * * @returns Selection direction. */ get selectionDirection() { if (!this.#isSelectionSupported()) { return null; } return this.#selectionDirection; } /** * Sets selection direction. * * @param direction Direction. */ set selectionDirection(direction) { if (!this.#isSelectionSupported()) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException(`The input element's type (${this.type}) does not support selection.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum_js_1.default.invalidStateError); } this.setSelectionRange(this.#selectionStart, this.#selectionEnd, direction); } /** * Returns "true" if it will validate. * * @returns "true" if it will validate. */ get willValidate() { return (this.type !== 'hidden' && this.type !== 'reset' && this.type !== 'button' && !this.disabled && !this['readOnly']); } /** * Returns value as Date. * * @returns Date. */ get valueAsDate() { switch (this.type) { case 'date': case 'month': return isNaN(new Date(String(this.value)).getTime()) ? null : new Date(this.value); case 'week': { const d = HTMLInputElementDateUtility_js_1.default.isoWeekDate(this.value); return isNaN(d.getTime()) ? null : d; } case 'time': { const d = new Date(`1970-01-01T${this.value}Z`); return isNaN(d.getTime()) ? null : d; } default: return null; } } /** * Sets value from a Date. * * @param value Date. */ set valueAsDate(value) { // Specs at https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html#dom-input-valueasdate if (!['date', 'month', 'time', 'week'].includes(this.type)) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException("Failed to set the 'valueAsDate' property on 'HTMLInputElement': This input element does not support Date values.", DOMExceptionNameEnum_js_1.default.invalidStateError); } if (typeof value !== 'object') { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].TypeError("Failed to set the 'valueAsDate' property on 'HTMLInputElement': Failed to convert value to 'object'."); } else if (value && !(value instanceof Date)) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].TypeError("Failed to set the 'valueAsDate' property on 'HTMLInputElement': The provided value is not a Date."); } else if (value === null || isNaN(value.getTime())) { this.value = ''; return; } switch (this.type) { case 'date': this.value = value.toISOString().split('T')[0]; break; case 'month': this.value = value.toISOString().split('T')[0].slice(0, -3); break; case 'time': this.value = value.toISOString().split('T')[1].slice(0, 5); break; case 'week': this.value = HTMLInputElementDateUtility_js_1.default.dateIsoWeek(value); break; } } /** * Returns value as number. * * @returns Number. */ get valueAsNumber() { const value = this.value; if (!this.type.match(/^(range|number|date|datetime-local|month|time|week)$/) || !value) { return NaN; } switch (this.type) { case 'number': return parseFloat(value); case 'range': { const number = parseFloat(value); const min = parseFloat(this.min) || 0; const max = parseFloat(this.max) || 100; if (isNaN(number)) { return max < min ? min : (min + max) / 2; } else if (number < min) { return min; } else if (number > max) { return max; } return number; } case 'date': return new Date(value).getTime(); case 'datetime-local': return new Date(value).getTime() - new Date(value).getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; case 'month': return (new Date(value).getUTCFullYear() - 1970) * 12 + new Date(value).getUTCMonth(); case 'time': return (new Date('1970-01-01T' + value).getTime() - new Date('1970-01-01T00:00:00').getTime()); case 'week': { // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html#week-state-(type=week) const match = value.match(/^(\d{4})-W(\d{2})$/); if (!match) { return NaN; } const d = new Date(Date.UTC(parseInt(match[1], 10), 0)); const day = d.getUTCDay(); const diff = ((day === 0 ? -6 : 1) - day) * 86400000 + parseInt(match[2], 10) * 604800000; return d.getTime() + diff; } } } /** * Sets value from a number. * * @param value number. */ set valueAsNumber(value) { // Specs at https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html switch (this.type) { case 'number': case 'range': // We Rely on HTMLInputElementValueSanitizer this.value = Number(value).toString(); break; case 'date': case 'datetime-local': { const d = new Date(Number(value)); if (isNaN(d.getTime())) { // Reset to default value this.value = ''; break; } if (this.type == 'date') { this.value = d.toISOString().slice(0, 10); } else { this.value = d.toISOString().slice(0, -1); } break; } case 'month': if (!Number.isInteger(value) || value < 0) { this.value = ''; } else { this.value = new Date(Date.UTC(1970, Number(value))).toISOString().slice(0, 7); } break; case 'time': if (!Number.isInteger(value) || value < 0) { this.value = ''; } else { this.value = new Date(Number(value)).toISOString().slice(11, -1); } break; case 'week': { const d = new Date(Number(value)); this.value = isNaN(d.getTime()) ? '' : HTMLInputElementDateUtility_js_1.default.dateIsoWeek(d); break; } default: throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException("Failed to set the 'valueAsNumber' property on 'HTMLInputElement': This input element does not support Number values.", DOMExceptionNameEnum_js_1.default.invalidStateError); } } /** * Returns the associated label elements. * * @returns Label elements. */ get labels() { return HTMLLabelElementUtility_js_1.default.getAssociatedLabelElements(this); } /** * Returns associated datalist element. * * @returns Data list element. */ get list() { const id = this.getAttribute('list'); if (!id) { return null; } const rootNode = this[PropertySymbol.rootNode] || this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument]; return rootNode.querySelector(`datalist#${id}`); } /** * Returns popover target element. * * @returns Popover target element. */ get popoverTargetElement() { return this[PropertySymbol.popoverTargetElement]; } /** * Sets popover target element. * * @param popoverTargetElement Popover target element. */ set popoverTargetElement(popoverTargetElement) { if (popoverTargetElement !== null && !(popoverTargetElement instanceof HTMLElement_js_1.default)) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].TypeError(`Failed to set the 'popoverTargetElement' property on 'HTMLInputElement': Failed to convert value to 'Element'.`); } this[PropertySymbol.popoverTargetElement] = popoverTargetElement; } /** * Returns popover target action. * * @returns Popover target action. */ get popoverTargetAction() { const value = this.getAttribute('popovertargetaction'); if (value === null || (value !== 'hide' && value !== 'show' && value !== 'toggle')) { return 'toggle'; } return value; } /** * Sets popover target action. * * @param value Popover target action. */ set popoverTargetAction(value) { this.setAttribute('popovertargetaction', value); } /** * Sets validation message. * * @param message Message. */ setCustomValidity(message) { this[PropertySymbol.validationMessage] = String(message); } /** * Selects the text. */ select() { if (!this.#isSelectionSupported()) { return null; } this.#selectionStart = 0; this.#selectionEnd = this.value.length; this.#selectionDirection = HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum_js_1.default.none; this.dispatchEvent(new Event_js_1.default('select', { bubbles: true, cancelable: false })); } /** * Set selection range. * * @param start Start. * @param end End. * @param [direction="none"] Direction. */ setSelectionRange(start, end, direction = 'none') { if (!this.#isSelectionSupported()) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException(`The input element's type (${this.type}) does not support selection.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum_js_1.default.invalidStateError); } this.#selectionEnd = Math.min(end, this.value.length); this.#selectionStart = Math.min(start, this.#selectionEnd); this.#selectionDirection = direction === HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum_js_1.default.forward || direction === HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum_js_1.default.backward ? direction : HTMLInputElementSelectionDirectionEnum_js_1.default.none; this.dispatchEvent(new Event_js_1.default('select', { bubbles: true, cancelable: false })); } /** * Set range text. * * @param replacement Replacement. * @param [start] Start. * @param [end] End. * @param [direction] Direction. * @param selectionMode */ setRangeText(replacement, start = null, end = null, selectionMode = HTMLInputElementSelectionModeEnum_js_1.default.preserve) { if (!this.#isSelectionSupported()) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException(`The input element's type (${this.type}) does not support selection.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum_js_1.default.invalidStateError); } if (start === null) { start = this.#selectionStart; } if (end === null) { end = this.#selectionEnd; } if (start > end) { throw new this[PropertySymbol.window].DOMException('The index is not in the allowed range.', DOMExceptionNameEnum_js_1.default.invalidStateError); } start = Math.min(start, this.value.length); end = Math.min(end, this.value.length); const val = this.value; let selectionStart = this.#selectionStart; let selectionEnd = this.#selectionEnd; this.value = val.slice(0, start) + replacement + val.slice(end); const newEnd = start + this.value.length; switch (selectionMode) { case HTMLInputElementSelectionModeEnum_js_1.default.select: this.setSelectionRange(start, newEnd); break; case HTMLInputElementSelectionModeEnum_js_1.default.start: this.setSelectionRange(start, start); break; case HTMLInputElementSelectionModeEnum_js_1.default.end: this.setSelectionRange(newEnd, newEnd); break; default: const delta = replacement.length - (end - start); if (selectionStart > end) { selectionStart += delta; } else if (selectionStart > start) { selectionStart = start; } if (selectionEnd > end) { selectionEnd += delta; } else if (selectionEnd > start) { selectionEnd = newEnd; } this.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd); break; } } /** * Checks validity. * * @returns "true" if the field is valid. */ checkValidity() { const valid = this.disabled || this.readOnly || this.type === 'hidden' || this.type === 'reset' || this.type === 'button' || this[PropertySymbol.validity].valid; if (!valid) { this.dispatchEvent(new Event_js_1.default('invalid', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true })); } return valid; } /** * Reports validity. * * @returns "true" if the field is valid. */ reportValidity() { return this.checkValidity(); } /** * Steps up. * * @param [increment] Increment. */ stepUp(increment) { const newValue = HTMLInputElementValueStepping_js_1.default.step(this.type, this.value, 1, increment); if (newValue !== null) { this.value = newValue; } } /** * Steps down. * * @param [increment] Increment. */ stepDown(increment) { const newValue = HTMLInputElementValueStepping_js_1.default.step(this.type, this.value, -1, increment); if (newValue !== null) { this.value = newValue; } } /** * @override */ [PropertySymbol.cloneNode](deep = false) { const clone = super[PropertySymbol.cloneNode](deep); clone[PropertySymbol.value] = this[PropertySymbol.value]; clone[PropertySymbol.height] = this[PropertySymbol.height]; clone[PropertySymbol.width] = this[PropertySymbol.width]; clone[PropertySymbol.defaultChecked] = this[PropertySymbol.defaultChecked]; clone[PropertySymbol.files] = this[PropertySymbol.files].slice(); clone.#selectionStart = this.#selectionStart; clone.#selectionEnd = this.#selectionEnd; clone.#selectionDirection = this.#selectionDirection; return clone; } /** * @override */ dispatchEvent(event) { if (event[PropertySymbol.type] !== 'click' || event[PropertySymbol.eventPhase] !== EventPhaseEnum_js_1.default.none || !(event instanceof MouseEvent_js_1.default)) { return super.dispatchEvent(event); } // Do nothing if the input element is disabled and the event is a click event. if (this.disabled) { return false; } let previousCheckedValue = null; let previousIndeterminateValue = this[PropertySymbol.indeterminate]; // The checkbox or radio button has to be checked before the click event is dispatched, so that event listeners can check the checked value. // However, the value has to be restored if preventDefault() is called on the click event. const type = this.type; if (type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio') { previousCheckedValue = this.checked; this.#setChecked(type === 'checkbox' ? !previousCheckedValue : true); if (type === 'checkbox') { previousIndeterminateValue = this[PropertySymbol.indeterminate]; this[PropertySymbol.indeterminate] = false; } } // Dispatches the event const returnValue = super.dispatchEvent(event); if (event[PropertySymbol.type] !== 'click' || event[PropertySymbol.eventPhase] !== EventPhaseEnum_js_1.default.none || !(event instanceof MouseEvent_js_1.default)) { return returnValue; } if (event[PropertySymbol.defaultPrevented]) { // Restore checked state if preventDefault() is triggered inside a listener of the click event. if (previousCheckedValue !== null) { this.#setChecked(previousCheckedValue); this[PropertySymbol.indeterminate] = previousIndeterminateValue; } } else { const type = this.type; if (type === 'checkbox' && this[PropertySymbol.isConnected]) { this.dispatchEvent(new Event_js_1.default('input', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true })); this.dispatchEvent(new Event_js_1.default('change', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true })); } else if (type === 'radio' && !previousCheckedValue && this[PropertySymbol.isConnected]) { this.dispatchEvent(new Event_js_1.default('input', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true })); this.dispatchEvent(new Event_js_1.default('change', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true })); } else if (type === 'submit' || type === 'reset') { const form = this.form; if (form) { if (type === 'submit' && this[PropertySymbol.isConnected]) { form.requestSubmit(this); } else if (type === 'reset') { form.reset(); } } } } return returnValue; } /** * Checks is selection is supported. * * @returns "true" if selection is supported. */ #isSelectionSupported() { const inputType = this.type; return (inputType === 'text' || inputType === 'search' || inputType === 'url' || inputType === 'tel' || inputType === 'password'); } /** * Sets checked value. * * @param checked Checked. */ #setChecked(checked) { this[PropertySymbol.checked] = checked; this[PropertySymbol.clearCache](); if (checked && this.type === 'radio' && this.name) { const root = ((this[PropertySymbol.formNode] || this.getRootNode())); const radioButtons = root.querySelectorAll(`input[type="radio"][name="${this.name}"]`); for (const radioButton of radioButtons) { if (radioButton !== this) { radioButton[PropertySymbol.checked] = false; } } } } } exports.default = HTMLInputElement; //# sourceMappingURL=HTMLInputElement.cjs.map